Reading Guide for Essay

Reading Guide for Essay
DNA Structure and Replication
p. 513 - 518
Directions: Read the essay and answer each question in the space provided beneath it. In the box on the right
column, draw a diagram (do not copy from the textbook) to show your understanding of your answer.
Question and Answer Space
Diagram to show your understanding
1. DNA is required for what three things mentioned in the first
sentence of this essay?
2. In all eukaryotic cells, the genetic material consists of ________
_________. These molecules are packaged tightly in what visible
structures (to the microscoped eye!)? _______________________
 Show the relationship between these two answers.
3. List how many chromosomes you would find in a sperm cell (which
has only half the number of chromosomes as any other body cell), a
red blood cell, and a stomach lining cell.
Draw the 3 types of cells and draw the chromosomes in
their nuclei (yes, all of them!)
Sperm (a type of gamete) Cell ________________ chromosomes
Red Blood Cell __________________ chromosomes
Stomach Lining _________________ chromosomes
4. Each chromosome consists of ____________ DNA molecule(s) and
5. Observe Figure E12.2 on p. 514 and read the caption below. What
purpose do nucleosomes serve?
6. Observe Figure E12.4a. Why is DNA appropriately called a “double
What is “double” about it? What is “helical” about it?
7. If DNA is a polymer, what are the monomers that make it up?
8. Separation of the double helix into two single strands is crucial to
replication. How is it possible to separate the two strands?
9. Read the explanation of DNA replication (copying of a DNA molecule to form new strands) on p.517 and summarize in 1-2 sentence s
how replication works. Use all of the following terms and underline each when used: nucleotide, unzip, enzyme(s), strand(s)
Extra Credit: Conduct web research to understand how semi-conservative replication occurs. Explain how it works and draw an image
to help others understand how it works and why it’s named appropriately. Use the back if you need more room.