AP® English Literature and Composition

AP® English Literature and Composition
Course Outline
Alpharetta High School
Ms. Emily Graham
Course Description: AP® English Literature and Composition is a college-level course designed to develop
careful readers and critics of imaginative literature and to offer a worthy setting for a lifelong pursuit of
meaning. A shared inquiry of the great literary texts will provide these scholars with the essential tools for
joining the great conversation of ideas.
Course Goals: As set forth in the College Board’s AP English Course Description May 2007/2008, the primary
goals of this course are summarized as follows:
to cultivate in students the skills of careful observation of textual details while reading
and writing to experience and understand literature subjectively
to teach students analytical and interpretive skills in reading and writing to explain
literature and its myriad meanings
to foster the capacity in students while reading and writing to evaluate literature for
“quality and artistic achievement” and its inherent “social and cultural values” (45-46).
The works studied during this course build onto the rich reading experience of students enrolled in high
school English classes in our school system prior to entering AP English Literature and Composition.
Having already encountered timeless texts spanning the scope and sequence of early to contemporary
American literature, major classics from world literature, and a variety of selections from British literature, the
students in an AP English Literature and Composition course will explore through close reading fiction,
poetry, drama, and literary criticism that encompass a variety of literary traditions throughout the history of
English. The foundational readings in this course include the intensive examination of representative works
from the medieval period through contemporary times in British literature, a variety of works from
contemporary American literature, and several works in translation from nineteenth and twentieth century
European fiction and drama and twentieth century world literature. In this course we will discuss the way
writers throughout history have expressed what it means to be human. In our study, we will compare old and
new, looking for patterns, archetypes, and comparative themes. Students will be expected to read closely,
citing specific textual support in the primary works and often the ideas of other literary scholars.
The language experiences of the class will include reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking. Class
activities and assignments will include the following examples: reading assignments with mandated due dates;
continued vocabulary development emphasizing both denotative and connotative implications and both
general vocabulary and vocabulary particular to literary analysis; and one (1) out-of-class formal literary
analysis paper a semester;; five (5) to seven (7) timed AP in-class writings a semester, approximately two per
unit; out-of-class reflective journals; writing workshops requiring peer feedback and re-writing of formal,
extended analyses; individual writing conferences with the instructor regarding both out-of-class formal,
extended writings as well as in-class writings; both oral research presentations and formal written research
papers; Socratic seminars; Shared Inquiry discussions, and quizzes/tests. Finally, students will prepare for
success with the Advanced Placement Exam in English Literature and Composition by taking previously
released AP multiple choice exams and timed writings.
AP Exam Policy:
Per Fulton County and College Board policy, any student that does not take their AP exam FOR ANY
EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED REASON is responsible for the returned/unused exam fee of $13. Any
student that is passing their AP class, even if it is with a 70%, MUST take their AP exam.
Textbooks and Auxiliary Materials:
Student Textbooks
Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. -- $55.00
Hodge’s Harbrace Handbook -- $36.00.
Supplementary Texts: Novels and Major Works
***We may not study every work listed here and in the unit descriptions, but we will cover as many
as time allows. In addition, some texts may be added to the course.
Warren, Robert Penn. All the King’s Men
Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio
Heaney, Seamus (Trans.) Beowulf (excerpts)
Gardner, John Grendel
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein
Stoker, Bram Dracula
Swift, Jonathan A Modest Proposal
Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man
Faulkner, William The Sound and the Fury
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath
Supplementary Texts: Drama
Williams, Tennessee A Streetcar Named Desire
Edson, Margaret. Wit
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet
Shakespeare, William, Othello
Stoppard, Tom. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Wilde, Oscar The Importance of Being Earnest
Ibsen, Henrik A Doll’s House
Supplementary Novels: Additionally, independent novels of student/teacher choice may be required
reading each semester. While no student is required to purchase any books for this course, it is my hope that
you will choose to do so. Writing in a book makes one an active reader – a more conscientious reader.
