Congregational Naming

Eliza Anne Cleveland
September 22, 2013
Into this community, this house, people have come for generations to mark the passages of their lives and
to find resources for living. Here lives have begun, matured, ended. Today, we celebrate a beginning.
We gather today to partake in a rite as old as the human community itself. From the gifts of their
individual lives, two among us, united in love, have created a new life. Now they bring to us their child to
take her rightful place within our community.
Stacey Cleveland and Michael Cleveland, will you, your child and your family please join us here.
Stacy & Michael, you have made your home among us here in Lincoln. But we've long been aware that
your roots lie further south. Because of our distance from them we must welcome your family among us
through this video camera. So, in Texas, I now welcome:
- Stacey's mother: Beverly Rickman
- Michael's parents: Laura & Walt Cleveland
- Stacey's sister: Mekayla Rickman
- Michael's sister: Katy Cleveland
Our camera operator this morning is one of your chosen godparents for your child, Mindy McCoin.
Welcome Mindy. Through your camera as well, we wish to welcome our other chosen godparents:
Nicole & Chad Morgan, in Dallas Texas, and David Shanafeld, in Tempe Arizona.
Mindy can you pan your camera across our congregation so we can all wave our welcome to this cherish
folks afar?
Today we gather to confirm this child's name. In this act we declare that she is an individual, a unique
person with a dignity and worth all her own. She comes from us, but she is not ours; she belongs to
herself. In confirming her own name, we promise that we will respect her uniqueness and give her the
freedom to be herself.
We gather, as well, to confirm this child's place in the wider spheres which hold her dear.
- We affirm the central commitment her parents, her grandparents and her aunts must make - to nurture
the fulfillment of her personality.
- We affirm the important commitment her parents' specially chosen "godparents" must make - to support
and stand in her parents' place however that need may arise.
- We affirm the supportive commitment a surrounding community of faith can make - to envelope her in
an atmosphere of tender love and firm guidance.
A child grows in proportion to her faith - in herself, in her particular heritage, in the story of all
humankind, and in the vast universe as her home.
We gather to affirm the possibilities of, and our responsibilities for, nurturing this growth in faith.
Stacey and Michael, your affection and devotion will cradle this child for many years. But the larger
world into which she will enter offers no such assurance.
- I would charge you to prepare her to be an independent adult, aware of the world as it is and as it ought
to be, aware of the power of one dedicated individual to change its course.
- I would charge you as well to prepare her to be an inter-dependent adult, aware of the tragedy and evil
and injustice that are also a part of our world and ourselves, yet aware as well of the power of love to
redeem ourselves and our world, if we love with courage and compassion.
If you now pledge to this child your love, and promise to do your best to help her grow to be an
independent and an inter-dependent adult with a strong spirit and a gentle heart, please now say "I will."
Beverly, Laura and Walt, as grandparents to this child, you too are called to help guide and shape her
life. Through you, she may come to know the wisdom of years and a quiet trust in life's long-term
rewards. We now send to you our fervent hope that when you view these proceedings you will pledge to
your granddaughter your love, and promise to do your best to help her grow to be an independent and an
inter-dependent adult with a strong spirit a gentle heart. Our faith is that you will then quietly respond "I
RGD: Mindy here, and Nicole, Chad Morgan, and David , afar, as godparents to this child, you too are
called to help guide and shape her/his life, and to step forward to become her/his parent, should Stacey
and Michael be unable to do so. Through you, she may be opened to the power of mentors and teachers
and the warmth of supportive friends.
Mindy, if you now pledge to your godchild your love, to become her parent should it be required, and
promise to do your best to help her grow to be an independent and an inter-dependent adult with a strong
spirit a gentle heart, will you now anticipate the response of all your co-god-parents by saying "I will."
MIN: Will the children and youth of the Church please rise?
(Today you may stand on your chairs if it helps you to see)
This child will soon join you in the fun and the work of being of our church. She will be the youngest
among you. She will need your help; she will also deserve your respect. Will you make a place for her and
show her our ways? If you will, please say together, "I will".
RGD: Now will the adult congregation please stand. We are also a part of this child's world, people who
will help guide and shape her life. If you, with me, are willing to pledge to give of yourselves in ways that
will help her grow, please now join me in saying "I will."
MIN: Stacey and Michael, what do you name this child?
Eliza Anne Cleveland
I understand that the name "Anne" is shared with women through generation in each of your families.
May I take her from you now, please.
Child of Stacey and Michael, with this flower, a bud soon to burst in bloom, I touch your brow, your lips
and your hands, to dedicate your thoughts, your words and your deeds to grow in our spirit.
RGD: May we all now join in the words of dedication you find in your bulletin.
Child of love, gift of life,
We affirm your individuality, your worth, your dignity.
We commend to you the free and responsible search:
For truth, justice, compassion, and peace.
We promise you our care and guidance.
We welcome you into our family.
We raise your name for all to hear:
Eliza Anne Cleveland
May you bring your name honor.
May your name give you pride.
RGD: Stacey and Michael, we'd like to give you this growing plant to take home with your growing child.
MIN: And as our children and teachers recess to their classes, will you please record your child's name,
birthdate and place and your names in our church's record.
Let us sing our children and their program leaders to their classrooms.