AnImaginaryHappeningLondon1-12-10LFerlingheENDL 02009-10 Poems List ANNULARITY Jan 2, 2009 Nothing Else Matters 1954 7-30-10 Sharon Olds WWW.POEMHUNTER.COM Anthem Dec 10 09 col words 1964 MODEL, WITH DAMAGE Ja 28,2009 Anticipation 12-7-09 HaiChoo st 1 Offense Jan 21 10 Lehman AnAlt.2Speech A Bargain atAnyPrice82110SusanLudvigsonNO.LIGHTS A Blessing 5-10-10 Mekeel McBride VITAL SIGNS CONT. A Catechism 12-13-09 WmStaffordWAYTIS Any Time 2-19-10 WmStafford THE WAY IT IS ARBORETUM WALK January 21, 2009 Architrave Are the Flickers Next? 4-20-09 Seeds… ARKANSAS Maya Angelou And Still I Rise As I Grew Older 7-23-10 Langston Hughes WWW A DESERT PAST BLOOM January 20, 2009 AS IF A MIND COULD FEEL January 16, 2009 A Kind of Glory 6-24-10 Richard Shelton SELECTED POEMS ASK FOR NOTHING feb 15 Phillip Levine A Landscape WCrutches 7-4-10 Cha SimicSEL EARLY POEMS At Home in the Labors of Love May 26 09 NEM A Phoenix at 50 3-21-09 L Ferlenghetti Sel Poems A Red Glove 3-8-10 Tom McKeown At the Esalen Baths 7-22-09 if you live At the Gulf Oct 08 09 swr Banquet at the Tso Family Manor 5-26-10 Tu Fu WWW A Ritual Mouse 3-1-10 WmMeredith PREMBKofMAJORPOETS Batman 8-17-09 cl A Short Drop2Nothing 7-18-10 Judy Jordon WWW Be Here Wow May 18 09 Hai-Choo A Sick Child 12-30-09 Randall Jarrell Beauty,Danger&Dismay 6-21-10 Jms Fenton OUTOFDANGER A Woman in front of a Bank 3-13-09 WmC Williams Bedrock May 27 09 nem Before the Day is Done Nov 18 09 iyl A Woods Still Intact 12-23-09 If You Live… BEFORE THE WORDS WERE SAID F4 09 Nothing Bernard and Sarah 5-16-10 Henry Taylor VS, CONTEMP… A.M. 4-19-10 Sara Zurstad-Abel POET SPEAK Aborderlinosis 8-14-09 cl Between May 29 09 hai-choo BETWEEN SUNSET AND SUNRISE Ja2309 If You Abracadabra 6-14-09 Ronald Wallace JAMA Bittersweet Nightshade 3-17-10 Floyd Skloot ABrave&StartlingTruth 6-4-10 Maya Angelou (toUnited Nations) Black Series 8-18-10 Brenda Hillman BRIGHT EXISTENCE Absence 8-12-10 Pablo Neruda POEM HUNTER Blackberry Attack 6-5-09 Seeds… AbsentWOfficialLeave 5-31-10 Randall Jarrell SELECTED POE Blackberry Eating 7-3-10 GalwayKinnell SELECTED POEMS 91 ADDLED VERSE 2-26-09 Hai Choo BLIND MEN January 12, 2009 Mediphors After the Chinese 9-7-09 tess Gallagher Blood & Lead 4-28-10 JAmES Fenton OUT OF DANGER Ah Sunflower 8-16-10 William Blake WWW Alcatraz 3-28-09 Sharon Olds The Gold Cell Blood Pressure 012810 SandraGilbertSUTUREDWORDS Alive in Order Oct 14 09 cl All Else Follows May 22 09 Blowin’ in the Wind 1-17-10 Bob Dylan (www) all poet re Jan 25,2009 Hai Choo Boiler Bay 7-29-10 Floyd Skloot Alley Oops 12-4-09 If You Live Your Time Will Come An Old Song Ended 11-22-09 Dante Gabriel Rosetti Anais None 9-8-09 hc Boy&Mom@NutcrackerBallet 6-15-10 Naomi Shihab Nye FUEL ANGST January 22, 2009 Collected Words Braille 7-13-10 Sally Jo Soressen POEM Brainstorm12-5-09HaroldNEmerov WNTRLIGHTNING Breakfast at Sessions 3-9-10 Kevin Miller