I believe books beg to be marked up, dog-eared, and consumed over and again in one’s lifetime—in fact, my
writing teacher told me to always read with a pen in hand, and I still do! To purchase inexpensive titles online, visit abebooks.com and a1books.com. These are wonderful resources! However, as with any
assigned reading in this class, I will supply a book from our supply in the English department
bookroom to all who choose not to purchase one. Please let me know BEFORE we begin reading if
you need a school copy, but do not hesitate to see me if you wish to borrow a work listed in the required
text list.
AHS Text Lost/Damaged Book Policy:
Lost/damaged book policy: Students are financially responsible for all books issued by Alpharetta High School. Textbooks
may not be left in classrooms, and teachers are not responsible for students’ books once books have been issued to the
student. The copy issued to the student must be turned in at the end of the course. Students will not receive credit for turning
in another student’s book, and students may not turn in replacement books. The cost of replacement will be assigned to any
student that fails to turn in the exact book she/he was issued and/or to any student that turns in a damaged book. If a student
is issued a damaged book (i.e. broken binding, torn pages, water damage, writing, etc…), then the book must be brought to
room 1330 for a replacement book or to document the damage. There is a two week grace period for students to document
damage before the student will be held accountable.
Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. -- $55.00
Hodge’s Harbrace Handbook -- $36.00.
Writing Portfolios and Workshops: One of the rigorous requirements of AP English Literature and
Composition is the constant pursuit of the sharpened, focused written expression in our study of a work of
literature. This goal requires the relentless process of writing, reflecting, re-writing, reflecting, editing, and rewriting again. For the purpose of championing that individual growth within each student of this class,
writing portfolios and the writing workshop will be an on-going practice throughout the semester. We will
collaborate in class, peer edit, conference, revise, and rewrite. You will file all your drafts and completed
papers in your writing portfolio so that you can see your progress and continue revisions if necessary. In this
class, we will work in a variety of writing genres, including informal personal response, literary analysis,
comparison contrast, narrative, poetry, and exposition
Writer’s workshops and the resulting editing will follow the objectives for developing students’ abilities to
explain clearly and soundly their understanding and interpretation of literary works as presented in the
College Board’s AP English Course Description May 2009:
o wide-ranging vocabulary used with denotative accuracy and connotative
o variety of sentence structures, including appropriate use of subordinate and
coordinate constructions;
o logical organization, enhanced by specific techniques of coherence such as
repetition, transitions, and emphasis
o balance of generalization with specific illustrative detail
o effective use of rhetoric, including controlling tone, maintaining a consistent voice,
and achieving emphasis through parallelism and antithesis.
Literature Blogs
Instead of a paper/pencil journal, we are going on-line. Each of you will create a Blogspot account to use as
your reading journal. You will be required to post to your blog at least once a week and write about your
personal reactions/connections to what we are reading or discussing that week. Entries are to be a
minimum of 500 words. I will rarely assign topics for this; rather, students should glean ideas for topics
from our units of study as well as what we are reading and discussing in class. Blogs are due each Monday at
11:59pm for the preceding week. Blogs must be original and not related to any other assignment in any class
or course. I will grade your blog assignment based on completion and the serious thought you give to it.
Weekly Allusion and Lit Term Presentations
Twice a week, students will give a prepared short presentation of a “weekly allusion” and an assigned literary
term in class. You must provide the class with a detailed, documented handout on your allusion and term-and present the information in an interesting manner (visuals highly suggested!). Be creative with this and
help us learn more about intertextuality and the vocabulary of literary analysis! You must present at least
ONCE per semester, although you may be asked to present several times. Expect to see the information
presented in class on your final exam each semester.
Performance Poetry and Responses
One day each week, we will begin class with the performance reading of a poem. Some I will choose, some
students will choose, but this is how we will prepare our brains to think like literary scholars each week. After
the reading, students should be prepared to discuss poetic techniques, language, imagery, symbolism, as well
as their personal responses and reactions to the work performed.
