Year Yr 3 Main Topic Autumn Ancient Egyptians Spring Summer Volcanoes, Rocks, Magnets Stone Age Rock Detectives Science Sun and Shadow Light and shadow Solids, liquids and how they can be separated 4d Magnets History Geog Literacy Egypt Creating Images Stories from other cultures Instructions and explanations Information texts Humorous poems Non Chronological Reports Healthy me and Skeletons Diet Muscles and joints Skeletons of humans and animals Stone Age London and the River Thames Stories by the same author Imaginary worlds Performance poems Traditional poems Myths Recounts Shape Poems Adventure Stories (Hodgeheg) Plays Non chron Reports Persuasive Writing Trad poems ICT Draw earth’s crust using pastels and water colour Art Investigating pattern – from other cultures (Egypt papyrus) DT Moving Monsters 3c Sand cave paintings Fossils from plaster of Paris Invasion games 1 Easter Cards Dance 3 PE RE EPR Sex Ed Trips/ visits Gymnastics Homes, Promises, Visitors Judaism Consideration for others Self esteem British Museum? Egyptian day (performance & workshop)? Outdoor and adventurous activities 1 Journeys Listening and Sharing Giving All Golden rules Sad times Fire safety International week Thames Barrier? Butser Ancient Farm, Petersfield? Sun Dials (ARTIST) Stained Glass Windows Silhouette Healthy Snacks (Seasonal Cooking) Food packaging Netwall/striking and fielding 1 Athletics 1 Swimming (Yr 3) Energy Choices Islam Special Places How other people feel Road safety European week God the caring protector