Crows May 17 09 Scott Lubbock Breaking the Code 5-6-09 Archives of Fam Med CurseOne:TheWraith 2-17-10 Cynthia Huntington BREAKTHROUGH Feb 11, 09 NW Passage Cut a Cross Nov 23 09 cl D’ORSAY 3-24-09 Create… Bucking May 12, 09 Hai-Choo Daddy Warbucks 7-6-10 Anne Sexton WWW Buddha Inside the Light 2-6-10 Rilke SELECTED POEMS OF Dance Troupe Meets… 8-25-09 swr Bulimic’s Ritual 9-14-09 Nothing else matters DAY LABORER January 15, 2008 Seeds On… Day’s Dance 8-27-09 If You Live… Caged Birds 4-21-09 Collected Words Departure’s Girl-Friend 6-6-09 WS Merwin California 6-20-09 William Carpenter Depression 4-1-10 JoeGeskey UNCHARTED LINES Calling Down the Geese 12-26-09 HHughes MENHOLD Destinatiions 3-21-10 Scott Lubbock ONWAYH2O Camberwell Beauty 6-4-09 Hai-Choo CAN’T FACE IT 3-2-09 Hai-Choo CAREFUL 3-18-09 Hai Choo Carried Away 5-7-09 Collected Words Carroll’s Corollary 9-15-09 Hai Choo Dichos 7-15-10 Richard Shelton THELASTPERSON2HEAR Distressed Haiku 10-25-09 Danald Hall DO NO HARM feb 21 Jack Coulehan, MD Dolphin Feeding 5-27-10 Suzanne Graham POETSPEAK Don’t Forget Ada 4-6-09 If You Live Don’t Whine, Wino Oct 28 09 nem Catching July 6, 2009 nem Changing Sound 4-7-09 Poetry Motel DoNotGoGentleIntoThatGoodNight 2-12-10 DylanThomas Dream Play 9-3-08 nem Chest X-Ray 6-27-10 PaulaTatarunis BLOOD & BONES Drinking While Driving 7-26-10 Raymond Carver WWW Chief Leschi oftheNisquallies 1-18-10 Duane Niatrum COME2P Drunkard’s Dream Oct 16 09 hai choo Ducks 7-11-09 N Nye FUEL Children’s Rhymes 1-6-10 Langston Hughes (www) CHRISTMAS EVE, 1996 Jan 1, 2009 Mediphors Cinder Cones 6-11-09 Nothing Else Dust 1-3-10 Peter Blair LAST HEAT Dust & Memory 5-13-10 Philip Levine THE SIMPLE TRUTH Dusting Earth in Return 3-20-09 Scarabogram Earth Lesson 7-3-09 hc Cinderella 3-12-10 Randall Jarrell CIRCUIT PRAYER Feb 3 09 Slightly West Civil Wars Oct 05 09 hc Civilization July 9, 2009 hc Cockroaches 8-4-09 nem Cold Mountain Poem 23 4-14-10 GarySnyder RIP RAP Colored Pencils 5-5-10 Jessica Talmon NW PASSAGE Committal Service 4-18-10 NancyGLammers MAIN ST RAG Communal Living 2-21-10 AliceJones BLOOD&BONE EarthmovMalediction6-11-10HeatherMcHugh NEWAMERPS90s EASE ON Feb 5 09 Hai Choo Eastern News 012410 RonLinder AnimalsOnTheRoof Eczema 8-7-10 David R Slavitt ROUNDING THE HORN Edinburgh july 17, 2009 cl Egyptian Sonnets (11) 8-10-10 John Yau AMERICAN HYBRID El Curandaro 5-6-10 Rafael Campo BLOOD&BONES Elsewhere 8-9-09 Jack Myers AsLongAsYour’reHappy COMPANIONS Jan 29, 2009 tve Empty Nest 4-27-09 Nothing Else Matters Compulsions Dec 2 09 nem Controlled Burn 4-13-09 Collected Words Coronado Beach 7-27-09 swr Court the Sun 9-2-09 nem Crane Moon 5-15-10 Henry Hughes MEN HOLDING EGGS Endgame 4-17-09 Nothing Else Essays 8-11-09 nem Even as the Birds of the Fields O109 Coll Words Ex Libris Dec 1 09 swr Eye Speak Easy Oct 20 09 cw, FACETS 4-3-09 Create that Love… Farewell 012510 