Poetry Notebooks
During the semester, students are to keep a poetry “notebook” due at the end of the year. Notebooks should
contain 10 poems of the student’s choice from a variety of styles, subject, and time periods. Students will
annotate these thoroughly, identify stylistic techniques and literary devices, examine critical responses, and
write detailed written responses on each chosen work. See the handout on this assignment for more detailed
information on expectations and requirements.
Thematic Units of Study
Unit One – The Quest for Meaning and Introduction to Close Reading
The purpose of this unit focuses on discovering meaning in what we read. We will discuss what it means to
be included in humankind’s “conversation of ideas” and how master writers communicate those ideas.
Drawing on key literary works from the summer reading assignment and Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio, we will
begin the rigorous task of learning the art of close textual analysis. Thematically, we will consider
humankind’s search for self and the discovery of personal truth and philosophy of life, examining what we
can learn about ourselves from studying literature. Students will explore such essential questions as Do you
have one self or many selves? Is there a real me apart from my social selves? What do I believe in and how do I discover this?
Highlights of the unit include:
 The search for patterns in literature is a search for meaning and the introduction to close
textual analysis and literary terminology
 Summer reading seminars on All the King’s Men
 Detailed group presentations on summer reading choice books
 Discussion of literary archetypes as introduced in T. Foster
 The College Application Essay: In search of voice.
 Selections from Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio and the definition of novel and short story
 Seminars on Winesburg, Ohio
 Formal literary analysis essay on summer reading assignment
 Vocabulary and literary terms
 At least (2) diagnostic timed writings: prose and open question
Unit Two – Gender Roles: The Patriarch and the Matriarch
In this unit, students will examine the role of women, their rights, their roles as mothers, and their changing
place in society. We will also examine different theoretical approaches to literary analysis by looking at
traditional fairy tales through a variety of lens. Then we will embark on a study of feminist literature with
more literary fiction. Students will consider such essential questions as Do men control women? Do we live in a
patriarchal society? How does a woman manage motherhood and selfhood? How are strong women portrayed? What does it
mean to be a strong woman? Who defines gender roles in society? Are women liberated now? Highlights of this unit may
 Introduction to types of Literary Criticism, especially feminist approaches
 Selected fairy tales and the archetypal role of women in Western and Eastern literature
 Poetry Fishbowls on the works of Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Margaret Atwood
 Chopin’s The Awakening
 Short Stories include:
“The Story of an Hour,” “Desiree’s Baby,” “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” “Where Are You
Going , Where Have You Been,” “Hairball,” “Hills Like White Elephants,” “The Yellow
 Literary Circles based on The Handmaid’s Tale:
You will be assigned a role to follow throughout the book.
 Socratic Seminar comparing works
 Vocabulary and literary terms
 In-class timed writings and poetry responses
Unit Three -- The Hero and the Monster—the Ageless Fight Between Good and Evil
The thematic purpose of this unit is to explore our perceptions of good and evil. We will also study the
literary device known as the double, used to represent good and evil within the same character. Comparing a
work from the past (Beowulf) to more modern works (Frankenstein and Grendel), students will explore such
questions as How is evil defined? How is good defined? What is a hero? Does the definition of hero change with time and
culture? How can man sometimes be both hero and villain? Rounding out our study of this unit, we will read
Shakespeare’s Othello, focusing on the role of Iago as a monster in the play and also revisiting our discussion
of feminism. Highlights of the unit include:
 Excerpts from Beowulf: The epic tradition and Anglo Saxon poetic devices
 A viewing of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey from The Power of Myth
 Gardner’s Grendel and a discussion of revisionist literature
 Shelley’s Frankenstein and the study of “doubles” read and discussed in 3 student-lead
 Stoker’s Dracula
 Flannery O’Connor short stories--“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and “Everything That
Rises Must Converge”
 Socratic seminar comparing the archetypal hero and the archetypal villain
 Shakespeare’s Othello (revisiting feminist themes as well)
o Various definitions of tragedy and tragic hero
