Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression - Com. 3070
Study Guide II.
Alien and Sedition Act, 1798
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
Alien Registration Act (Smith Act), 1940
Purpose and key provisions, problems with
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Organization and purpose
Bernstein, Carl & Woodward, Bob
Washington Post News Reporters, Watergate
Clay, Cassius M.
Democratic Convention, Chicago, 1969
Problems with, Chicago Seven
Garrison, William Lloyd
Biographical overview and major statements
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Clear and Present Danger Standard
Kent State Shootings, 1970
Lovejoy, Elijah
McCarthy, Joseph R
Hollywood 10
McCarthyism (Red Scare Period) 1951-1954
Muckracker, Origin of the Term, Examples of
Murrow, Edward R.
Murrow’s See It Now Broadcast
Prior Restraint
New York Times v. U.S. (Pentagon Papers), 1971
Ellsburg, Daniel
Nixon administration’s position
Purpose of Document
Significance of Case
Schenk v. U.S., 1919
Clear and Present Danger Standard
Judicial Opinion by Justice Holmes
Significance of Case
U.S.A. Patriot Act, 2001
Purpose and reason for, problems associated with
Background and description of events
Missing Tapes
Nixon, Richard
Senate Watergate investigation committee, purpose of
Dean, John
Erlichman, Bob
Haldeman, H.R.
Mitchell, John
Liddy, G. Gordon
Resignation of Richard Nixon
Chaplinksi v. New Hampshire, 1942
Fighting words doctrine
Civility, Problems Associated with Enforcing Civility
Doe v. The University of Michigan, 1989
University speech codes: Challenges and difficulties
Duke University Rape Case
Denial of Due Process
Finnerty, Collin; Seligmann, Reade; and Evans, David
Inflammatory Language, Problems associated with
Nifong, Mike
“Fighting Words” Doctrine, Principle of
National Socialist Party of America, v. Village of Skokie
Nazi march on the city of Skokie, IL
RAV. v. The City of Minneapolis, MN., 1992
St. Paul Bias Motivated Crime Ordinance, problems with
Snyder v. Phelps, 2010 (before the U.S. Supreme Court)
Protesting at Military Funerals
Westboro Baptist Church
Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences vs. City of New York, 1999
Patently Offensive
FCC v. Pacifica, 1978
George Carlin and 7 Dirty Words Routine
Maplethorpe, Robert, Controversy
Miller v. California, 1973
The Miller Test for Determining Obscene Material
Nelson v. Streeter, 1999
Art and Political Satire
Reno v. ACLU, 1997
Communications Decency Act, purpose, problems with
Obscenity on the Internet
Roth v. U.S., 1957
Obscenity Deserves No Constitutional Protection
Zoning, Principle of,
Time and Place Restrictions
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969
Ku Klux Klan Demonstration, Threat of Violence
Jones, Terry, Pastor, 911 Commemoration
Proposing to Burn the Quran
Texas V. Johnson, 1989
Constitutional Protection of Flag Burning
United States v. O’ Brien, 1968
Military service registration (or draft) cards
The O’Brien Test
Important Dates:
April 19, 1775
July 4, 1776
1775 – 1781
Readings: Please review main point of assigned readings