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Chapter 7: The Glory of
Ancient Greece
Chapter Notes
Daily Life in Athens
a. Public Life
i. The Marketplace
1. The Acropolis was the center of Athens’ religious life and
the ____________ was the center of public life.
2. All Greek cities had Agoras, or public markets and
________________ places.
ii. The Business of Men
1. In the Agora, men talked politics, philosophy, or of events
in their community.
2. They would hear the cries of _______________, or sellers
of goods.
3. Buyers and vendors commonly _______________, or
bargained for the best prices.
4. Just about any ___________ an Athenian would want could
be found at the Agora.
iii. Public Buildings
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1. Temples and government buildings lined the Agora.
2. The buildings were often _________________ structures,
for Athenians greatly admired beauty in
3. Many government buildings in the Europe and the United
States were patterned after Greek architecture.
b. At Home in Athens
i. Private Life
1. Private homes were plain and made of _______ brick.
2. Greek houses consisted of rooms set around an open
________________ that was hidden from the street.
3. Water was carried from public ____________________.
4. Greeks ate simple foods. Breakfast might be just bread.
For their mid day meal, Athenians might add
______________ and olives to the bread. Dinner was to be
a hot meal that was more filling. It might consist of fish and
_________________ followed by cheese, fruit, and even
cake sweetened with _______________.
5. They ate very little meat and usually only during
ii. Women of Athens
1. Home was where most Athenian women spend their days.
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2. Athenian men thought that women needed to be
3. Most Greeks felt that women needed to be
_______________ by men.
4. Women could not take part in politics, vote, or own
5. They were allowed to be _______________ in religious
6. Running the home and family was the job of women. They
would organize the spinning and ________________,
looked after supplies of food and wine, and cared for young
7. They also kept track of family finances and slaves. She
would direct and train the slaves and care for them when
they were ____________.
8. Women could get jobs making pottery, tending
___________, or manufacturing cloth from wool.
9. Women were expected to be almost _____________ in
society. Pericles once said, “The greatest glory belong to
the woman who is least talked about by men, either they
praise her of find fault with her.”
c. Slavery in Ancient Greece
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i. _________________ is the condition of being owned by someone
else. Almost 1/3 of Athenians were slaves. At that time slavery
was not questioned and a __________ of everyday life.
ii. Who were the slaves?
1. Many free people became enslaved when they were
captured by armies during the war or by _______________
while traveling on ships.
2. Children born to slaves automatically became
3. Some Greeks found it objectionable to own other Greeks so
they would own ________________ slaves.
iii. The lives of the slaves
1. Slaves had no privileges granted to the Greek society,
including formal education.
2. They could ___________ their own freedom or be freed by
their master.
3. Without slaves, the Greek men would not have had the
_________________ time to participate in the government
and the arts.
4. Slaves did a wide variety of tasks. Most Greek households
could not have _________________ without slaves. They
cooked and served food, tended the children, cleaned, and
wove cloth.
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Athens and Sparta
a. Living in Sparta
i. _______________ was a city-state in southern Greece.
ii. Life in Sparta was harsh and even cruel. They were tough, silent,
and _____________.
iii. In the early days, Sparta was similar to other Greek cities. Then in
the 600s B.C., wars inside and outside the city led to changes in the
government and the way people lived. They became a powerful
iv. The city’s basic rule was, “Always put the city’s needs above your
v. They turned conquered people into ____________, or slaves
owned by the city-state of Sparta. Helots worked the farms which
allowed the citizens to wage _____________.
vi. The helots far outnumbered the citizens which made the Spartans
fear a ____________. Sparta became an armed camp and the
helots were treated very harshly.
b. Growing up in Sparta
i. Growing up male
1. A Spartan’s life was in the hands of the government from
____________. Only ____________ children were raised.
2. At age seven, boys were sent to live in a barracks and
receive training for the next ________ years.
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3. They were issued a cloak and mat to sleep on. They were
only given a small amount of food and encouraged learn to
_____________ food. The Spartans thought that a boy
who learned to steal would know how to live off the
____________during a war. If a boy was caught stealing,
he was severely punished.
4. Boys were expected to bear pain, hardship, and punishment
in _________________.
5. At age 20, a young man officially became a soldier. They
would remain soldiers until their __________ birthday. At
age 30, a man was able to take his place in the assembly, a
council consisting of all male citizens born in Sparta.
ii. Growing up female
1. Girls also trained and competed in wrestling and spear
throwing. Spartans believed that girls who had grew up
strong and healthy would have strong, healthy
________________. Spartan women were trained to
exercise and build up their bodies.
2. They were allowed to own land and take some part in
business. They took greater responsibilities in the running
of their farms and estates.
iii. Spartan Attitudes
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a. Spartans did not _____________ with other Greeks.
They were not allowed to _____________.
b. They looked down on wealth and trade.
c. The Persians Invade
i. The expanding Persian Empire
1. In the 400s B.C. the Greek city-states put aside their
differences and joined forces to defend the peninsula
against the _________________.
2. Cyrus the Great had founded the Persian Empire in the mid
500s B.C. By ______B.C., the Persians had gained control
of Greek colonies on the west coast of Asia Minor.
ii. Battle of Marathon
1. In the fall of 490 B.C., a force including thousands of
Persians landed in Greece. They gathered at
________________. This is when Pheidippides made his
famous run to Sparta for help.