 In-class timed writings with one-on-one teacher conferences following
 Poetry Fishbowls on Romantic poetry, particularly focusing on Blake, Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Keats and Yeats
 Poetry Notebook due at end of semester
 Vocabulary and literary terms
Unit Four -- Wit and Wisdom
The focus of this unit will be the versatility of the English language and the study of the role of tragedy and
comedy in the dramatic arts. In our comparative study of past and present, students will explore questions
such as Why are we drawn to tragedy? How is the tragic hero like the common man? How does tragedy provide a release for
society? What is the role of comedy? Why do we laugh when we really should cry? We will also spend time analyzing
Renaissance and metaphysical poetry in an intense study of language and meaning. Connecting the word play
of Donne to Edson’s play will round out the students’ study of “wit” in all its meanings. Highlights of this
unit include
 Hamlet and the tragic hero
o Comparison of various film versions of Hamlet
 Socratic Seminar discussions of Hamlet
 Analysis and explication of one soliloquy in Hamlet
 Selected Renaissance and Shakespearean sonnets
 17th century metaphysical poetry—focusing mainly on John Donne, including many of his
sonnets and prose works
o Poetry explication essay (workshop)
 Edson’s Wit
o Students will discuss the meaning of the word “wit” in relation to Donne, Hamlet and
this play.
 Analysis and explication of one soliloquy in Hamlet
 In-class writings
 Poetry Fishbowls on sonnets and Renaissance poetry
Unit Five -- Social Protest and Society’s Invisible
The focus of this unit will be man's conflict with society and his struggle to express personal values and
achieve self-fulfillment in the world. Universal questions addressed in this unit are What does it mean to be
invisible in society? Is suffering what makes us stronger? Is there meaning to be found in a life of suffering? Without love,
without people, what is a person? What gives man his dignity? Does society have the right to control the individual for the greater
good? For the purpose of writing to understand, students will compose an exploratory journal consisting
entirely of questions that they entertain while reading Invisible Man. The questions will consider the work’s
structure, style, theme, use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, tone, social and historical values.
Students will also then prepare a presentation and seminar on an assigned topic related to the novel.
Highlights of this unit include:
 Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath
 In depth group research, presentation, and seminars on Grapes of Wrath
 Artistic and visual museum project representing a theme in the novel
 Literature Circles based on a selection of thematically connected works:
o In the Time of Butterflies
o Fight Club
o The Stranger
o Metamorphosis
o Middlesex
 Poetry Fishbowl on social protest poetry
 Poetry Responses
 In-class writings
Unit Six – Thoughtful Laughter
The focus of this unit will be the examination of satire and its relevance and importance to society. Universal
questions for this unit are What is the purpose of satire? How can it be used for social criticism? What is “thoughtful
laughter”? How do we define satire? The main texts for this unit will be
 Exceprts from The Onion, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and SNL to identify
elements and types of satire
 Discussion of Horatian and Juvenalian satire
 Swift’s A Modest Proposal
 Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
 Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (with film excerpts)
 Socratic Seminars on major works
 Poetry Notebooks due at the end of the semester
 In-class writings
Unit Seven – Final Exam Preparation and Your Last Lecture
Final emphasis on test preparation for the AP exam during this unit will be toward the Open Question, in
particular. While students have had some experience with this question previously during their studies this
year, students will be putting final touches on the research of several works that portray a variety of thematic
topics to ensure that students will feel confident for that aspect of the exam. After final preparation is made
for the AP English Literature and Composition exam, students will write and present their own “Last
Lecture” based on the lecture by Randy Pausch. Highlights of this last unit include:
 Test Preparation Blitzo Detailed Open Question Charts
o Literary Terms review
o Self-reflection and analysis of timed writings
o Timed writing practice
o Outside Reading by student choice
 The AP Lit and Comp Exam
 Last Lecture presentations
Grading Rules and Class Policies:
Grading: Grades will be based on tests, compositions, projects, quizzes, homework, and participation. Each
assessment will be worth 100 points and will make up a certain percentage of your grade.
