Lord of the Flies Ch. 1 & 2 Packet Name: Period: Ch. 1 & 2 Vocabulary List The following list provides definitions for some of the more difficult words in the text for your reference. 1. effulgence: brightness or a brilliant light radiating from something 2. clambering: climbing with difficulty 3. enmity: extreme ill will or hatred that exists between enemies 4. contemptuously: behaving as though other people are inferior or useless 5. astern: positioned behind a boat 6. smart: to feel a stinging pain 7. conspiratorial: two or more people joining together for an immoral reason 8. indignant: being upset over something that is unfair 9. recrimination: accusing someone who has previously charged you with wrongdoing. 10. festooned: decorated with a string or garland Ch. 1 Discussion Questions To help with reading comprehension, answer the following questions below, in complete sentences, as you read Ch. 1. 1. How do the boys arrive on the island? 2. What do you think the scar might be? 3. What is the name of the boy with the fair hair? 4. How are the other boys on the island found, and what does Piggy do as each boy shows up? 5. What is distinctive in how Jack and his peers arrive? 6. Who is elected chief, how is he elected, and what is the first decision he makes? 7. For what reasons is Piggy upset with Ralph? 8. Summarize what happens when the boys find the piglet in the creepers. Character Analysis Keeping track of how a character looks, acts, and thinks will help you remember specific qualities and personality traits about each character in the text, as well as give you practice in finding textual evidence within the novel. Directions: In the following chart, record two quotes (one for appearance, one for personality) from Chapter 1 that describe each boy listed. Make sure that you reference the page number after each quote. Character Ralph Jack Piggy Sam & Eric Roger Simon Description of Appearance and Personality Example: “You could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, but there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil.” (10) Ch. 2 Discussion Questions To help with reading comprehension, answer the following questions below, in complete sentences, as you read Ch. 2. 1. As Jack talks about the pig they saw on their expedition, what does he do that shows his violent nature? 2. Who leads the boys into the jungle? 3. Jack accuses Piggy of just sitting while the rest are building the fire. Who defends Piggy and what reason is given to show that Piggy helped with the fire? 4. What disastrous thing happens after the boys build the fire? 5. Piggy loses his temper and begins to complain about how everyone is behaving on the island. How does Jack reply to Piggy’s complaints? Character Analysis Keeping track of how a character looks, acts, and thinks will help you remember specific qualities and personality traits about each character in the text, as well as give you practice in finding textual evidence within the novel. Ralph as a Leader Directions: Examine what you know about Ralph thus far. Record two quotes each from Chapter 1 Chapter 2 that describe Ralph’s leadership abilities. Cite page numbers, please. Example: “We’d better all have names,’ said Ralph, ‘so I’m Ralph.’” (20) Chapter 1: 1. 2. Chapter 2: 1. 2. Prediction: Based on what you have recorded and read about Ralph so far, do you think Ralph will be a successful leader? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________