Beaumont Summer Reading for AMERICAN LITERATURE Below are the three literary works you are to read for your summer reading assignment. You will find two different genres: one novel, and one play. Directions for your paper in response to these readings follow with very specific instructions. It is important you spend time on your paper and follow directions very carefully. I know they are long, but they are written to help you succeed. The Literary Selections: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker The Catcher in the Rye: Since his debut in 1951 as “the catcher in the rye”, Holden Caulfield, the novel’s alienated mourning and cynical protagonist, narrates a few days in his sixteen-year-old life, following his expulsion from prep school. Holden is furious with somewhat normal teenage anger; however, the loss of his younger brother, Allie, to leukemia emotionally paralyzes him. This novel, which has survived many rounds of being banned, remains as one of the most significant and popular books with American youth. In addition, films and other books have been inspired by Salinger’s novel. The Glass Menagerie: This drama, by Tennessee Williams, gives us a family who form a triangle of quiet desperation. Amanda Wingfield lives in a St. Louis tenement, clinging to the memories of her early years as a Southern belle. Her daughter, Laura, who wears a leg brace, is crippled socially as well. She seeks comfort in her collection of glass animals. Amanda’s son, Tom, the narrator of the play, is desperate to escape his stifling home where he must serve as breadwinner in place of a father who left the family a long time ago .Very much reflecting Tennessee William’s real life, Tom aches to move out into the world where he can act upon his desire to write and to develop, free from his nagging mother, needy sister and horrific job. The Age of Miracles: Told from the point of view of the protagonist, Julia, who is on the verge of turning 12, this is another novel focused on the movement from innocence to experience. However, the framework is very different. In this novel, the rotation of the Earth has begun to slow causing days and nights to grow longer and longer. All normal life has come to a halt. As days and nights become longer, people begin to get sick and to act abnormally. Crops begin to fail, oceans rise, flooding homes; soon food and water are hoarded, just like when a major storm is coming. There is talk about the end of the world and even the possibility of moving to another planet. Julia is a quiet, observant girl with a major crush on a boy, Seth. As the ‘the slowing’ begins, Julia says she remembers feeling, PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR “not fear but a thrill”…”a sudden sparkle amid the ordinary, the shimmer of the unexpected thing.” As the “slowing” continues, Julia realizes it is not temporary. Rather it is species-threatening as the changes to Earth’s gravity make people sick. Soon the widespread use of sunlamps and artificial heating during the longer and colder nights will create energy shortages and periodic blackouts. While the drastic change to life on the outside narrates a large part of the novel, Julia’s transition towards adulthood is as eventful as the earth’s gravity shifting. “Light unhooked from day, darkness unchained from night”could also describe the turmoil occurring within Julia. (Kaukutani, The New York Times Book Review) ASSIGNMENT: 3 PARTS PART I: BIOGRAPHY: PROVIDE an INTERESTING biography for ONE author. This should NOT be flooded with DATES. Do NOT start so and so was born ….. DO SOME RESEARH. Find interesting information. Use sophisticated sources Wikipedia or any kind of encyclopedia is not permitted **Never never, never…refer to author by last name alone: either J.D. Salinger, Mr. Salinger or Salinger; Tennessee Williams or Mr. Williams or Williams; Ms. Walker or Karen Thompson Walker or Walker required: One primary source (letters, interviews) Most verbs in PAST tense FOR this part only Information from author or outside source that connects directly to the work you are reading Minimum and Maximum :3 paragraphs **DO NOT FORGET TO CITE SOURCES ………………………………………………… 15 pts BIOGRAPHY SOURCES: *Since Salinger died recently, there have been many articles written about him. Check out the New York Times for a source for any of the authors. Put quotation marks around any direct quotation from a work or a source . A new biography on Salinger was just written. Find it and use it: Salinger by David Sheilds..Copyright..2013 *Since Thompson is a new writer and this is her first novel, there are many interviews available to draw from. ………………………………………………………………………………………… PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR PART II: The Protagonists: Julia and Holden: (Tom will be discussed in class) TWO PARAGRAPHS FOR EACH PROTAGONIST RESPONSE thus..4 paragraphs total for this part (30 PTS) PROMPT: Holden and Julia’s losses become life altering. Holden remains entrenched in the past, anchored by the memory of his little brother, Allie. Julia, though facing the extinction of human life, continues to move forward. Discuss the opposing directions these two adolescent protagonists take. Keep this in mind: FOR HOLDEN: How his desire to be “the catcher in the rye” or to save all children from adulthood becomes a fantasy he must cling to out of heartbreak and fear. How Allie’s death has been instrumental in causing his breakdown. He wants to stay in the past. FOR JULIA: How Julia continues with normal life (crush on a boy, school, family) despite the fact that the world may be