Assignment 1 - Skeletal System WebLesson

Assignment 1 - Skeletal System WebLesson
Get ready to learn about your skeletal system! Your body has
lots of bones! Bones help give your body shape. All your bones
together are called your skeleton. When we talk about the way
your bones work together it is called your skeletal system.
Without your skeleton, you could not stand or even move.
Think about what your life would be like if you didn't have a
skeleton, or if your bones didn't work together in a system.
Introduction: MEDtropolis - Virtual Body > Skeleton > Bones
Find the answers to questions 1 and 2 at Skeletal System.
1. Why is the skeletal system important?
2. How many bones are in a human body? Why do adults and
babies have different numbers of bones?
Learn about calcium at KidsHealth-Minerals and answer the
following question.
3. Why do we need calcium and how do we get it?
Every bone in your body has a name. Look at the human
skeleton at Skeletal System and Hillendale's Skeletal System.
Print out the Skeleton Worksheet (htm) or download and print
(Word) and label the bones on your worksheet.
Find the answers to the following questions at Amazing Facts.
4. What is the longest bone in your body and where is it
located? What is the smallest bone and where is it located?
Find the answers to the following questions at Your Gross &
Cool Body: Skeletal System.
5. What would happen if humans didn't have bones? What
do bones do?
6. Explain how your bones move.
7. What is in the center of many of your bones and what
does it do?
Compare your skeleton to the skeleton of a frog at Virtual Frog
Dissection Kit: The Whole Frog.
8. How is a human skeleton like a frog's skeleton? How
are they different? Hint: If you click on the picture of the
frog's skeletal system you will get a larger view.
Explore Your Gross & Cool Body: Sprained Ankle.
9. What happens when you sprain your ankle?
Take the KidsHealth Skeletal System Quiz, Label the Skeleton
and Hillendale's Big Bone Quiz.
Additional Activities
BONUS: Name Dem Bones Challenge ONE and Challenge TWO ||
Bones Diagram || Foss Mr. Bones ||
BONUS: How the Body Works Movies from KidsHealth. Select
the movie for this system.
Extra Credit: The Big Story on Bones - What are the most
interesting things you learned here that you didn't know. Plan
to share your most unique facts with your peers. (click "Next
Page" to see all 6 pages)
BONUS: MEDtropolis - Virtual Body > Skeleton > Build a
Skeleton (move bones until they get "stuck" in the correct places.
You'll know when you win!) - also, click on Zoom In!
BONUS: Check out the Activity Page
Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton - from the University of
Washington (use the left menu to explore)
Hillendale Skeletal System Lesson
Skeletal System Web Hunt
Body Systems WebLessons Overview and
Assignment 1 Skeletal System
Assignment 4 Digestive System
Assignment 2 Muscular System
Assignment 5 Circulatory System
Assignment 3 Respiratory System
Assignment 6 Nervous System
Assignment 7 - Review Activities
Body Systems Glossary || Teacher
This is a large site with navigation in a left frame. If it is missing go to
Mrs. Barnard's Classroom Launcher.
Contact Paula Barnard at Pioneer Elementary School, Arlington Public
Schools, Arlington, WA, USA
Updated 06/17/2005