FedericoGarciaLorca COLL’D POEMSFarmer’s Son 3-31-09 SWR Farms at auction 3-7-10 McDonald Farmyard@Chassay 112809 St Dobyns SUT’D WORDS FEAR IS ONE WAY WE DIE 3-13-09 Poet Speak Gospel May 24 09 Charles Simic GOT MILK? Feb 2 09 If You Live… Gravity Dance 4-10-09 Create That Love Green Rose Tan 3-23-10 Les Murray REDNECK Ground Zero 9-27-09 Ronald Wallace VITAL SIGNS Fear of Grey’s Anatomy 10-18-09 Brendan Galvin Sutured Halloween, 1995 7-12-09 JAMA He Calls it Cunning 12-3-09 If You Live FEBRUARY FIRST Feb 1,09 Northwest Passage Healer 9-24-09 Seeds Heart’s Prayer 8-20-09 If you live… Feeling My Way 012710 JackMyers ASLONG First Deer 112709 Joseph Bruchac COME TO POWER FIVE FINGER GRASS feb 18 Mediphors Flowering Oct 22 09 Hai ChooFloyesco 6-26-09 Create That Love… HEARTS MURMUR Feb 10,09 Nothing Else… Heavenly Bodies Nov 25 09 cw HERE LIES GOD 3-17-09 Nothing HILLSIDE FORMATION 3-16-09 Nothing Hinterhof 5-31-09 James Fenton Out of Danger Flying at Night 5-18-10 Ted Kooser WWW Holly Day Night Nov19 09 cw FLYING INTO A NEW YEAR Jan 4, 2009 If You Holy Gray Rising 3-11-10 Henry Hughes For My Mother 6-07-09 Sharon Olds The Wellspring Home Place 6-28-10 RichShelton THE LAST PERSON TO HEAR For My Stepdaughter5-28-10 PaulaJonesGardinerSEATTLE REV How to Eat a Villanelle 3-10-10 Robin Seyfried For The Record 2-28-10 RayCarver NEWPATH2WATERFAL Hummingbird Pauses… May 25 09 Mary Oliver For Whatever Reason 7-12-10 Thomas Ward WWW Hush 8-3-10 David St John THE NEW YORKER Foraging 12-14-09 tim van ert I Don’tWanna Get Drafted 6-25-10 Frank Zappa WWW Forest Fall 6-22-09 Hai Choo I Know a Man 3-20-10 Robert Creely FORGET SOME THINGS Jan13, 2009 If You Live, I Make Ye an Offer 8-29-09 Thoreau WINGED LIFE Friends for Life 1-1-10 If You Live… I Saw a Child 1-11-10 James Fenton OUT OF DANGER From This Distance 11-15-09 Naomi Shihab Nye FUEL I See My Girl May 2, 09 Sharon Olds FURNACE LABOR peter blair 3-22-09 Last Heat I Shalll Believe 9-23-09 Seeds Futures 7-30-09 Hai Choo I Wake Up, Having Dreamed of Snow 3-14-10 Jo Greene GABRIEL 2-22-09 James Fenton I Was Stolen by Gypsies 4-11-10 Simic WORLDDOESNTEND Gar 7-16-10 Henry Hughes MEN HOLDING EGGS I WILL BE THERE feb14 If You Live Gender Geography 11-20-09 FUNNY TIMES I Wish 2-25-10Alberta Lilley LONG NIGHT A.. GENERATION GAP Jan 5, 2009 I, Me, Me Dec 9 09 col words GENIUS 3-11-09 Hai=Choo Iceman 5-25-10 Arnold Perron WINDOW Getting the Daily News May 15, 09 Seeds… IKnowWhatI'mMissing 11-14-09JFentonOUTDANGER ILookLikeOgdenNash 5-4-10 Joseph Green DELUXE MOTEL Gleaning 5-14-10 Randall Jarrell R J, SELECTED POEMS In Fear&Valor 7-2-10 Wm Stafford THE WAY IT IS Going Home Madly 4-20-10 BrookeWiese EDGEOFWORLD In Louvre Again Nov 16 09 cl In Macieo 5-30-10 Tess Gallagher THE SEATTLE REVIEW Marengo 12-6-09 Mary Oliver NEW&SELECTEDPOEM Into My Own 8-30-09 Rbt Frost A BOY’S WILL Mary’s Second Son David Citino May 10, 09 Islands of Time connected ju;y 16. 