How did the Black Death affect Europe

How did the Black Death affect Europe?
Explain and illustrate four ways that the Black Death affected, or changed,
a) Write the title “How the Black Death Affected Europe” at the top.
b) Two examples should relate to how the Black Death affected society/people’s lives. The
other two examples should explain how the Black Death affected the economy.
 Where possible, your explanations should be more than one sentence long. Try to
elaborate and go into detail about the changes you are describing.
Your pictures need to specifically relate to your explanations. Don’t just draw a whip if
you are writing about the Flagellents. The picture should relate to what they did and why
they did it.
Your pictures should have color, be neatly done, and reflect effort.
Your writing should be in sentence form, be in your own words, and demonstrate proper
use of the English language.
Information to use
 the notes you took from pp. 269-270
 information from the primary source activity
 information from the Black Death video
 the Black Death Extra Facts
This is worth 20 points (5 points for each example).