Germany & the Western Powers After WWI

Germany & the Western Powers After WWI
Name: ____________________________
Date: _________
PD: _________
Directions: Read the handout entitled, Germany & the Western Powers and
answer the following questions.
1. What forced Germany into signing the peace Treaty in Versailles in June 1919? _______
2. How did ALL Germans feel about the treaty? _________________________________
3. What was the problem with the author’s statement, “The treaty had neither broken nor
reduced Germany…?”
4. Which two European nations disagreed on how Germany should be handled? ________
5. What was of “vital” importance to the French to get from the Germans? After WWI?
6. How was Europe betrayed by America after WWI? ____________________________
7. What was France’s last best hope? __________________________________________
8. Define reparations: _____________________________________________________
9. How were Great Britain & Germany connected before WWI? ____________________
10. How would this impact how Great Britain would treat Germany post WWI?
11. Who was John Maynard Keynes? __________________________________________
12. How did he feel about the Treaty of Versailles? ________________________________
13. What was his interpretation? (summarize in your own words!) ____________________
14. If Germany was devastated economically, how would the rest of the world be affected?
15. Whose army on the Continent was largest after WWI? __________________________
16. Who were the members of the Little Entente? ________________________________
17. How many dollars were the Germans demanded to pay back? ____________________
18. What kind of government was in place in Germany? ____________________________
19. Where was it founded initially? ____________________________________________
20. Where was the seat of government moved? ___________________________________
21. What were the reasons why Germany could pay no more in 1922? _________________
22. Define inflation: _______________________________________________________
23. What did the Germans propose? ___________________________________________
24. Who accepted the offer? ______________ Who refused the offer? ________________
25. How did France and Belgium respond? ______________________________________