2009 hc It 2-2-10 Sharon Olds THE GOLDEN CELL IT PLEASES 3-1-09 Gary Snyder MATURITY Jan 17, 2009 A First Book of Hai-Choo Mayakovsky in NY… 5-12-10 Annie Dillard ATLANT.MO’LY Meditation on a De ath Nov 10 09 nem Men Holding Eggs 12-20-09 Henry Hughes MEN… Jawbone Flats 4-8-10 Christina Tilicki NW PASSAGE JESUS LIZARD Jan 26, 2009 Seeds On a Wind Ride Jewel in a Basket…Nov 4 09 swr Joan Us 4-8-09 Collected Words Mesmerized Nov 17 09 create… Midnight Musings Oct 21 09 cl Miss. 1955 Confessional 10-09-09 Terry Hummer New Mixed Greens 12-22-09 If You Live… John Lennon May 21 09 Collected Words Momma 2-14-10 Larissa Van Ert JourneyOfTheMagi 1-10-10 TSEliot THEWASTELAND Morning Glory 7-19-10 Naomi Shihab Nye FUEL Kokoschka inLovE1914 4-13-10FloydSklootBITTERNIGHTSHA MOTHERLESS CHILD F 8 09 Van Morrison Lament 5-23-10 Anne Sexton CONTEMP AMER POETRY Mouse Turds Oct 29 09 nem Mouth of the Wolf 9-5-09 Susan Stewart LAST LIGHT 3-3-09 if you live, Moving 4-16-10 Kayla Rau NW PASSAGE LAUGHTER MATTERS 3-19-09 MRI of a Poet’s Brain 5-19-10 Vernon Rowe BLOOD&BONE Learn.SignsOfZodiac 9-19-09 Rumi OPEN SECRET My Back Yard 4-12-10 Matthew Stalter NW PASSAGE Life Cycle of Ideas 12-25-09 LesMurray SUBHUMAN MY BOOKS WAIT IN THE BEDROOM F9 09 My Dad 6-19-10 Anonymous WWW LIFE SMILES Jan 7, 2009 First Book of Hai-Choo LIGHT SHOW April 1 09 Hai Choo My Left Leg 1-8-10 Ken.WAnderson,Jr NW PASSAGE Listen to Her Jim Nov 2 09 collected words Living Apart 11-7-09 Maura Stanton POETS 90s My Love 6-18-09 collected words LIVING MOMENTS 2-25-09 Seeds on a Wind My Magician 4-4-09 Charles Simic Long Distance 3-6-10 John Calvin Hughes (www) My Papa’s Waltz 4-26-09 Theodore Roethke LookingForTheCatGrave 013010 NaomiShihabNyeYEL.GLOVE My Sister IsNotADollar 8-15-10 M Burkard RUBY FOR GRIEF Losses 4-18-09 Randall Jarrell coll. Poems (1944) Narcissus May 16 09 Federico Garcia Lorca Love 10-15-09 Coll words NEAL ARMSTRONG January 9, 2009 If You Live, Love Poem 5-3-10 John Frederick Nims (www) Never Try 9-21-09 Misc Love…In You the Earth 2-1-10 PNeruda CAPTAIN’S VERSES Luck of the Draw 3-28-10 Walter McDonald CTING SURVIVS Luggage 3-30-10 Naomi Nye FUEL Lullaby 3-26-10 Jon Mukand ON DOCTORING New Hampshire 4-30-10 TSEliot THE WASTE LAND & OTHER NEWBORN 3-25-09 Hai Choo Nicht Gut Nov 5 09 hc Night Moves 6-25-09 Medicinal Purposes Night’s Medley Nov 13 09 Lumpectomy 5-5-09 Nothing Else Madam Theodora 2-22-10 BrookeWiese ATTHEEDGE Malediction 8-17-10 Barry Spacks IMAGINING A UNICORN Mankind’s Mind 6-12-09 Hai Choo Mantra Crystal Nov 3 09 cl swr Nightfall 3-25-10 Alice Jones THE CORTLAND NightInHouseOCards 61210 CharlesSimic WALKBLACKCAT Nipple..Monkey Screams 6-8-10 Scott Lubbock ON THE WAY… Non-Stick 4-29-09 Seeds… Noonday Axeman 9-13-09 Les Murray COL POEMS Not Tonight May 28 09 swr Notes fromDel.Rm 112909 Linda Pastan SUT’D WORDS NOTHING ELSE