9th Grade Syllabus 2015

Ms. Walgate
English 9R Syllabus
Classroom Rules & Expectations 2015-2016
These pages contain a lot of important information. Please review these items carefully with
your parents/guardians. Your signature as well as a parent’s/guardian’s signature are required.
A classroom is and should be an environment in which individuals can speak their minds. This
of course comes with a great responsibility to others first. No one will feel safe or free to express
their ideas in a class where others belittle them. With this in mind, respect begins with showing
concern for others. Under no circumstance will verbal abuse, physical confrontation, or the
destruction of personal property be tolerated. Simply remember to treat your fellow classmates
the way you want them to treat you.
Respect Yourself
Always do your best.
Positively participate in all classroom activities.
Present yourself with dignity.
Complete all assignments on time.
Respect Others
Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Put yourself in other’s shoes.
Stay on task without disturbing or distracting others.
Do not use ‘put downs’ or harass others.
Respect other people’s differences and opinions.
Actively listen when the teacher is speaking.
Wait your turn to speak and to be heard.
Respect Your School
Do not write on your table, book, bulletin boards, or anything that doesn’t belong to
Clean up after yourself. This includes helping others to clean up after a group/class
Do not take anything out of this classroom that doesn’t belong to you (markers, pens,
pencils, etc…)
Welcome to grade 9 English! This year we will be reading and responding to a variety of
literature including short stories, novels, poetry, and William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
We will understand and analyze literary terms, expand our vocabulary, create a variety of selfexpressive/artistic projects, become active readers, and become more sophisticated writers.
In addition, we will examine the writing process and what constitutes “good” writing. A
variety of writing assignment will be given throughout this course including a public speaking
assignment. You will maintain a journal where you will respond to a variety of quotations,
questions, and daily exercises. Writing is essential in passing the Common Core Exam in 11th
grade. Therefore, we will be examining the requirements for being successful on that exam. It is
never too soon to start preparing for success!
a 2 inch ring binder to be shared with another subject
loose leaf notebook paper
blue or black pens
1 subject spiral notebook for your journal (I have many used ones that students may use.)
a 2 pocket folder
When in my classroom, you are expected to comply with the following:
 Students are to be seated and quiet once the bell rings. All purses/bags will be placed on
the floor.
 TEXTING in class is strictly prohibited! Don’t do it, or you will suffer the necessary
 You are expected to have all necessary materials for class. This would include your
homework, binder, pen/pencil, and the novel being discussed in class. You will not be
permitted to go to your locker for these things.
 Assignments are due ON the DUE DATE - late assignments will be accepted with an
appropriate penalty. Students who are absent will receive appropriate time to make up
missed assignments and work. The student MUST be personally responsible for
turning in work in the “To Be Graded” box on my desk. This will be checked daily!
Students will be asked to write ‘ABSENT’ or ‘LATE’ and use my date stamper to date
their work. If the work is not turned in on a timely manner, it will receive a zero.
 Food, beverages, or candy will be permitted in this classroom as a privilege. If you leave
a mess, that privilege will be revoked.
 Passes out of the classroom will be limited. Students are asked to take care of restroom
needs either before or after the class. If an emergency arises, then a pass will be issued.
 BE POLITE. It is expected that all students will behave in an appropriate manner for
young adults. This includes, not talking while others are talking, showing respect for all
people in the classroom, and raising your hand when you have a question or a response to
a question.
 Vandalizing (ex. writing on or carving) the tables or otherwise destroying school property
will result in appropriate administrative consequences.
 Everyone is responsible for his or her own actions.
 Don’t work on homework for other classes in this one!
 Anyone caught copying someone else’s work, whether for my class or another, will
suffer serious consequences including a call home. Cheating is NOT tolerated!
Attendance in class is extremely important. If a student misses a lot of school, it will naturally
affect their grade. It is up to the student to make up missed work or it will be considered a zero.
This work should be placed in the “To Be Graded” box on my desk and date stamped. Students
are also asked to mark their papers as ‘ABSENT’ or ‘LATE’ when putting their work in my box.
Finally, your daily participation is expected and graded, and if you’re not here, you’re not
In the event of an absence from my class...
A. Make up work is the student's responsibility. Students must check with me, the calendar,
or a classmate for missed work. You may also use my website for information.
