Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression - Com. 3070
Study Guide II.
Politics of Expression (Regulatory Acts)
Alien and Sedition Act, 1798
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
Espionage Act, 1917
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
Alien Registration Act (Smith Act), 1940
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
McCarthyism (Red Scare Period) 1951-1954 *
U.S.A. Patriot Act, 2001 *
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
Politics of Expression (People and Events)
Anthony, Susan B.
Women’s suffrage
Assange, Julian
Bernstein, Carl & Woodward, Bob
Washington Post News Reporters, Watergate
Clay, Cassius M.
Debs, Eugene
American socialist
Democratic Convention, Chicago, 1968*
Event, significance of
Garrison, William Lloyd
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Clear and Present Danger Standard
Kent State Shootings, 1970 *
Event, Significance of
Compare and contrast with Boston Massacre, 1770
King, Martin Luther
“I Have a Dream,” Address, March on Washington
“I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” Address, Memphis, TN
Lovejoy, Elijah
McCarthy, Joseph R
Hollywood 10
Murrow, Edward R.
Murrow’s See It Now Broadcast, McCarthy
Plame, Valerie (Valerie Plame Affair)
Judith Miller, Scooter Libby
Sanger, Margaret
Planned Parenthood
Politics of Expression (Legal Cases)
Branzburg v. Hayes, 1972
Schenk v. U.S., 1919
Clear and Present Danger Standard
Judicial Opinion by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Significance of Case
New York Times v. U.S. (Pentagon Papers), 1971
Ellsburg, Daniel
Nixon administration’s position
Purpose of Document
Significance of Case
Watergate, and United States v. Nixon (1974) *
Background and description of events
Nixon, Richard
Dean, John
Erlichman, Bob
Haldeman, H.R.
Mitchell, John
Liddy, G. Gordon
Senate Watergate investigation committee, purpose of
Missing Tapes
Resignation of Richard Nixon
Significance of Supreme Court decision
Politics of Expression (Terms and Events)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Organization and purpose
Contempt of Court
Criminal vs. Civil Law
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Role of President Lyndon Johnson
Grand Jury, Purpose of
Muckracker, Origin of the Term, Examples of
Prior Restraint
Reporter’s Privilege
Promises of Confidentiality
Shield Laws
Definition, Limit and Scope of
Freedom of Information Act
Creation and Reasons for
President Lyndon Johnson,
Grand jury, Role of
Reporter’s privilege
Shield laws, definition, limit and scope of
Jones, Terry, Pastor, 911 Commemoration
Proposing to Burn the Quran
Lin, Maya, artist and sculptor
Vietnam Memorial Sculpture - Surrounding Controversy
Military Funerals
Rites and Rituals
Proposed Mosque near the 911 Memorial
Announced opening of mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Legal status of
Texas V. Johnson, 1989
Constitutional Protection of Flag Burning
United States v. O’ Brien, 1968
Military service registration (or draft) cards
The O’Brien Test
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969
Ku Klux Klan Demonstration, Threat of Violence
Chaplinksi v. New Hampshire, 1942
Fighting words doctrine
Civility, Problems Associated with Enforcing Civility
Doe v. The University of Michigan, 1989
University speech codes: Challenges and difficulties
“Fighting Words” Doctrine, Principle of
National Socialist Party of America, v. Village of Skokie
Nazi march on the city of Skokie, IL
RAV. v. The City of Minneapolis, MN., 1992
St. Paul Bias Motivated Crime Ordinance, problems with
Snyder v. Phelps, 2010 (Supreme Court Decision)
Protesting at Military Funerals
Westboro Baptist Church
Presidential Speeches and Addresses
Clinton, Bill
Oklahoma City Bombing Address
Kennedy, John
Cuban Missile Crisis Speech
Inauguration Address
Lincoln, Abraham
Emancipation Proclamation, reasons for
Gettysburg Address, 1863, reasons for *
Obama, Barak
Acceptance speech as Democratic nominee
Acceptance speech of becoming President elect, Grant Park
Reagan, Ronald
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Roosevelt, Franklin
Declaration of War Speech Before U.S. Congress