MATTERS 3-6-09 Nothing NothingVentured 6-20-10 Kay Ryan WWW O Taste and See 3-27-10 Dannie Absee Obituaries 9-10-09 Hai Choo Ode to a Born Again Shed 6-23-09 Nothing Else Poets Playing may 14 09 John L. Wright, MD JAMA Post Card 8-6-09 Poetry Journal Potter’s Clay 5-24-10 Linda F. Burghardt MEDIAL PURPOSES Presence 5-2-10 Goethe SELECTED POEMS OF Rain 6-29-10 Naomi Shihab Nye NEW AMER POETS 90s Rainer July 14, 2009 cl Reader’s Hammock 3-26-09 If You Live Reading at the Jambalaya May 11, 09 SWR Ode to an Elevator 6-19-09 nem Reading You Reminds Me 6-15-09 FIREWEED Ode to Summer 9-18-09 Pablo Neruda ODES OF PAB Recoil 4-15-09 Seeds… Recomposition July 10, 2009 nem Olivera St 3-19-10 Ron Linder DANCER STAY OUT On Aging 4-24-10 Maya Angelou AND STILL I RISE Redeeming the Thistle 5-20-10 Phyllis Mannan FIREWEED RedWheelbarrow 12-11-09 WmCWilliams On Macksburg Road May 8 09 If You Live Reluctuance 5-7-10 Rbt Frost A BOY’S WILL On the Debt My Mother Owed 7-5-09 Con.AmerPoety Remembrance 2-26-10 Angelou STILL I RISE One More Hour Served Up 3-30-09 SWR Respite Oct 12 09 NEM ONLY ATTENDANTS Jan14, 2009 Hai-Choo RetiredBallerinas,CtrlPkW 3-4-10 Ferlinghetti ENDLESS LIFE ONLY FOR THIS 2-24-09 Create That Love Retread 9-30-09 If You Live Only One Mother 5-9-10 George Cooper WWW Revelation 3-5-10 Robert Frost A BOY’S WILL OPEN HIGHWAY feb 20 tve Rhapsody 8-28-09 Cyn Huntington NEW AM POETS 90S Rick and Sue’s Guest House 12-24-09 If You live Ophelia 2-09-10 Arthur Rimbauld Orchid Island 6-29-09 iyl RIDING THE RIVER ROAD 3-9-09 Seeds… Organic Chemistry Lecture Notes 6-16-09 cw RIGHT INACTION Feb 12, 09 Sow’s Ear Poetry Rev Outside..Sex-ChangeDoc 61310 SharonOlds THE GOLD CELL RIVER BANK MEETING feb 17 Pacific Crest Trail Ascent 7-1-09 swr PALPATE THE GOLD Jan19,09 Nothing Else Rock Music 12-27-09 LesMurray SUBHUMANREDNE PAPER BOY January 18, 2009 Nothing Else Rocks and Fog May 23 09 Ron Linder Parable of the Dove 10-11-09 Louise Gluck Meadowlands Paradise 10-10-09 Louise Gluck New Amer Poets 90s Rooms to let Dream 7-7-19 PaulannPetersen FIREWEED Peter Piper 6-10-09 HaiChoo RsignFromJobDefenseIndustry 3-31-10 SandraMcPher.VS Pick Your Peak 4-14-09 HaiChoo RUMPELSTILTSKIN 3-5-09 Creat that Love… Pine Woods Oct 7 09 swr Piute Creek 10-17-09 Gary Snyder RIP RAP Plane Life 11-1-09 L Ferlinghetti SUTURED WORDS Run-in on Bellfountain Rd 8-31-09 cl Planetary Motion 8-24-09 collected words Sailing Stones Oct 23 09 NW Passage Salmon Berries July 7, 2009 swr Poem in 3 Parts 10-30-09 Robert Bly COMTEMP. AM Sand Timer 9-11-09 If You Live RuralLetterCarrier 6-22-10 TRHummer THEANGELICORDERS PoemAgainstTheRich 6-16-10 Robert Bly VS,ContempAmer Saying One Thing 1-13-10 Rbt Long WHAT HAPPENS Poems 9-20-09 Ray Carver NEW PATH 2 WATERFALL Poet’s Alchemy 3-27-09 Hai-Choo Schwarze Sauer Café Nov 24 09 Scraps Nov 6 09 cw swr Sea Being 12-15-09 Create that Love… Spirit Level 1-16-10 