Public Speaking Grading Policy Mr. Sosidka 713-4199 x4218 Fall semester, 2013 Your grade in Public Speaking class will be derived from a combination of the following: Major Speeches (50%), including: Personal Experience Demonstration Speech Informative Speech Final Exam- Persuasive Speech Outlines are required before some major speeches are presented. They are to be typed. Outlines are worth ½ a major speech grade. Minor Speeches (35%), including a combination of: Dual Introduction Story Reading Self Evaluations Impromptu Speeches Podium Exercises Visual aids Pet Peeve Quizzes Works Cited pages Other Sources of Grades (15%) Worksheets, brainstorming activities, mini-presentations, notebook check, listening skills, notecards Peer evaluations Homework and Classwork Assignments Any written assignment will be accompanied by a due date. Those absent with an illness or a religious reason are expected to hand in the assignment on their first day back. A guidance appointment, class trip, or other similar activities do not excuse the student from any assignment. IF YOU ARE IN SCHOOL AT ALL ON A DAY AN ASSIGNMENT IS DUE, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO HAND THE ASSIGNMENT IN. Students will have one opportunity to make up a speech for which they were unprepared with a penalty of -20 points at a time that is convenient for the teacher. The North Hunterdon-Voorhees Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Policy 206.01 Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated in the North Hunterdon- Voorhees High School District. Any student proven guilty of such activity is to automatically receive a failing grade for the specific item on which cheating or plagiarism occurred. Extra Credit Mr. Sosidka does not give out extra credit assignments. A Note about Peer Critiques Fill out the form completely. If a student is getting a 90 or above for his/her performance, he/ she should be getting numerous scores of “very good” on the critiquer’s grid. Subjectivity Much of the grading that goes on in Public Speaking class is subjective, meaning it comes based on the evaluation of the instructor, based on his knowledge of the course matter and his experience in seeing the capabilities of high school students. Speeches are evaluated on: visual delivery, vocal delivery, organization, adherence to time limits, appropriateness of material used, among other criteria. The NHHS Grading Scale 93-100=A 90-92=A- 87-89=B+ 83-86=B 80-82=B- 77-79=C+ 73-76=C 70-72=C67-69=D+ 64-66=D 63-below=F GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING 2013 1. A great deal of importance is placed on a relaxed atmosphere in Public Speaking class. Therefore, every student should feel at ease when standing before the class and is encouraged to raise his or her hand to make a statement or ask a question. He or she should not feel in any way intimidated by others. If one student is making things uncomfortable for another student, the teacher will punish the offender severely. 2. Bathroom passes will be given out only in the case of an emergency. Locker passes will not be given out. If a student fails to bring the proper materials for class, his or her grade will be affected. 3. Please keep track of your days absent and grades. You should get into the habit of doing this in all of your classes. You must call to the attention of the teacher any attendance discrepancies BY THE END OF THE MONTH. Otherwise, they will be ignored. 4. Keep track of your work in class, particularly with regard to peer evaluations and self evaluations. These things should be easy parts of your grade. 5. The teacher's desk, telephone, computer, and cabinets are off-limits to students, unless permission has been granted. Do not touch anything in the class that does not belong to you. Students are expected to stand and remove hats during the Pledge of Allegiance. 6. The classroom has been equipped with a clock, therefore making it unnecessary to slam books shut in order to notify the teacher of the period's end. Students are not permitted to wait for the bell to ring at the door. They must remain seated until dismissed. The same applies to student speeches. 7. A notebook must be kept and will be checked periodically. This sheet must be available at every notebook check. 8. Those students using unacceptable language will be punished. “Unacceptable language” includes insults based on race, religion, gender, or orientation. 9. When offering opinions or hearing the opinions of others, remember that everyone has the right to speak his or her viewpoints. Keep an open mind. 10. Fire drills from Room 108 go to the field hockey field. We must stay together as a class. 11. In spite of the fact that the teacher is required to maintain a website for school, classroom decisions as to assignments, dates, etc. will take precedence over what’s on-line, should there be a conflict. 12. Mr. Sosidka will be available for questions or problems every morning at or about 7:30 am and after school in Room 108 or in his office, Room 013.