If you lose your newsletter please go to www.mg.k12.mo.us, click on Parent resources, click Faculty and Staff, click on my name and you will have access to the weekly newsletter. Mrs. Wakefield’s Weekly Note Spelling List For the week of October 6, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. he’d she’d that’s what’s won’t 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. there’s you’re wasn’t we’ll isn’t 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. we’re couldn’t I’ve didn’t they’re 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. teacher fish pathway shouldn’t wouldn’t Spelling Test will be on Friday, October 30, 2015!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week of Oct. 26 - Red Ribbon Week Monday - wear red Tuesday - superhero Wednesday - twin day Thursday - team or panther shirts Friday - fall party day Oct. 29 - Book Fair Family Night & BBQ, 5 PM - 7 PM Oct. 30 - Fall parties, 2:30 PM Oct. 31 - Laura’s Run, 9 AM, Lake Freebird (601 N Busch) Nov. 1 - Daylight Savings Time ends - set your clocks back one hour Nov. 2 - No School - Professional Development for teachers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homework: Don’t forget to have your child read their weekly story at home for 5 bonus reading points! Sign the bonus point paper and return it to school! This week read p.244-275, What Should I Be, A Castle on Viola Street, Homes for Families, Reading and Writing Connection. Don’t forget, your child can read it on their eBook on the computer. If you need help with your eBook please contact me. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grammar: This week we will be working on Sentence combining with nouns. Spelling: This week we will be working on contractions Vocabulary- Know the meaning of the following: appliances, Projects, owners, equipment, construction, leaky Math-continue multiplication, beginning fractions, and balanced equations Book Orders: - Book orders are due on Friday, November 6. If you would like to order online and pay by credit card simply go to https://orders.scholastic.com/GK3F8 . Your order will be delivered to our classroom!