Joseph Green DELUXE MOTEL Sea Lullaby 2-18-10 ElinorWylie BOOKMAJORPOETS Spotting 5-8-10 Suzanne Baldwin Leitner MAIN ST RAG Search My Soul 4-28-09 If You Live… St Francis &the Sow 7-9-10 Galway Kinnell WWW Security 4-15-10 Wm Stafford THE WAY IT IS St.Peter&theAngel 3-18-10 Denise Levertov Seed July 15, 2009 swr Sends Me No Dancers 6-08-09 Pointed Circle Starlight on Iceberg 6-09-09 swr Stay at Bay Oct 26 09 cw September 21st May 19 09 If You Live… Still I Rise July 18, 2009 Maya Angelou And Still I Rise SETTLE DOWN feb 19 Seeds Storm Windows 8-8-09 HNemerov ThWinterLightning Share Your Wealth 8-3-09 if you live Strawberries 4-7-10 Edwin Morgan BK OF LOVE POETRY Struggle at Least 4-22-09 Hai-Choo Shattered Clebration 7-2-09 nem Summer Knights May 13 09 Create That Love… She Elves Oct 19 09 hc(cl) Shoeless Joe 9-17-09 Misc SIMMERING 3-12-09 If you live… SIMPLE NEEDS, SIMPLE DEEDS Jan 24,09 Words Simple Song 9-10-09 Marge Piercy VITAL SIGNS SLEEP'S SIREN CALLS Jan 8, 09 WJof Medicine Slide 8-13-09 (cl) Small Haiku Opera 8-16-09 Scott Lubbock ON THE… Summer Suitor 7-23-09 swr Sunday Olympics 9-22-09 If You Live Sunset San Francisco july 13, 2009 cw Suzanne 5-29-10 Leonard Cohen WWW Sweet Fruits 6-2-09 NEM Sweet Nov 11 09 hai choo T. Reach her/us Oct 6 09 cw Taste of an Orange Uneaten 4-30-09 Seeds… Teachher Oct 27 09 cw Smokescreen July 21, 2009 collected words Thanks Given 9-29-09 If You Live So galactic 6-14-10 Aaron Belz WWW The 1st of the Month 9-6-09 Adrian C Lewis The 2d Coming Nov 26 09 WB Yeats So Long Nov 8 09 Wm Stafford THE WAY IT IS The Breaking of Rainbows 3-24-10 Howard Nemerov So Many Ants on the Melon O209 If You Live The Cat in the Kitchen 1-7-10 Robert Bly (www) Soloing 3-15-10 Philip Levine The Coupling 2-24-10 Susan Astor DAME Some Herons 6-5-10 Mary Oliver NEW&SELECTED POEMS Some Parts Nov 9 09 hcp The Crowd Please Her 9-9-09 Collected Words Someone Digging Ground 4-9-10 Rumi/Moyne OPEN SECRET The Daily Deaths 6-24-09 Archives of Fam Med SOMETHING ABOUT MAGIC feb13 Collected the DANCING Jan 31, 2009 Create That Love Something Amiss in Isles Dec 8 …nem The Doctor 2-20-10 Dannie Abse BLOOD&BONE Song of Being a Child 12-19-09 Peter Handke The Edges of Time 6-18-10 Kay Ryan THE BEST OF IT Song of the Barren Orange Tree 3-29-10 FG Lorca/WSMerwin The Eyes 7-19-09 Michael Benedikt ConAmPoetry SongOfTheHighestTower 2-8-10 ARimbaud SEASON IN HELL The Face 1-20-10 Randall Jarrell SELECTED POEMS Sonnet 108 4-10-10 Shakespeare THE SONNETS, POEMS OF SonnetInSearch 12-12-09 WmCWilliams Sonogram 3-29-09 Anne Richey JAMA 2004 Spider Bite 4-9-09 If You Live The Facts of Life 9-26-09 Ronald Wallace VITAL SIGNS The Fish 6-28-09 Elizabeth Bishop The Fisherman’s Wife 8-5-10 Maura Stanton SNOW ON SNOW The Five Year Indian 8-07-09 Lew Blockcolski The Road Not Taken 12-31-09 RFrost The Flirt 4-19-09 Brooke Wiese At the Edge of the World The