Summative Assessments (tests, projects, presentations, essays, timed writings)--55%
Formative Assessments (blogs, HW, quizzes, daily grades) – 30%
Final Comprehensive Semester Exam--15%
Please note the Fulton County Grading Scale is as follows:
Class Management and Discipline : Good grades go along with good behavior. You are old enough to
know what is expected of you in the classroom. My rules are simple: BE POLITE, BE PREPARED, AND
BE ON TIME. Failure to abide by these simple rules or the rules outlined in your student handbook may
result in detention and/or office referral.
I don’t really think I have to outline this one, but as a reminder, always be respectful of me and of each other.
Listen when I am speaking. Use appropriate language in class. Treat materials and school property properly
and with respect. Take the work I assign seriously. No food, drinks, gum, hats, cell phones or listening
devices will be allowed in my classroom. Nor do I allow sleeping in my class—I consider it a violation of the
“be polite” rule.
Every day please bring to class your notebook, a pen (black or blue ink only), paper, and your literature
book or supplementary novel. (NOTE one of my personal pet peeves: I do not accept work written in
pencil. It is usually messy and smeared and difficult to read. Use a PEN.) Consequences will be given if a
student repeatedly comes to class unprepared—this includes not having your text in hand. Come to class
PREPARED every day! This is VITAL for success.
I will consider you TARDY for class if you are not in my classroom when the bell rings. When the bell rings,
I will close and lock my door. If you are in the not in class at that time, you are tardy. No exceptions.
Make-up Work: Regular class attendance leads to better performance. However, if you are absent from class
for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to find out missed assignments and to schedule a time with me to
make up tests and quizzes. Every Monday, I will hand out an agenda for the week outlining what we will
cover in class and what your homework will be. You should file these in your notebook. If you are absent,
you can refer to the agenda or access my website to see what you missed. DO NOT ask me about missed
work once the bell has rung for class. You may talk to me about make up work before or after class.
Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up work for full credit, but must complete all makeup work within the same number of days they were absent—so, if you were absent three days, you have three
days to make up your work. I will be available for extra help and make up sessions on Tuesday mornings
in room 2219 from 8:00-8:30, during second lunch in room 2223 or by appointment. Unexcused
absences will be handled according to school policy. The most important thing to remember is that make up
work is YOUR responsibility. If work is not completed in a timely fashion, I may not accept it, and you will
receive a zero for that assignment. Some work I do not accept late. Keep up with due dates.
Late Work: All assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class. Turning in assignments at the end of or
after class will result in a late grade. The quickest way to kill your average is to turn assignments in late—or
not turn them in at all. For each day your work is late, it was be docked 25 points. By the fourth day you will
receive a zero. If you will not be here, I suggest you hand it in the day before, give it to a trusted friend to give
to me, or email it to me. NO excuses will be accepted. Late is late!
Papers must be typed and printed ahead of time, stapled before class, and physically turned
in to me. NOTE: All written assignments must be turned in to turnitin.com as well as
handed to me in hard copy. Papers turned in late to turnitin.com are considered LATE and will be
penalized. Papers that are NOT submitted to turnitin.com may receive a zero.
Missed Presentations: If you miss a presentation or seminar, you will write a full-process
composition discussing the topic for that day. See me for details. Please make it a point to attend all
seminars and presentations.
Tests: Tests must be completed the day a student returns. I always announce these at least a week
ahead of time, so you should be well-aware. You will NOT take the same test your classmates took!
Not being present for a review day, does NOT exempt you from taking the test when you
Recovery and Rise
Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed
when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort
to meet all course requirements including attendance.
Students must contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities. Teachers are expected to establish a
reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester. All recovery work must be
completed ten school days prior to the end of the semester.
The teacher will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their
grades. To be eligible for recovery, you must have no missing assignments and have not been excessively
Students (YOU) have to start this process!
