Minutes - University of Memphis

Library Administrative Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 3, 2002
Present: Rita Broadway, Ann Denton, Ian Edward, John Evans, Sylverna Ford, Ed Frank,
Annelle Huggins, Robert Ivey, Chris Matz, Tom Mendina, Anna Neal,
Betsy Park, James Singleton, Stacey Smith, Deborah Spencer, Saundra Williams,
Nancy Massey, Guest
Inez Todd
Staff Hiring Process
The library has been working with Human Resources closely to devise a process by which the Libraries
will have more control over the hiring process for Libraries staff. Libraries will now schedule interviews
and verify previous employment. Reference checks will be performed on the top two candidates for
positions. Nancy Massey will be the primary contact for the hiring process. The University of Memphis
contracts with an outside firm for criminal background checks that are made on individuals to be hired.
The discretion remains within the hiring unit on whether to hire someone who has had a felony
conviction. The library will explore the usefulness of having Human Resources to provide a training
session on the hiring process.
Student Worker Budgets
The 2002-2003 Libraries budget for student workers is larger than last year. It is important that student
workers apply themselves to assigned tasks and not to personal studies. When there is free time in a
students shift, they should be assigned to other departments where they can help with the workflow.
Student workers job performance will be documented. Scholarship student workers job performance will
also be documented. A form will be developed to be used for reviews of student workers.
Dean’s Updates
A reorganizing of the Business and Finance Division will change reporting for safety and parking
matters, which previously went through Human Resources. Campus safety now reports to Mr. Lee.
Parking now reports to Mr. Cothern.
Concerning criminal background checks, current employees who apply for positions on campus will be
required to have the criminal checks done when the position involves handling money, working with
children, and similar categories of responsibility.
Position Description Project
Employees and supervisors are to complete the job description questionnaire forms, requested by Human
Resources today. If a position is presently vacant, the supervisor will complete the job description.
New Faculty Orientation
The first scheduled orientation had less attendance than expected, but it was ascertained that there had
been other new faculty meetings on campus that conflicted with this. Overall, attendance was the same
as in the previous school year. Libraries faculty who participated in the orientations were asked for
input. Planning for the next orientations will begin in the present school year.
Staff Organization
Staff senators and the staff representatives to the LAC will be scheduling a meeting for all staff to
discuss the creation of a staff organization. It was suggested that we request a speaker from the public
library to give a presentation on their organization in the near future. All staff are encouraged to
participate in this process.
DRA and Law Library
It appears that the addition of the Law Library records to our catalog went well. All Libraries
departments should wait for the okay from Cataloging before adding any records. Everyone who worked
on the project is thanked for the hard work that went into making it a success.
Fred Thompson Papers Project
It appears that our library may be the recipient of the Thompson papers. Renovated space in the old
Brister library would be the repository for nearly 500 boxes of material currently in Washington, D.C. A
room near the front entrance of Brister would be the work area where the papers will be prepared to be
added to our collection.
Security Issues
At the present time our library security system is in need of repairs and does not sufficiently cover all
areas of the building. Several changes or new methods of security are being considered. We can update
and add to our present system or go with a new, web cam system. It is recommended that additions or
changes should adequately cover the front door, rotunda, Government Documents and Systems
Operations areas. Staff ideas or input should be directed to Mr. Singleton. Each department should
assess their particular area and make appropriate recommendations for improvements.
Dean Ford
The Memphis Area Library Council’s upcoming workshop on communicating offers
members of MALC a discount on registration fees. Each member library can send up to
three attendees at the member rate. If one of our designated representatives to MALC does
not attend, it is possible for someone else on staff to use that designee’s place for registering.
Personal members also get the lower registration rate. All others must pay $20.
Annelle Huggins
Staff should be mindful of infractions of the “no food, no drinks” rule in the library and seek
to remind students that they are not permitted to have these items. Staff should also be
conscious of their own transportation of food and drink items through the library and set a
good example.
Each department should review their current Firewalker schedule to make sure all areas of
each floor will be covered. There will be a fire drill in the near future.
Ann Denton
The Cataloging Department has a new staff member, Ms. Robin Reddick.
John Evans
New faculty and staff computers will be installed in the near future. Please be patient with
this process.
James Singleton
Safety officer, Gary Faulkner, has provided a new schedule for employee safety training
classes this fall. New employees will be expected to attend the sessions; schedule of class
sessions will be circulated shortly.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Judith Broy