Handouts will be in the front of the room. Ask a classmate to borrow any missed notes.
Work that is not made up in a timely fashion will result in a zero.
B. When possible (music lesson, fieldtrip, doctor’s appt.) ask me for the work you will be
missing before an absence.
C. Students who miss a test because of an absence will need to schedule a make-up time
with me either after school, during a study hall, or lunch. You will not be permitted to
miss class time to make up a test. Use the board to schedule an appointment with me in a
timely manner!
D. Work will only be accepted within the marking period in which it is assigned.
E. If you need extra help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
To make our class time productive, follow these basic procedures each day:
1. Quickly find your seat and prepare for class.
2. Get out all necessary materials including your book, a notebook, homework, agenda, and pen
or sharpened pencil and read any class warm-up exercises or instructions that may be on the
3. If you complete an assignment in class, use the remaining time constructively.
4. Do not interrupt class by packing up materials early.
5. I will dismiss you from class, not the bell or noise in the hallway. Class ends when I say it
ends. It does not end when the clock says it is time. I will let you know when you may pack
up your things. Under no circumstances will you line up at the door! I will try my best never
to make you late for another class or for dismissal from school.
6. Always listen carefully to the rules of any game or activity. Repeating directions often wastes
time. If we are going to do FUN things in this room, I need everyone’s cooperation and
attention. Trust me…it will be worth it.
7. Always raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking. Use your common sense.
8. Someone else's point of view-whether or not you agree with them-is important and must be
respected. When someone else is speaking, whether it is myself or another student, listen
9. Use your common sense. There are many ways in which we know what is expected of us. We
have classroom rules, school-wide expectations, and we have the accepted norms of our
society. Most of the time we know whether our behavior is appropriate or not.
Unfortunately, poor decisions are made. Here's what will happen:
Verbal warning
Class seat changed
Student/teacher conference
Write up to be sent to the office
Student sent to principal’s office
Parent contacted as necessary
NOTE: Inappropriate behavior for a substitute teacher or any other classroom guest will result in
a parent phone call and/or detention.
Students are rewarded often in a variety of ways:
Verbal or written praise
Notes, phone calls to parents and/or report card comments
No homework night or time in class to start homework
Fun activities and special awards like homework passes
Team activities
Class prizes/parties for contest
Your grade will be determined by in-class assignments, homework, projects, tests, quizzes,
preparation, participation/attendance, and extra credit. At the end of the marking period, all
grades will be averaged. Tests and Pop quizzes for reading assignments will occur in this class.
 Classroom behavior must be appropriate for a learning environment; therefore,
students are given participation points for appropriate classroom behavior and
being prepared. Each student is given 50 participation points at the beginning of
the marking period. Failure to respect me or other classmates will result in loss of
participation points. Coming to class without your materials will result in a loss
of points. Failure to positively and actively participate in class/group activities
will result in a loss of points. These are FREE points to start the year off on a
good note. DON’T blow them. Each infraction reduces the total points by 5.
 I have zero tolerance for cheating. Evidence of copied work, plagiarism, or
cheating will result in a ZERO for that assignment or exam. Parents will be
 Use your agendas to keep track of all the assignments and tests. Students should consult
their agendas and my board daily for homework and class work.
 Class participation involves being attentive and cooperative, volunteering, and preparing
all assigned work.
 I welcome questions at any time. I am here for you. I will be in my classroom before
and after school. Please come in for additional help if necessary. Let me know ahead of
time when you are coming in so that I will be able to accommodate you.
 If you or your parents need a conference with me, in-person or over the phone, I can be
reached by calling 215-3100 ext. 1211 A message can be left for me, and I will do my
best to get back to them as soon as possible.
 Parents and students may also utilize my website (accessed through our district’s website)
for information on class work and major assignments.
 We will have a lot of fun this year!
----------------------------------------------------------------------(Please sign and detach)
Student: I have read the classroom syllabus/rules and expectations and understand my
responsibilities. I will honor these rules while in Ms. Walgate’s classroom.
Print___________________________ Signature___________________________
Parent/guardian: My child and I have reviewed the following information. I will work with
my child and Ms. Walgate to enforce these responsibilities in order to ensure a successful school
Please use the remaining space to let me know about any concerns you may have for your child