Possible Oral Presentation Topics

International Relations 1945 to Present
Possible Oral Presentation Topics
(weeks 11-13)
MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
The Arms Race
The Space Race and the 1969 Moon Landing
The Cold War in Europe: Hungary/Czechoslovakia/Poland
The Korean War
The Korean War from an Australian Perspective
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War from an Australian Perspective
Cold War in the Americas: Panama/Chile/ Nicaragua
The Petrov Affair (Australia)
The 1951 Communist Referendum (Australia)
Arms Control: Geneva Conference/ Test Ban Treaty/NNP Treaty /SALT
Tiananmen Square 1988
September 11, 2001
Australian presence in Afghanistan/ Iraq
Fundamentalism & Terrorism
War on Terror
Arab Spring
Emerging Issues; North Korea & Iran
Anything else- please see me.
Topics of lessons for this term, goes till week 10, could vary a bit…
Brief look at Russian History post-1900
Post –WWII Europe
Yalta & Potsdam Conferences
Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech, March 1946
Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan 1947
Berlin Blockade (June 1948-May1949) & Airlift
NATO April 1949 & Warsaw Pact 1955
Overview of the Cold War
Khrushchev & Peaceful Coexistence
MAD (brief look only)
(2 lessons week 7)
Eisenhower & Brinkmanship
Cuba : relations with US, Revolution
Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis (continued), JFK’s Foreign Policy
Below is for term 2 + your oral presentations
Détente, Glasnost & Perestroika
1989 & the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Collapse of the Soviet Union
Post-Cold War International Relations: