Goal 11 Study Guide

U.S. History Goal 11 Study Guide
In addition to the Key Terms, be able to answer the following questions.
What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference?
How was Germany divided?
How was Berlin divided, and where was it located?
What happened to the countries that the Soviet Union occupied after they pushed
Hitler back in World War II?
5. What was the “iron curtain”?
6. What was the Cold War?
7. What did the Truman Doctrine state?
8. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?
9. What happened in the Berlin Airlift?
10. What was the purpose of NATO? The Warsaw Pact?
11. What happened to China in 1949?
12. What was the difference between North and South Korea?
13. Why was MacArthur fired?
14. What was the end result of the Korean War?
15. What was the purpose of HUAC?
16. Why are Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs significant?
17. What did the Taft-Hartley Act do?
18. What government agency was created partly to investigate communists?
19. What is McCarthyism, and how did it get out of hand?
20. What was “duck and cover”?
21. What did many families build for protection during the Cold War?
22. Name two accomplishments and two failures of Truman’s Fair Deal.
23. What did the Federal Highway Act do?
24. What did the Eisenhower Doctrine say?
25. What music became popular in the 1950s? Name two famous musicians from
that time.
26. How did the culture of the 1950s create a generation gap?
27. Who were the beatniks?
28. What is counterculture?
29. What was Sputnik significant?
30. What did the Soviets shoot down?
31. Who won the 1960 election, and what helped him win?
32. What was the space race?
33. How did the space race related to the tensions of the Cold War?
34. Who is Fidel Castro, and what happened to Cuba after he took over?
35. Why did Cuba’s fall to communism worry Americans?
36. What happened in the Bay of Pigs incident?
37. What is significant about the Berlin Wall?
38. What happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
39. How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
40. What happened to Kennedy in Dallas?
41. Who was the assassin, and who assassinated him?
42. Why was the Supreme Court significant under Chief Justice Earl Warren?
43. What is significant about the Brown v. Board of Education case?
44. Who was Rosa Parks?
45. Rosa Parks is significant because her action sparked the beginning of what?
46. Who led the efforts of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
47. What TYPE of protesting did Martin Luther King, Jr. insist on?
48. Describe the events of the controversy surrounding the Little Rock Nine.
49. What form of protest was started in Greensboro?
50. What was the purpose of SNCC?
51. What was the purpose of the Freedom Ride?
52. What happened to many Freedom Riders when they reached the South?
53. What happened in the March on Birmingham?
54. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?
55. Why did MLK authorize protests that he knew would provoke violence?
56. How did the power of television impact the Civil Rights Movement?
57. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?
58. Who was Stokely Carmichael?
59. How was the black power movement different from MLK’s movement?
60. Who was Malcolm X?
61. What happened on April 4th, 1968?
62. Why did the government not want Vietnam to fall to communism?
63. Who were the Vietcong?
64. Describe warfare in Vietnam.
65. What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution do?
66. What was the purpose of “search and destroy” missions?
67. What two weapons were primarily used in “search and destroy” missions?
68. What was the eventual public opinion on the Vietnam War?
69. What did the 26th Amendment do, and why was it passed?
70. What happened in the Tet Offensive, and why was it a POLITICAL victory for
the Vietcong?
71. Who was assassinated while running for president in 1968?
72. Who won the Election of 1968? Why didn’t LBJ win?
73. What is Vietnamization?
74. What happened at the Kent State Massacre?
75. What eventually happened to Vietnam after we left?
76. How did the Vietnam War impact trust in government?
77. What was the New Frontier?
78. What is the Peace Corps? VISTA?
79. What was the Great Society?
80. Name five accomplishments of the Great Society
81. Describe the hippie culture.
82. What is feminism?
83. Who was Betty Friedan?
84. Who was Phyllis Schafly?
85. What happened in the Watergate Scandal?
86. What was the eventual result of the Watergate Scandal?