World Affairs: Comparative Political & Economic Systems

Course Name: World Affairs: Comparative Political & Economic
Revision Date: October 13, 2006
Course Length: .5 Credit/Qrt (90 minutes)
Course Number: 917
Grade/level: 12
Course Description:
(Mission Linked)
This course analyzes the political and economic systems of capitalism, socialism, communism and
fascism. The connection to and study of current issues is an important focus of the course. An intense
knowledge base, critical thinking skills and media research are emphasized. Various performance
tasks, within both collaborative and individualized areas are used to compare, contrast and assess
these political and economic systems. Students are expected to present their views and defend their
positions based on their research on a wide range of course issues.
Suggested Instructional Strategies:
Instructional strategies will include an array of both primary and secondary source readings,
documentaries and film, media center research, class lecture, writing of statement/position papers,
class discussion and collaborative group work. Current periodicals, newspapers and news programs
will also serve as sources of knowledge for the course.
By the end of World Affairs: ISMS (12th Grade) students should:
Familiar with
Identify how the economic
Analyze the strengths and
Assess the economic and
systems of socialism and
weaknesses as well as the
political agenda of neocapitalism can be both
stresses and strains of
conservatives as they apply to
competing and cooperating
domestic and foreign policy.
systems, in areas such as but
not limited to
government/business relations,
social programs, healthcare.
Identify fascist dictators and
assess the historical factors that
led to the establishment of
fascist regimes in 20th century
Benito Mussolini – Italy
Adolf Hitler - Germany
Identify economic objectives of
communism in Russi/USSR
under the leadership of Lenin
and Stalin.
War Communism
New Economic Policy
5 Year Plans
List five (5) basic elements of
fascism and apply to the fascist
Examine the political, social and
economic goals of fascism in
the first half of the 20th century.
Compare and contrast the views
of Marx and Lenin, in areas
such as, but not limited to,
dictatorship of the proletariat,
inevitability of revolution, role of
the communist party.
Analyze the practices of
communism in countries of the
world today (China, North
Korea, Vietnam, Cuba) and
report on their relationship with
the United States.
Identify 4 areas of conflict
between the United States and
the Soviet Union during the Cold
War such as, but not limited to,
spheres of influence in Europe,
Vietnam War, Cuban Missile
Crisis, Berlin Wall, Afghanistan.
List and explain factors and
events that led to the collapse of
communism in the Soviet Union
and the nations of Eastern
Identify specific programs and
treaties associated with the
easing of tensions between the
USSR and the US known as
Students will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of free market economies by contrasting
capitalist and socialist systems.
Students will assess the influence of neoconservatives in the areas of foreign policy, de-regulation,
and cultural values.
Students will identify 3-5 factors of post World War I Europe that enabled fascism to take root.
Students will identify the objectives of communism in the 20th century and analyze 3-5 conflicts that
developed during the years of the Cold War.
Unit Title: Fascism Unit
Content Standard: New Hampshire Social Studies Framework
Standard Number (and/or) Text:
2.0 Essential Skills for Social Studies
7.1 Political Foundations and Development
7.2 Contacts, Exchanges & International Relations
7.4 Economic Systems & Technology
Enduring Understandings:
(Students will understand that)
Fascist regimes are able to come to power when more traditional forms of government become unstable and a
sense of hopelessness becomes constant among the people.
Fascist governments share common characteristics that include totalitarian rule, a command economy, and the
use of force and intimidation.
Essential Questions:
(Inquiry used to explore enduring understanding)
What conditions exist in post World War I Europe that made some nations ripe for fascism?
How important is the charismatic leader in establishing fascist rule and maintaining power under
What characteristics of fascism can be observed in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Franco’s Spain?
Knowledge and Skills: (Competencies)
(Students will know…)
Allied Powers and Central Powers of World War I
Common denominators of fascism
Post World War I conditions (economic, social, political)
Five characteristics of fascism
(Students will be able to…)
Analyze post World War I conditions in Europe
Assess the importance of charisma in the rise of fascism
Identify the characteristics of fascism
Differentiate between a free market and a command economy
Contrast and compare fascism in Italy, Germany, and Spain
Performance Tasks/Other Evidence:
Statement/Position Paper
“The primary reason dictators came to power in Europe in the early 20 th century was the charismatic
qualities of men such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.”
Key Criteria: Position Paper Rubric
Focus Questions for readings
Questionnaire from the film Uprising
Class Discussions
Unit Test
Common Essay: Discuss four factors of post World War I Europe that led to the rise of fascism in
both Italy and Germany.
Unit Title: Communism Unit
Content Standard: New Hampshire Social Studies Framework
Standard Number (and/or) Text:
2.0 Essential Skills for Social Studies
6.2 Contacts, Exchanges & International Relations
7.1 Political Foundations and Developments
7.4 Economic Systems and Technology
7.5 Social/Cultural
Enduring Understandings:
(Students will understand that)
The economic objectives of the Soviet leadership under Lenin and Stalin would call for many reforms and
require extreme sacrifice from the people of the Soviet Union.
The competing interests of the United States and the West with the Soviet Union and communist bloc countries
would result in both political and military confrontation.
Essential Questions:
(Inquiry used to explore enduring understanding)
What steps did Lenin advocate in order to transform czarist Russia to a communist state?
How did Stalin’s planned economic policies impact the Soviet people and the economy of the nation?
What factors contributed to the rivalry between the U.S. and the USSR resulting in the Cold War?
How did ideological differences between the two super powers lead to their military involvement in
regional conflicts and civil wars?
Knowledge and Skills: (Competencies)
(Students will know…)
Czarist Russia’s role in World War I
Influence of Karl Marx on Lenin
Totalitarian/Stalinist rule over the Soviet Union
Warsaw Pact, NATO alliances
United States policies of containment (Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, SEATO)
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
(Students will be able to…)
Compare and contrasts Marx and Lenin
Analyze the tactics used by the Bolsheviks to overthrow czarist Russia
Assess the Stalinist economic policies of collectives and Five Year plans
Differentiate between the opposing alliances of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
Assess the role of nationalism within communist movements
Analyze the status of today’s communist nations (China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea) and their relationship
with the United States
Performance Tasks/Other Evidence:
Group Activity: Research and present on one of the following communist nations responding to the
essential questions: China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea.
A. When and how was communism introduced into the country you are researching?
B. How effective was the communist leadership in winning control of the country?
C. What specific economic policies were initiated by the communist government and were they
D. What has been the long term relationship between the United Sates and the country you are
researching? (Timeline may be helpful)
E. What is the status of the current government? (current news article)
Key Criteria: Presentation Rubric
Charts: Marx/Lenin
Writing Piece: Lenin Obituary
Focus Questions: Arms Race/Détente
Statement/Position Paper: Gorbachev