Rule of Thirds May 3, 09 Jack Coulehan The Fossil Imprint 6-26-10 LesMurray REDNECK POEMS The Friend 6-1-10 Marge Piercy V S CONTEMPORARY… The Goose Fish 6-21-09 Howard Nemerov The Grownup 2-10-10 Rilke SELECTED POETRY OF The Secret 2-4-10 Denise Levertov THE SITE HAS A WELL, Jan 3, 2009 Create That The Song of the Old Mother 8-2-09 Yeats The Song of the Soul 8-1-09 Kahlil Gibran The Song the Blind Man Sings Rainer Rilke May 9 09 The Hidden Ground of Love 6-13-09 Thomas Merton The Springtime 4-5-09 Denise Levertov The Hound 7-10-10 Arnold Perrin WINDOW THE STOLEN BRANCH Pablo Neruda Captain’s The Intruder 8-11-10 David R Slavitt WWW.POET.ORG The Storm 2-23-10 WCWilliams THE WEDGE The Invention of Comics O409 Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones The Story 8-19-10 Fred Chappell VITAL SIGNS WALLACE The Journey 7-26-09 Mary Oliver NEW&SELECTED The Kitty Cat Bird 2-3-10 TRoethke I AM! SAYS THE LAMB THE KOOKABURRAS 2-28-09 Mary Oliver The Summer Day 7-11-10 Mary Oliver NEW&SELPOEMS The Sun 4-5-10 Mary Oliver NEW & SEL’D POEMS The Sun Bathers 7-25-09 Wm C Williams THE LEMONS F 7 09 Frank X Gaspar The Swan 4-6-10 Rilke/Bly SEL’D POEMS OF The Long Goodbye 3-16-10 David Lehman The Telephone 4-12-09 Robert Frost Collected… The Man Who Hated Trees 5-30-09 Naomi Nye The Toes 1-9-10 Raymond Carver ANEWPATH2THEWA The Moment 1-4-10 Th. Roethke COLL’D POEMS The Tree House 1-19-10 Henry Hughes MENHOLDINGEGGS The Moose Jan22 10 Elizabeth Bishop The Wiser Buds’ Toads 12-17-09 If you live… The New Feeling 6-6-10 Jack Myers AS LONG AS YOU..HAPPY The World IceCream&Every7-17-10KMillerLIGHT..WHISPERS The Night We Pitched It 8-22-09 P Blair LAST HEAT The World isFullofPoets82310Cnstncrdang ONLYTHEWORLD The Old Must Watch Us 10-24-09 Don Hall Sutured Wds The Orchid 2-13-10 TRoethke COLLDPOEMSOF The Piano 6-2-10 Jessica Talmon NORTHWEST PASSAGE The Planned Child 11-21-09 Sharon Olds WELLSPR THE YEAR IS NOT OVER Ja 6 2009 If you live… The Years 4-11-09 JW von Goethe Selected TheEdgeOfTheRoof 2-11-10 Rumi WHENGRAPESTURN There’s Youth Still 8-19-09 col words The Poet at Seven 7-31-09 Beth Bentley Vital Signs The Possibility 3-2-10 James Fenton OUT OF DANGER The Power ofToads 7-1-10 PattiannRogers NEW AMER POETS TheRollover013110LMurraySUBHUMANREDNECKPOEMs TheSynchronyofBones012910ScottLubbockONTWAY2WATER The Quest 4-2-10 Sharon Olds NEW AM. POETS TheTideRisesTheTideFalls 4-29-10 Longfellow The Rain’s Marriage 1-14-10MarciaSouthwickWHYTHE TheWorldBkSalesman 4-27-10 RayCarver NEWPATH2H2OFAL The Raven 10-31-09 Edgar Allan Poe The Raven 4-21-10 Winston Mason COME TO POWER The Rescue 4-26-10 Esther Steiner NW PASSAGE The Return: Orihuela, 1965 PLevine 012310 SimpTruth Third Person Neuter 9=4-09 Heather McHugh This Bread I Break 4-25-09 Dylan Thomas ThisIsAnAnt 5-1-10 Henry Hughes MEN HOLDING EGGS ThOldManWStarsInsHim 4-4-10 JackCoulehan VS-UCLA THUMB