AHS Re-teaching/Instructional Support and Enrichment Policy Statement
New Re-teaching/Instructional Support Experience policy statement
a. RISE is an opportunity for students to relearn course standards OR receive other instructional
support in the form of more focused instruction from their teachers.
b. All teachers are available for extra help, should a student want or need it. However, once a
student’s course average drops below a 75, RISE policy requires that the student AND parent be
notified AND that the student spend a minimum of 30 minutes per week with the teacher for that
course (or another teacher of the same course) until the student attains a course average of 75*.
c. RISE sessions are offered according to the schedule below in order to avoid conflicts with
individual teachers’ office hours.
Departmental RISE Schedule:
Mondays: All Electives (Lunch/PM)
Tuesday: Language Arts (AM/Lunch)
Wednesday: Science (AM/Lunch/PM)
Thursday: Math (AM/Lunch)
Friday: Social Studies (AM/Lunch)
RISE is separate from and should not be confused with FCS Recovery policy.
* If the below-75 student average is a consequence of failure to make up
student should follow the teacher’s standard make-up policy.
work missed when absent,
Academic Dishonesty…will not be tolerated under any circumstances. I am VERY strict about this. Any
assignment (homework, test or paper) which does not represent YOUR work results in a zero for that
assignment. This includes reading something like reading Spark Notes in place of the actual text. Just show
integrity. See below….
AHS Plagiarism Statement: A particular kind of honor code violation occurs with plagiarism. Plagiarism
is defined as the use of another’s words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they are entirely
one’s own. Acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to using words or ideas from a published source
without proper documentation; using the work of another student (e.g., copying another student’s
homework, composition or project); using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent,
or paid editor. Plagiarism on any project or paper at Alpharetta High School will result in a zero for the
assignment, two days of Saturday school, and an Honor Code Violation. Unless directly stipulated by the
teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable. Students who willingly provide other students
with access to their work are in violation of the Alpharetta High School Honor Code. From time to time,
students will be required to register with and post assignments to the Fulton County approved plagiarism
detection site, turnitin.com. Should the teacher require posting the particular assignment to turnitin.com,
the assignment must have been posted to the website prior to the time the assignment is collected in class or
the assignment will be considered late.
Computer Network Policy
Unauthorized intrusion of computer networks is a major disciplinary infraction. Students are prohibited
1. unauthorized/unsupervised use of the computer network
2. shelling-out to network directories
3. adding software packages of any kind to the network
4. causing damage to the network environment
Internet Access Guidelines
Access to the Internet is available at AHS. It will be used only as a part of research in the academic area. We
believe the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to the community. Our goal in providing this
service to you is to help promote educational excellence.
We at Alpharetta H.S. firmly believe that the access to valuable information and interaction available on this
worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure material inconsistent with the educational
goals of Fulton County Board of Education. Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of
government agencies, and regional and state networks. In addition, the smooth operation of the network relies upon
the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that
you are aware of the responsibilities you have. In general this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of the
network resources.
Statements and/or information provided by the Internet's World Wide Web do not necessarily reflect those views
held by AHS. Any information you gather from various World Wide Web sites while you are using the Internet is
your sole responsibility. This is also true for any damages incurred. This includes loss of data, non-deliveries, or
service interruptions caused by the Internet or by your own error(s) or omission(s). Alpharetta High School, Fulton
County Board of Education accepts no responsibility for accuracy and/or quality of information obtained through the
use of its Internet services. Additionally, vandalism will result in immediate cancellation of privileges, disciplinary
action and may result in school suspension and/or criminal charges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to
harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are
connected to the Internet provider. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.
Moreover, you do not have permission to create "homepages," directories, or establish additional network addresses
here at Alpharetta High School.
Parents should feel free to contact me if at any time you should have concerns or questions about their child’s
progress in this class. Due to limited phone access during school hours and my part-time status, it is best to
contact me first via email at GrahamE2@fultonschools.org .
This year, Alpharetta High School will be replacing its ParentConnect program with HomeAccess. Like
ParentConnect, HomeAccess allows you to view your child’s academic progress and attendance on-line. HomeAccess
should be available around the end of September, and we will update you when we receive more information.