The Matrix has you…

The Matrix has you…
“Ignorance is bliss” ~Cypher
Directions: We will eventually discuss all of these questions in a Socratic Seminar-type-thing so you will
want to have ideas and informal notes for all of these questions; however, you have to FORMALLY address
three questions. You select 2 questions from 1-6 to answer in paragraph form and then everyone must
answer #7. For questions 1-6, make sure that you are addressing EACH PART of the prompt—there is a
reason I am only having you answer two of them and that is because they are all extremely in-depth. For
#7, please do not retell the plot of a scene. I have now seen this movie over 30 times, so I do not need to
know who-did-what, when. What I want from you is an ANALYSIS of a scene: this action shows or proves
this…they use this type of shot or other film technique here to emphasize this theme…this character’s
actions in this scene show this about the development of their character…this object is used here to
symbolize this…Get it?!?!?! If you have been awake in class at all since September, you should know what is
expected of you. These are due Friday, April 12th.
1. Explain the Matrix (the concept, not the whole movie)? How does it relate to Descartes’ Brain-in-a-Vat
theory? What about Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation? Do you feel that this concept of the Matrix
could apply to people’s lives in general—not that we are all batteries for machine-controllers, but that
we are all constrained somehow? Maybe that we are taking our marching orders from someone or
something else? Is technology controlling our lives a little too much? After thinking about it, do you
agree with Cypher that maybe, “ignorance is bliss?”
2. What is Neo up against? Who or what is on his side? Why is he so special? What does Morpheus try to
teach Neo in their training sessions? When the two meet, what do they learn about each other? What is
Neo’s most important or powerful weapon (how is he ultimately able to defeat the agents at the end)?
What ultimately does Neo learn to believe in during the course of his adventures (what messages does it
convey about freedom, reality, loyalty, identity, and love)? Why doesn’t he join Cypher back in the
3. Many critics look at ideas stolen from the Alice books, the Bible, kung fu movies, comic books, and many
other books and movies of pop culture. What specific references are made from Alice? What function
do these references (Alice references and all of the others) serve in the movie? Why use them when the
filmmakers obviously have a great and original vision (why do filmmakers borrow material from each
other—why make allusions, isn’t that cheating)? How would you address a critic attacking the movie as a
“hodgepodge of borrowed concepts and techniques” (Ebert)?
4. Look at the biblical references: what references did you catch? Why do so many filmmakers and writers
specifically use the Bible to draw ideas? What other works use biblical references? Do you think that the
Wachowski’s are promoting certain beliefs or is there a different motivation (obviously, explain this
motivation if it is not to promote a certain religious belief)?
5. Follow the motif of reflective surfaces throughout the movie. How many kinds of mirrors can you find?
Why include them in this movie’s making? What other works utilize reflective surfaces/mirrors and how
are they used in those works to add meaning? Why do so many works use them (what meaning can they
6. It can be argued that Trinity is the most important character in the movie (even more important than
Neo). Examine her role as a woman warrior, Neo’s partner, bearer of love. What’s her main purpose in
the story? Look at her ability to give life back to Neo (and in the third movie, to die and live again).
Consider her name as symbolic, too. Lastly, what other “woman warrior” characters can you think of
from other works? Do these characters share any similar traits with Neo? If so, what?
7. Pick one scene and analyze it like an ALF student
“For the last time Keanu, you do not know Kung Fu” ~Will Ferrell as Alex Trebek on SNL
“Whoa” ~Keanu Reeves in every movie