River Valley`s Essay - KaterinaCLHSportfolio

Katrina Christopoulos
Period 4
River Valley’s Essay:
The affection of nations and regions has configured the development of River Valleys
to form its own independent nation. Each River Valley consisted of having its own multiple
techniques of society. Each differs from one another in several aspects. Such Valleys as
the Nile River and Indus have impacted one’s beliefs and techniques of forming different
developments and ideas among each cultural beliefs. The promoted factors have hindered
cultural diffusion. Among every culture each had spread their own ideas or products from
other cultures/Dwellers to another. As a culture gained ideas their Valley would become
increasingly popular with people migrating among other cultures. The development of
each nation/region has prospered the affection of River Valleys in their own secure way.
Among this process the promotion of each Valley had hindered Cultural diffusion and
caused its prospects of difficulty for each river valley.
The Nile River Valley developed its Region in every inscrutable aspect that it could
develop. Among the Nile River Valley they developed the use of an irrigation system. This
system maneuvered the controlling of floods and helped with farming among their moist
lands. The Nile people had come up with the idea to construct a plow. The plow was a
helpful task for the people. The plow consistently made it easier on land and became more
sufficient among the farming families using it as a prosper tool. In the Nile River Valley
written language had developed among its people. The written language kept up with
communication spoken by several Nile people and used it for good usage. As a result,
written language was used as a prosper tool for record keeping. Along the Nile River
Valley its people have constructed pyramids as a place for the pharaohs as where they
were buried and believed in the idea of afterlife. The great pyramids developed great
structure that showed its widely bold dominance among its high standing. The pyramid
stood to the Nile people as a place of symbolism to respect their kings and gods. Among
the Nile River Valley the people practiced cultural diffusion. The Nile and its people had
developed of written language to be a great prosperity to them. Communication between
the people gave its ideas and traditions of a great major valley to use them and be well
sufficient. Along the Nile River a long reed was to be found and is know as papyrus.
People who wrote documentaries used papyrus for written records. It created a way for
people to write on as a usage of paper known to its Nile people. The people of the Nile
River used their natural lands to seek for natural resources. If whom a person was sick
there was a plant that was pounded to make medicine. Medicine had helped people to
battle sickness and severe disease if curable. This technique became a widely influence
among other cultures created by the Nile people. In the Valley mathematics and Geometry
was developed. It gave others the opportunity of a numerical system to create
mathematical problems. A numerical system was helpful to architectures to construct a
pyramid to seek the wideness of a triangle and its length. Constructing buildings needed
mathematics because it created an easier way of understanding skills and numbers to
construct a building of some sort. Using these ideas of society have developed a stronger
River Valley to be more sufficient and useful.
The Indus River Valley developed its Region in incredible manners. Among the
Indus River Valley they’ve developed a plumbing and sewage system. This led many
villagers to bathe in their own homes, which would equal no stench. This system had
made it easier and sufficient for the Indus people. The Indus River Valley had gritted cities.
Their well usage of gritted cities led to organization and directions of where to go in such
a place. The Indus and its people have developed written language, which led to major
communication among the people. Many people use their spoken language as a given
advantage from god and use it for their own good purposes. The language would be
widely spoken anywhere among the Indus River Valley. There in the Indus River Valley the
seals of the Indus cities were noticed as symbols of power and authority that have created
through complex technologies. The Indus Valley was a planned city. It was one of the
fewest of all to consist of straight streets, brick homes with private baths. Children among
the streets of the Indus Valley had entertained themselves with toys. They often played
Katrina Christopoulos
Period 4
with small carts, whistles shaped like birds, and toy monkeys, which had the ability to
slide down a string. The Indus Valley practiced cultural diffusion in many inscrutable
ways. The Indus people used written language as a way to communicate with other people
in the city and to spread ideas and techniques of their society. Their society was quite
sufficient and managed properly. Most people would’ve chosen to live in the Indus River
Valley. In the Indus valley they always populated the standards measurements of the city.
The Indus Valley was among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures. Their
measurements were precise and correct for a change. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization achieved great
achievement in measuring length, mass, and time.
In conclude, the development of several ideas and beliefs have affected each River
Valley in their own nation/region. Every aspect had its own secure way of developing its
own moderating nation and configuring different techniques of society to succeed in a
major valley. These promotions had hindered cultural diffusion in every aspect among
each and every River Valley. Each River Valley had their good moments and difficult of
having a River Valley succeed in such inscrutable times with resources not always being
available to them among their Valley. Among each River Valley’s each consisted of using
natural resources around them using these resources to develop homes, food, clothing
and so forth. Each Valley had their own sense of prosperity and fortune and can rely on
their neighbors next door for help. Such if in a severe case of attack of enemies progress
them. River Valley’s have developed and populated as time progressed. Some were
demolished and others still exist and stand today.