Student notes

Student Notes
What is its purpose?
Its main purpose is to support and protect the body
Follow this link to find what eachspecific part of the skeletal system does
Importance of the skeletal system
1.Support- The main job of the skeletal system is to provide support for
your bones. without it your body would collapse and be a pile on the
2.Protection- The skeletal system protects all your major internal organs
of your body
3.Movement- Your bones provide an area for your muscles and tendons
to attach so you are able to mov
Skeletal System Terms
1.Cartilage- firm, whitish, flexible connective tissue found in various forms
in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external
ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints. It is more widespread in
the infant skeleton, being replaced by bone during growth.
2.Ligament-the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones
3.Marrow- soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells
are produced
4.Tendon- bandof tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects
with its bony attachment.
5.Joints- - the location at which bones connect. They are constructed to
allow movement and provide mechanical support.
6.Bones--the hard connective tissue forming the substance of the
skeleton of most vertebrates, compose of a collagen-rich
organic matrix impregnated with calcium phosphate, and
other minerals.
• Adult human skeletal system has 206 bones in it
• Human infants are born with 300-350 bones
• Male and female skeletal systems have some variations. mostly to
accommodate child birth.
• Every second our bone Marrow produces 2 million red blood cells.
• 1 out of every 20 people have an extra rib.
• Bones can stand stresses up to 24,000 pounds per square inch.
• Over half of the bones in the body are in the hands and feet.