2nd Quarter Project - Volcano Research Project

Volcano Research Project.
Your second project in science is to write a research paper on a volcano of your choice. This has to
be a four page report (12pt font - double spaced). This does not include your
pictures/maps/title page/bibliography etc.
Once you have been given the OK to do your chosen volcano (Friday Jan 23) you are ready to dive
in and start collecting information.
Remember your project is a research paper.
Your report must be typed in size 12 font and double-spaced and IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
Your report must have the following.
1. Title page
2. Introduction.
3. Main body of Information in a structured form.
4. At least one picture of your volcano and a map of where it is located.
5. A conclusion.
6. A bibliography (for everything you use in your report including pictures)
Other things you might want to include are maps, sketches, scanned newspapers etc.
Check in #1
Check in #2
Check in #3
Friday Jan 23
Friday Jan 30
Tuesday Feb 10
3 actual sources
All that you have collected
Rough Draft
FINAL REPORT DUE + completion sheet checked
DUE Thu Feb 12
10 points
15 points
20 points
Completion Sheet
5 points
Final Report
25 points
75 points
ill out the form below with the name of your volcano by Friday Jan 23
Completion of this is worth 10 points and this is check in 1.
My name____________________________ My Volcano ________________________________
Source 1.
Source 2
Source 3
Here are some of the things I can write about?