October 1, 2013

The McCloskey
October 1, 2013
The Reading Room!
Halloween Corner
Our reading connections have been
just awesome!
Both classes from rooms 201 and
203 have been really enjoying the
adventurous book written by Walter
Farley titled: The Black Stallion. The
students have been working hard to
develop a mastery of the following skills
such as Author’s Viewpoint and Main
Idea and Supporting Details, Character
Traits, and Setting. Throughout each
reading of the chapters the students
are showing how they’re able to identify
these skills with great details.
A classroom reading will be
conducted of Washington Irving’s
classic story: The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow. The students will
participate with making certain
sounds related to the drama of
the story. In addition, they will
use their imaginations to place
themselves into this amazing
setting throughout the Hudson
Valley region otherwise known as
Tarrytown New York.
The Poetry Gallery
An introduction to Haiku Poems is
our fall activity. The students are in the
process of developing their own poems.
Additionally, the students will develop
their own Haiku Poems and decorate
their fall paper leafs. The student’s
poems will then be showcased both in
the classrooms and on the outside
classroom bulletin boards.
Our Classroom quote is the
Latin term Carpe Deim which
means Seize The Day. The
students have to reflect on how
they are seizing their learning
throughout the day.
The Writing corner
The students from rooms 201 and
descriptive narrative about a time
when they were face with a difficult
decision. In addition, the students
have been practicing PARCC testing
and learning how to properly navigate
through this form of on-line
It’s worth noting that the students have
been working hard to develop their community
helping narratives.
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© 2007 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.