Book Report Project

Book Report Evaluation
Name ___________________________ # _______
Total Score __________ / 32 = __________ %
Date Due ______________________
Book Report Book ____________________________________________________________
Checklist Score:
_____ / 4 Heading:
 Name and Date
 Book Title and Author
 Number of Pages
 Genre (Adventure, Mystery, Sports, Humor, Biography, Fantasy, Historic Fiction)
_____ / 4 Introduction:
 Introduce and/or illustrate the setting and characters.
 Introduce the problem or struggle for the main characters.
_____ / 16 Body (Choose 1 or 2)
1. Sequence of Events:
 Show a sequence of events leading up to the climax of the story.
(You may use an accordion book, circle story, flip-flap book, story board, story trail, or
timeline for this section of the book report.)
 Tell or label the climax, most exciting part, of the story.
2. Character Report:
 Illustrate pictures of the main characters in the story and images or symbols that help
you identify with the characters.
 List important character traits and descriptions for each character.
(You may use a biography box report, adventure poster, character T-chart, or four
corner character poster for this section of the book report.)
_____ / 4 Conclusion/Resolution:
 Tell how the problem is resolved.
 Tell how the main character changed throughout the story.
_____ / 4 Personal Connection:
 How can you relate to this story?
 What was your favorite part of the story?
 Would you recommend this book to a friend … why or why not?
Comments :
Your book report will also be graded for presentation (voice, body language, eye contact, & organization).