PRINTS April 2, 09 nem Tilt-a-Whirling 12-18-09 MelissaHusemanNWREVIEW Time Away 6-17-10 Kurt Kristensen POETSPEAK Walking on Water 8-26-09 Time to Take the Dive 7-24-09 Walking Out of the Treasury Bldg Rumi 3-15-09 TIPI SWEAT 3-23-09 Seeds… TIRED HANDS 3-4-09 Hai Choo To Turn Back 12-29-09 JohnHaines CONTAMERPOE hc Wallace Lake Estuary 6-7-10 Les Murray ..REDNECK POEMS Wandering Away 8-12-09 nem Warning Lights On 12-28-09 If you live… Waves 6-17-09 ctltlc To Waken an Old Lady 3-22-10 WmCWilliams We are Perfect 4-23-09 Create That Love Toad’s Poolhall O309 Charles Simic WALKBLACKCAT WE LONG IN EXILE 3-10-09 tve TomorrowsSong 2-16-10 GarySnyder TURTLEISLAND WE’VE Jan 30, 2009 Create That Love… TOUGH AT TEN 2-27-09 Poet Speak Toward the Heart of Priscilla Jean 7-28-09 ify Track Gang 4-25-10 Peter Blair LAST HEAT Train tRIP to Horsens 6-9-10 Kevin Miller LIGHT..WHISPERS Wedding Dream Nov 12 09 iyl West Coast 5-11-10 Ed Skoop NARATIVE MAGAZINE What Love Is 2-27-10 Peter Blair LAST HEAT What You Hear Oct 13 2009 swr WhatDoesn’tGoAway 1-5-10 PhilipDacey VITALSIGNS Transfiguration 3-13-10 Jonathan Wright Tree Choreography 12-16-09 Hai Choo… True Love 4-3-10 Sharon Olds THE WELLSPRING Trying to Name What Doesn’t Change feb16 N.Nye TULE RIVER January 10, 2009 Seeds Tumbleweed Soul 8-5-09 hc(cl) Twelve 4-17-10 Dylan Thomas THE POEMS OF.. Two Men 7-04-09 Vital Signs When Death Comes 9-25-09 Mary Oliver When uStopGrowin7-20-10JohnWoodsTURNING2LOOKBACK Where Do I Live? 6-3-09 If You Live… Where I Came From 3-3-10 Ruth Stone SECOND HAND COAT Where to Look 7-29-09 hc(cl) White Flowers 2-5-10 Mary Oliver NEW&SELECTED POEMS White in Black 4-16-09 Nothing Else Wild Horses 6-27-09 Lawrence Ferlinghetti Two Suffering Men 8-23-09 Ed. Hirsch BLD & BONE Unable to Stand 8-18-0 nem Window Seat Flight 9-16-09 Seeds Uncorked 7-8-10 Jo Nelson MAIN STREET RAG Winter Love 2-7-10 Elizabeth Jennings …LOVE POEMS UNDER A FOOL, MOON Ja 27,2009 If You Live WINTER WALK January 11, 2009 Collected Words UNIVERSES APART 2-23-09 Nothing Else Wise july 8 2009 hc U-N-I-verses Nov30 09 cl Wishing Kisses 12-21-09 tim van ert Unplanned Parenthood 6-30-09 iyl Woman Bathing 8-21-09 Ray.Carver ANEW PATH 2…Woman Upon Awakening 5-1-09 Create that Love… Work 1-2-10 MayaAngelou ANDSTILLIR UpTheMountainToBasicTraining11510WayneAlanLamb Womb May 20 09 Create That Love… Vacation Trip 8-15-09 WmStafford THE WAY IT IS Waiting 8-10-09 seeds Wonders 9-1-09 Hai Choo Word Power 5-4-09 HaiChoo Waiting For You 9-28-09 WAL MART KOAN Feb 6 09 hai choo Words 012610 SylviaPlath CONTEMP AMER POETRY World Series July 20, 2009 hc Waking afterDickinson 6-30-10 Paula Tatarunis JAMA Years in a Thought 5-22-10 Dennis Muong FIREWEED Walk the Dog 6-1-09 Hai Choo Young Bud 4-24-09 Nothing Else Your Laughter 6-23-10 PabloNeruda THE CAPTAIN’S VERSES Youth Sunday 5-21-10 Ann Campanella MAIN STREET RAG Zlast August 23, 2010