Character Sketch Questions

William Golding
Name: ______________________________
World War II influenced the themes and setting of Lord of the Flies. The war changed the
way people in general and William Golding in particular viewed the world. World War I
was for many years called the War to End All Wars. World War II proved that idea
wrong and created a new sense that people are inherently warlike, power hungry, and
savage. Golding fought in World War II, and was involved in the D-Day landing at
Normandy. His experience in the war greatly influenced his views of human nature. After
the war, he began writing novels in addition to teaching. Lord of the Flies was Golding's
first novel, published in 1954, and was a critically acclaimed bestseller in both England
and the United States.
Point of View:
Anticipation Guide
Agree or
1. If there were no rules
in school, it would be
completely chaotic.
2. Everyone wants to feel
3. Kids are crueler than
4. Kids are incapable of
doing the “right thing”
without supervision or
5. Every single person
has done something
“evil” or has a “bad side.”
6. It is more important
for a leader to be strong
and confident than
thoughtful and logical.
7. The more someone
worries about “doing the
right thing,” the less
popular they are.
8. Everyone is capable of
harming someone else in
order to survive.
9. Men are naturally
more violent than
10. It is in our nature to
be followers.
Why? Explain your answer
Pre-Reading: Rules Activity
Your plane has crash-landed on a deserted island. The only survivors are you, 5 other
teenagers and 3 elementary school children. In order to keep peace amongst yourselves
and get rescued, you must establish rules.
With your group, work to establish the rules that you think are necessary to survive, get
rescued and have a sense of order or peace. You must decide on the following things with
your group:
Who will be your group leader?
How was your leader chosen?
Who will create your rules?
How will the rules be created?
Why is each rule needed? What is the purpose of each one?
How will rules be enforced?
You will have two class periods to work with your group and devise a poster of your
The group leader will explain to the class how he or she came to be group leader
and how they would exert their leadership to be effective. Group leader will
devise a 2 minute speech to the class (note cards may be used)
2 people in your group will explain to the class how the rules were created and
why they were created.
2 people in your group will explain how the rules would be enforced and why
they would be enforced in this way.
All group members will write a reflection on this activity and complete an
anonymous survey.
Character Chart
Directions: In the boxes beneath each character, put a page number from the novel where
a character illustrates a given characteristic.
Chapter 1: Discussion Questions
1. The boys discover there are no adults on the island and attempt to model the
civilization as they know it by electing a chief. How effective do you think this effort will
be without adult supervision?
2. Consider the cause of the conflict between Ralph and Jack. What does Ralph’s effort
to appease Jack tell you about his basic character? Is it likely that Jack will be content to
be second to Ralph? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think the boys chose Ralph as their leader?
Chapter 2: Discussion Questions
1. Consider Ralph’s announcement of the group’s two priorities. Are these the two
priorities you would choose? What other things do you think the group might need to
concern themselves with?
2. What does Piggy realize about the little boy who had talked about the beastie?
3. Piggy thinks that the first thing the group should have done was build shelters on the
beach. Is this a valid point? Why or why not?
Chapter 3: Discussion Questions
1. Simon finds a secluded place in the high jungle where he can be alone. Why do you
think he does this? What do you think this indicates about Simon?
2. Does Jack’s desire to kill a pig fit into either of the group’s two main priorities
established by Ralph? Is Jack concerned with the group’s welfare? Explain.
3. What do Jack and Ralph feel as they look at each other in the pool? Why?
Chapter 4: Discussion Questions
1. Watching the hunters dance and chant, Ralph feels envy and resentment. Why do you
think he is feeling these emotions? Of what is he envious? What does he resent?
2. Why do Maurice and Roger torment the littluns? What prevents them from actually
hurting the younger boys? Would their behavior be different if more time had passed?
3. How does Ralph reassert his authority?
Lord of the Flies Vocabulary
Chapter 4
1. Opalescence
2. Incursion- invasion; raid
3. Scavengers- hunter; searcher
4. Involuntarily- against your will
5. Carcass- corpse; remains of a body
6. Blatant- obvious
7. Belligerence- hostility or aggression
8. Myriad- a large number; countless
9. Taboo- forbidden; unaccepted by society
10. Irked- irritate somebody
11. Malevolently- wanting to cause harm or evil; spitefully
12. Mirage- optical illusion; hallucination
13. Chastisement- punished or disciplined; told off
14. Detritus- debris or rock fragments
15. Swarthiness- darkness; a dark complexion
16. Disinclination- desire to avoid a particular activity
17. Gyration- circular movement
18. Impalpable- imaginary; unable to be touched or sensed
19. Vagrant- wanderer or drifter; roamer
20. Incredulously- unwilling to believe; skeptically
Chapter 5: Discussion Questions
1. What conclusion does Ralph come to about being a chief? What about his own ability?
2. What does Piggy say about Jack’s feelings for him and for Ralph? What conclusion
does Piggy come to?
3. Ralph tells the group they should die before they let the fire go out? What does he
mean by the comment?
