Do Not Anger Pele with disrespectful behavior! Read and sign the behavior contract before we go outside, or face the wrath of Pele! VOLCANO ERUPTION PROJECT BEHAVIOR CONTRACT Section: ______ We, the members of our _________________________Volcano Eruption Project Group, do hereby solemnly agree to abide by all the rules and regulations outlined in the Concord Middle School Student Handbook, and additional safety guidelines stated by your volcano supervisor, Ms. Kaiter. We will not use hazardous materials, flames or fire, fireworks, or unapproved chemicals. We will use all equipment / materials responsibly. We will not throw any object through the air while outside (sticks, stones, or other). We will not have physical contact with any other student (pushing, shoving, hitting, etc.) We will not handle/damage/harm any living animal or plant. We will not take or tamper with any other group’s volcano or supplies. We will behave appropriately while outside and understand that outdoor privileges may be revoked if we don’t follow the rules of safety while outside. Student Signatures: X ______________________________________ X ______________________________________ X _______________________________________ X _______________________________________ X _______________________________________ X ______________________________________ X ______________________________________ X _______________________________________