ending. She wants to keep moving forward. Paragraphs must be “fat” or at least 7-8 sentences. PART III: CHARTS: PROTAGONISTS AND SETTINGS CHART 1: protagonists In a chart (any rubric you want) Compare the similarities and differences among all three protagonists. These must show critical thinking, not just mere plot information. similar: Tom and Holden both have sisters. PLOT ONLY Similar: Tom and Holden’s sisters offer them emotional support. MORE THAN PLOT Different: Tom’s sister is also a burden. Julia must suffer the undoing of her family by herself; she has no siblings. MORE THAN PLOT PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR **One major difference that you can expand upon is that we know what Julia and Holden are thinking; however, for Tom, we must figure it out based solely on dialogue. CHART 2: SETTINGS Compare the EFFECT of the settings of all three. There are several different settings in The Age of Miracles; the setting for The Catcher in the Rye is mostly New York City but also Holden’s prep school; however, vastly different is the setting for The Glass Menagerie where we are confined to the Wingfield apartment. 20 POINTS for both charts ****FOR BOTH PROTAGONISTS AND SETTINGS MUST SHOW MANY COMPARISONS. TOTAL LENGTH FOR ENTIRE PAPER: 5 pages MINIMUM**(can be longer) REMAINING POINTS: USAGE: (GRAMMAR, CARELESS ERRORS, CITATION) 25 PTS FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS/OVERALL EFFORT: 10 PTS Read these directions BEFORE you begin your paper. CHECK THEM OFF as you proofread. Do not wait until the last minute. GUIDELINES AND LOTS OF IMPORTANT STUFF! **CLIFF NOTES, SPARK NOTES,NOVEL GUIDES..are NOT ACCEPTABLE SOURCES o Do not merely tell the plot of any work o Do use context (who, what, when where). Write this as if I have NOT read the work. If you bring in a character, explain her/him. For example, “Holden feels comforted when he talks with Phoebe, his sister.” Use PRESENT TENSE for verbs unless discussing a past event. Thus, Holden FEELS not FELT. o Do not use “I think, I feel..etc.. Do not use “I” at all. I am not interested in your feelings but rather your analysis. o Do not use YOU either. I and you weaken the objectivity necessary for a literary analysis. DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS o OTHER WORDS YOU CANNOT USE: any word with “thing” in it. Avoid: “go”, “get” “got” and NO EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! o DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR o Make sure you triple check citation punctuation. Remember the quotation marks come before the ( ) and the end punctuation comes after: “I love to write summer reading papers” (Bihuniak 56). TITLES: Book and play titles: in italics. QUOTATIONS: VERY IMPORTANT: o Support your points with evidence from the texts. This is VERY IMPORTANT. If Holden is lost, SHOW and PROVE from the book. o If your direct quotation is more than 4 lines, separate it and do NOT use “ “ marks. (See Writers Inc.) o Do NOT use more than 2 of these longer quotations.**** o **If you are showing dialogue from the play, you CAN separate less than 4 lines. Do NOT use extensive dialogue in paragraph format. Separate it. Again..see Writers Inc or an online source. PARAGRAPHS: o No paragraph should be SHORT. This is proof that you have NOT developed and will guarantee a low grade. o No paragraph should be longer than ¾ of a page. o Use logical transitions between paragraphs for clarity SENTENCES AND VERBS: o STRIVE FOR SENTENCE VARIETY AND SOPHISTICATED STRUCTURE. Look at the beginnings of your sentences. REVISE if every sentence begins: “Holden” or if every sentence uses AND as a major conjunction. USE STRONG AND SPECIFIC VERBS. Reduce use of “is” “do” etc.. Verbs serve as the most important words in your sentences. Avoid “has” or “have” as major verbs VERB TENSE: With literature, analysis is usually written in the present tense, known as the literary present (because every time you open the book, the same characters, actions are occurring). THUS..YOU WILL BE WRITING MOSTLY IN THE PRESENT TENSE. OTHER: Do not use “the reader” Do not use contractions DO NOT USE A FONT LARGER THAN 12 or smaller than 11 TWO SPACES BETWEEN LINES..EVERYWHERE. Can use 1 ½ spacing NORMAL not try to make a short paper longer by making your margins spacious. PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR SUMMARY OF ASSIGNED POINTS: Part I bio: 15 Part II: prompt response 30 Part III: charts 20 OTHER: ªusage 25; effort/following directions/effort 10 TOTAL POINTS= 100 total: 100 pts PENALTIES: Automatic F if there is no works cited page *Be sure to include the works themselves and the authors on your Works Cited page -5 pts for every half page short -5 pts every day it is late. See me immediately if your paper is not handed in on time. -10 pts without title page with correct information (see below) FINALLY: Title page with your name and (this is very important..) YOUR BLOCK AND QUARTER 1 OR 3 ****** o Title page with full name, date, etc. NO NUMBER should be assigned to the title page. o Number EVERY PAGE and make sure your last name is on it o STAPLE YOUR paper clips ………………………………………………………. Welcome to American Lit..I hope you enjoy these wonderful American literary masterpieces. I look forward to discussing them with you. **Keep your books and bring second day of class.. This is true for either quarter one or quarter three PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR If you have any questions, do not hesitate to see me. You can email me over the summer, but do not wait until the last minute. PLEASE PRINT OUT IN COLOR