Lord of the Flies
Vocabulary Chapters 5-12
Chapter five
Improvisation- making do
Jeer- to mock or scorn; heckle
Ludicrous- absurd or ridiculous
Subdued- passive; low-spirited
Inarticulate- unable to express
oneself clearly
Chapter Six
Oblong- having an elongated shape
Contemptuously- trembling; fearful
Clamor- shout loudly
Stupendous- impressively great;
5. Mutinously- refusing to obey
Chapter Seven
1. Loiter- stand around idly
2. Accessible- easily available
3. Coverts- undergrowth providing
4. Haunt-discomfit somebody by
unpleasant reminders
5. Impervious- not responsive
Chapter Eight
1. Serenading- love song
2. Prefect- student assisting with
3. Pelted- throw things at somebody
or something
4. Rebuke-tell somebody off
5. Fervor- great heat
Chapter Nine
1. Static- still; motionless
2. Parody- amusing imitation
3. Corruption- dishonesty for personal
4. Corpulent- fat; obese
5. Succulent- juicy and tasty
Chapter Ten
1. Torrid- scorching hot
2. Illumination- glowing light
3. Assimilating- take in (information,
ideas, or culture) and understand
4. Savoring- enjoy some unhurriedly
5. Compelled- force something to
Chapter Eleven
1. Liberation-set somebody free
2. Compact-small and efficiently
3. Wary- cautious
4. Detaining- hold in custody
5. Faltered- begin to fail
Chapter Twelve
1. Outcast-somebody excluded by
2. Acrid- unpleasantly strong; bitter
3. Eclipsed-outdo somebody or
4. Suppressed- prevent something
5. Inimical- hostile; not favorable
Date: ______________________
Chapter 6: Discussion Questions
1. As the biguns, except for Piggy, set out to find the beast, what image of the beast
forms in Simon’s mind. What does this image mean?
2. None of the boys, not even Ralph or Jack, doubts for a moment that Sam and Eric
have indeed seen a beast. Why are they all so ready to accept the presence of a beast?
3. Simon comments to Ralph that he doesn’t believe in the beast. Is Simon’s disbelief
Date: ______________________
Chapter 6: Class Notes
Date: ______________________
Chapter 7: Discussion Questions
1. When Ralph strikes the boar on the snout with his spear, how does he feel?
Afterwards, he immediately jabs at Robert with his spear. What does he feel then? Is
there any connection between the two events? Explain.
2. How would you describe the relationship between Ralph and Jack at this point? What
is the source of their conflict? Do you think Jack hates Ralph? If so, why?
3. What does Ralph do when the boys start to play, putting Robert in the part of the
boar? What feeling does Ralph have? Why does Robert insist they need a real pig, rather
than someone to pretend to be a pig?
Date: ______________________
In Class Response Question
Directions: Use at least 2 quotations from the novel and paraphrasing to support your
inferences in this response. Be sure to write a topic sentence and to make your argument
clear and specific.
Describe how Ralph changes in Chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies. Will these changes
positively or negatively impact his role as chief on the island? What do these changes and
the context in which they happen suggest about William Golding’s view of human
Date: ______________________
Chapter 8: Discussion Questions
1. What does the Lord of the Flies say that Simon has known all along?
2. Throughout the novel, there has been conflict between Piggy and Jack. What do you
think is the cause of this conflict? Why is it significant that Piggy, for the first time, helps
gather firewood only after Jack has broken from the group? Why does Piggy feel
3. Even though Jack enumerates Ralph’s faults, none of the boys is willing to oust Ralph
as chief. What explanation can you offer for this?
Date: ______________________
Chapter 9: Discussion Questions
1. Who is the real “beast” on the island according to Simon? Why?
2. Do the chanting, dancing boys recognize Simon? Why or why not?
3. What happens to the figure on the mountaintop? What is the significance of the fall?
Date: ______________________
In Class Activity: Tribe Organization
In one box, discuss and draw the organization of Jack’s tribe and his position in it. Then
discuss and draw the kind of organization Ralph tried to establish with the whole group.
How would you label each leader and each system?
Which would you prefer to be a member of? Explain why.
Date: ______________________
Chapter 10: Discussion Questions
1. When Ralph admits to Piggy that they all murdered Simon, what is Piggy’s
2. Do you think Jack truly believes there is a beast? Why or why not? Does his
continuing to promote the existence of the beast to the others give him any advantage
over them?
3. What is Jack feeling as he and the three others trot toward Castle Rock? Why?
Date: ______________________
Chapter 11: Discussion Questions
1. Why do the twins suggest they all paint their faces before going to see Jack?
2. Both Piggy and Ralph made the mistake of believing they could reason with Jack about
Piggy’s glasses and a need for a signal fire. Why was their thinking completely
misguided? What had Jack already clearly become?
3. What happens to the conch, Piggy’s glasses, and Piggy himself? What do these three
things, and their loss, represent?
Date: ______________________
Chapter 12: Discussion Questions
1. What realization does Ralph come to about the savages and Jack? Why?
2. When Ralph finally begins to sob uncontrollably, what is he weeping for?
3. Why do you think Golding describes the savages as “little boys on the beach” and
Jack in particular as a “little boy”? What point do you think he is trying to convey to the
reader with this shift in wording?
Date: ______________________
Character Sketch Questions
Directions: Respond to each of the following questions from the point of view of the
character you will be playing.
1) Character: _________________________________________
2) Amount of time passed since the end of the novel: ________________________
3) Explain what you were feeling and thinking about during your journey home with
the Navy Seaman and the other boys?
4) What was your experience with violence on the island?
Date: ______________________
5) How have your experiences on the island changed you?
6) Is anyone to blame for what happened on the island? Explain why or why not.
7) How did your family react to your return? How have you been getting along with
Date: ______________________
8) If you could go backwards in time and change one event from your life, what
would it be? Explain why.
Write five to ten other facts or details about your character. Make them interesting!
Date: ______________________