Athens and Sparta


Athens and Sparta

Global I * Mr. McEntarfer * HSLPS

Aim : How can we compare and contrast the

Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta?

• Do Now : How do these two statues differ?








Mediterranean Sea

Peloponnesian Peninsula

Asia Minor

Athens's Government

 direct democracy

 people play a direct role in government

 adult males became citizens

 slaves women and foreigners played no part

Sparta’s Government

Military Dictatorship/oligarchy

► power lies in the hands of a few elite

Which statue represents Sparta and which represents

Athens? Explain.

Athenian Religion

Polytheistic – Greek gods acted human and intervened with life on Earth.

Spartan Religion

Polytheistic – Greek gods acted human and intervened with life on Earth.

How did the Greeks use their religion to explain the world around them?


 Athenian Women

 could own no property except their clothes, jewelry and slaves

 confined to homes

 must be accompanied by a man outside house

 Spartan Women

 Could own property and were the head of the house and business. Men were forced into the military at age 7 and were rarely home giving women more freedom and power.

Which civilization would you rather live in if you were a woman?


 Athens : Art was encouraged and desirable

Education focused heavily on the arts and

Athenians produced much of the great art of the era.

 Sparta : Artistic expression was forbidden because it was believed to interfere with military business


 Athens :

 Girls educated at home

 6-7 boys: taught at home

 7 to 14: neighborhood school

 subjects taught: drama, public speaking, reading, writing, math, science, philosophy and music.

 Sparta :

 trained for warfare

 Began training at age of seven

 lived in army barracks most their lives

 Respected strength, discipline and equality

 forbade luxuries


• All Greek city-states met in

Olympia to perform in the

Olympics. Physical prowess was encouraged and a sign of greatness.


• Athens :

• Overseas trade, commerce

• traded for food

• Created overseas colonies

• Sparta :

• agriculture based

• Were against trade namely to prevent cultural diffusion

• Slaves called Helots worked the land

Why did many Greek city-states rely on trade for food?


 Athens: had slaves who were usually captured in war or just people who owed money.

 Sparta: The Spartans enslaved the Helots who were the early settlers of Peloponnesus. They outnumbered the Spartans and fear of them revolting is what encouraged Spartan society to become a military state.

How did slavery in

Sparta and Athens differ?


• Question : Which society would you rather live in: Athens or Sparta? Explain your answer in a paragraph using examples from the class.
