9th Grade Speech Syllabus.doc




Grade Speech Syllabus

The Course:

Speech is a one term, required course. Its purpose is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of effective oral communication, to provide students with opportunities to practice speaking, and to help students develop confidence in their ability to speak effectively.

***Speaking in front of a group is often a dreaded task for many people, but it is a very rewarding experience to share your knowledge, ideas, and dreams with others. The only way to improve and gain confidence at anything is through practice and experience. Each of you will enter this class with different levels of excitement or apprehension. Some of you are fearless and others are stage struck, but each one of you will be successful. I will help you in any way possible, but you must complete all of the work.


J. Regis O’Conner’s

Speech: Exploring Communication


Ms. Offerman Room 809 E-mail: jofferman@waukee.k12.ia.us

**Please view PowerTeacher to check requirements and due dates for assignments.

Required Materials:

Notebook, Pencil or Pen, Planner, Folder, Stack of Notecards (to be shared with the class). Also, please come prepared to each class and respect the property and supplies of others.

Late Assignments/Speeches:

Assignments and speeches must be delivered on time to receive full credit. Late work will result in grade reduction of one letter grade or 10% reduction. If you have computer problems, email me your assignment or come see me before 7:45. However, I realize things may come up. Therefore, you will receive two late pass slips for the whole SEMESTER. One must be filled out, complete with parent signature , and attached to assignment, which must be NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK

AFTER DUE DATE. Late passes MAY NOT be used on any of the three major speeches or the final speech!!

After the one week, that assignment will be a zero and work can no longer be turned in for credit. If you do not use any or only one pass by the end of the quarter, you will receive FIVE points extra credit per pass. All speeches are due on the same day. If you do not have your materials, it is late. There are three major speeches throughout the semester, informative, narrative and demonstrative. You MUST give all speeches or otherwise awarded an incomplete for the course.

Classroom Management:

A management system is used to create an optimal learning environment. All students must feel they can take risks and share ideas. Also, it is the utmost importance their actions do not disturb or disrupt other students.

It is very unfair for a teacher to take time to discipline one student while twenty or more students sit and wait. It would be impossible to list all the behaviors the students are and are not expected to do. Instead of trying to list all inappropriate behaviors, good judgment and decision-making skills will be the focus. The following character expectations will be taken into consideration when discipline issues arise as well as the 4 B’s of classroom behavior that I have set in place: Trustworthiness, Responsibility , Respect, Caring, Fairness, and Citizenship.

The 4 B’s of Classroom Behavior:



here and on time










The following list of consequences will be used:

First Minor: Warning- Verbal Notification

Second Minor: Detention- 20 minutes after/before school, phone call/email home, Dean Notified

Third Minor: Office referral

Major offense Removal

**Please see the student planner for possible problem behaviors that would require consequences.


Gum may be chewed in the classroom as long as it is not a distraction to other students or the teacher.

This includes, but not limited to, blowing bubbles or making noises or playing with it. However, on speech days, gum must be spit out before speech is given. If not, grade will reflect poorly.


Grading Scale

A+ =97%-100%









Grading Categories

Three “Major” Speeches - 50%

Tests/Quizzes/Projects - 30%

Homework/Daily Work - 10%

Final Speech – 10%

B- =80%-82%

C+ =77%-79%

C =73%-76%

C- =70%-72%

D+ =67%-69%

D =63%-66%

D- =60%-62%

F =0%-59%

Outline of Course

Unit 1: Communication Process

Unit 2: Listening

Unit 3: Building Confidence

Unit 4: Verbal/Nonverbal Performance Skills


If a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to get missing assignments, notes, or handouts from those days missed. Students must first check the “Absent?” binder for those handouts or assignments. Secondly, any missed notes due to absences need to be taken from a friend or classmate A.S.A.P. Lastly, the student may consult the teacher, BEFORE class begins for additional missing work or if confused about what was asked of them while absent. The student will be given two days for every day missed of an EXCUSED absence, if not excused you will have one day for every day missed. However, work that is assigned prior to the student being absent is DUE when the student gets back.

Restroom/Hall Passes:

If you need to leave the room for any reason you must sign out and take the pass after getting permission from the teacher. Highlighted passes will be used for any class time missed due to irresponsibility.

Student Signature: _________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________ ***Please return by Friday, January 15th!
