Journal Entry Week 4 Lined

Week 3 Journal Entry. Worth 25 points. You must answer each journal entry with
5-7 sentences.
Base on what you read complete the following phrase, “If I could….. (Comments for this
phrase should focus on what you read or are reading)
Design or draw symbols or words that come to mind about your thoughts or feelings from
what you read.
Make an inference from what you read. Give specific detail from the reading, write about
what you know on your own, and then make an inference.
My inference is
. The evidence that supports my inference is
. I
Describe a problem from your reading. What are the effects of the problem? What are the
causes? What are the solutions?
The problem in the story I am reading is
. The causes of this problem are
. The
effects or results of this problem are
. I believe the solution
of this problem (is or will be)