KMG Movie chart

Killing Mr. Griffin–Spot the Difference
The movie version of Killing Mr. Griffin is different from the novel in a few ways. Find the differences
and list them in the chart below. When the movie is over, answer the questions below in a solid above
level response worth 5 marks each.
David is senior class president
David’s grandma; no dad
Mark burned house and dad; lives with aunt
and uncle
Betsy Cline
Mrs. Griffin is pregnant
Car is at airport, then repainted and taken out
of town
Mark steps on the pills
Shakespeare play is Hamlet
Brian Griffin
1. Why do you think that movie producers change some scenes from the original book? Explain one
scene from the movie that is completely different from the book and discuss whether you prefer
the book or movie version and why.
2. In the movie, Susan has a nightmare about the murder. How is this an effective way to show a
scene? Why do you think it was used here?