2. The Persian outnumbered the Athenians two to one. For
days, they stared across the plains at one another. Without
warning, the Athenians _____________ the Persians who
were overwhelmed by the furious attack. By one account,
the Athenians killed 6,400 Persians while only losing only
____________ of their own.
d. Conflict and the Athenian Empire
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i. With so many victories, Athens felt they were _____________ by
the gods.
ii. Athens emerged from the war as the most powerful city-state in
Greece. Athens joined other city-states in the _____________
League, named after the island of Delos, where the league’s
treasury was kept.
iii. In time the cities were treated more like subjects of Athens than
allies. The years following the Persian Wars were the Golden Age
of Athens as discussed in Chapter 6.
e. Sparta and Athens at War
i. Athens begins to act unfairly
1. Allies of Athens were made to pay ____________ to the
city-state for protection.
2. The moved the treasury from Delos to Athens and used the
money that was supposed to help defend its allies to build
the _________________ and to finance other projects.
ii. The Peloponnesian War
1. The city-states looked to Sparta, who had not joined the
Delian League, for help.
2. Sparta formed the _____________________ League,
named after Peloponnesus, the southern Greek peninsula
where Sparta was located.
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3. In 431 B.C. the Sparta and its allies fought against Athens
and its allies. Thus began the Peloponnesian War, a
conflict between Athens and Sparta that lasted for
_________ years.
4. When Sparta invaded Athens, the statesmen Pericles, let the
people from the surrounding countryside move
_____________ the city walls. The overcrowded
conditions led to a ______________, or widespread
disease. The plague killed about 1/3 of Athens population.
iii. The Fall of Athens
1. Athens never recovered its losses from the plague.
2. Sparta allied itself to its former common enemy to have the
advantage of the Persian ____________.
3. In 405 B.C. the Spartans staged a __________________,
an action taken to isolate the enemy and cut off its supplies.
The Spartans surrounded and closed the harbor where
Athens received its ____________ shipments.
4. Starving and beaten, Athens surrendered in _________
B.C., never again to dominate the Greek world.
The Spread of Greek Culture
a. Young Alexander
i. King ____________ of Macedonia spent money on the Greek
philosopher, Aristotle, to tutor his son, ____________________.
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Aristotle taught Alexander the Greek language, literature,
philosophy, and science. He taught him that the Greeks were a
_________________ people and therefore, deserved to
ii. Alexander thought of himself as Greek but to Greece, the
Macedonians were thought of as _____________________, or
wild and uncivilized people.
iii. Alexander loved his tutor and loved his hero
__________________ from the Homer’s Iliad. He vowed to visit
Troy and lay a wreath at the tomb of his fallen hero.
b. Philip Comes to Power
i. Philip too, thought of himself as Greek. When he was young, he
studied in Greece, which led him to hire _______________to tutor
Alexander. He dreamed of conquering the rich city-states of
ii. He would accomplish this by using __________________ as well
as military force. He made alliances with Greek city-states by
threatening or _________________ them.
iii. He built an army stronger than the Spartans. With this army, he
captured one Greek city-state after another. Philip gained control
of all of Greece.
c. Alexander Builds an Empire
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i. Philip planned to attack _______________. But in 336 B.C.,
before he could carry out his plan, he was ___________________,
or murdered for political reasons. __________ year old Alexander
became King.
ii. Alexander’s Conquest
1. One of his first actions was to invade the Persian Empire.
In ________B.C., he won his first battle. They won battle
after battle. He led them to Babylon, the Persian capital.
2. Within _________ short years, the Macedonian king had
conquered Persia, Egypt, and the lands extending beyond
the Indus River in the east. He had earned the title
Alexander the _____________.
3. Wherever he went, he established cities in his name.
iii. Alexander’s Last Battle
1. Alexander’s energy and military _____________ helped
him succeed. He drove himself and his army hard,
advancing across the vast lands at lightning speed.
2. His weary troops refused to take another step east and
convinced him to turn back. He got as far as Babylon when
he developed a ____________. In 323 B.C., Alexander
d. Greek Culture Spreads
i. The Hellenistic Kingdoms
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1. The word __________________ describes Greek history
and culture after the death of Alexander the Great.
2. The cities in the Hellenistic world were modeled after
Greek cities. The cities were designed with Greek temples
and agoras. Theaters were constructed for the people to
watch Greek ________________. Greek was spoken in the
cities for hundreds of years.
ii. Greek Culture in Egypt
1. Alexandria was founded in _______ B.C. by Alexander on
the banks of the Nile delta. It grew to be a famous center
for business and ___________. Its double harbor was
dominated by a huge ___________________ that rose
about 350 feet in the air. The tower was topped by a flame
that guided ships safely to port.
2. Alexandria also boasted the largest _______________ in
the world, with half a million scrolls. Scholars and writers
from all over the world came to use the huge library.
iii. Math and Science
1. Around 300 B.C. a mathematician named _____________
developed a branch of mathematics called
______________. He started with accepted mathematical
laws. Then he wrote step-by-step proofs of mathematical
principles. The proofs helped explain the qualities of such
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Name: _________________________
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figures as squares, ____________, angles, triangles, and
cones. Euclid system is still used today.
2. Eratosthenes knew the earth was round and calculated the
distance around it. His answer was within 238,000 miles of
being correct, which is very close.
3. Probably the greatest scientist of the times was
________________. He discovered people can use pulleys
and levers to lift very heavy objects. He once boasted:
“Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand on, and I
will move the Earth.”
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