CHORAL CRITIQUE “Green Sheet” READ DIRECTIONS READ DIRECTIONS READ 1. See a CHORAL concert (not a Broadway musical or play!) 2. Fill in the following chart during the concert. (don’t sit in the first couple of rows and if anybody asks, tell them it’s a school assignment) 3. IMPORTANT - Submit a TYPED report on the event using the information from your chart - DOUBLE SPACED - - don’t even think of typing it single spaced! - do NOT use all caps feature - use a font which is either 10 or 12 points - use a traditional, boring font like Times, Helvetica or Courier (not script) 4. Assignment is due no later than ONE WEEK after you see the event. 5. Essay should be exactly FIVE PARAGRAPHS long and no longer than 2 pages! 6. Spell everything out. ie; Mrs. B is really Mrs. Brown, CW is Charlotte Wood 7. Don’t write in personal language or directly to Mr. Abrams. ex: You would have loved it Mr. Abrams! (wrong) Write as if you are writing for a large newspaper and for a general audience. 8. Don’t use casual language - ex: “I Think they kind of sounded a little flat in one of the songs.” This should really be worded: “They sang with poor tuning.” Be specific and to the point. 9. Avoid adjectives like: pretty good, way too loud, alot, like, sort of, kind of . . . 10. Watch for run-on sentences. Check for lots of commas and conjunctions “or”, “and” or “but” 11. Check for appropriate usage of there, their and they’re / too, to and two, your and you’re 12. Attach your copy of the program and your ticket stub. (if none given, write a note in it’s place) 13. If you see the event over the winter break you still only get one week to turn it in. In this case, it must be emailed to school more than one week from time of the event. Points will be deducted for each day that the assignment is late!!!!! Email: Must be a WORD attachment or a PDF file. If you are using a different program, I might not be able to open your critique. To: 14. Absolute last day to turn in assignment is Monday, Jan.5, 2008 WORTH 30 POINTS = 10 % OF QUARTER GRADE DO YOUR OWN WORK – NOT A SHARED ASSIGNMENT!!!! P I. GENERAL OVERVIEW 6 pts Name of choir (s) - P 4. CHORAL SOUND 6 pts Tone - (Describe in detail. Use terms such as rich, dark, bright, nasal, breathy...) nasally is NOT a word! Director Where (facility/location) When Type of Concert - Dynamics - (did they use them? crescendos, decrescendos, accents sforzandos...) General feeling/opinion for concert (like / dislike) - P 2. OVERVIEW COMMENTS 5 pts Choice of songs - Vowels - (were they open and unified, or closed and tight) Poise and Appearance - Special Effects Tuning - (were they on key, or flat, or sharp... did they have any tuning problems?) lights choreography instrumentation – room – (a/c, acoustics, seating, mics, etc) Uniforms/Costumes - P 5. SONG YOU LIKED BEST / LEAST / CONCLUSION 7 pts P 3. CHORAL SOUND 6 pts Your Favorite Song AND 3 reasons why - Blend - (did every section sound like one voice? or did individuals stick out?) - Your Least Favorite Song AND 3 reasons why - Balance - (volume between sections in the choir) - Conclusion - Support your ideas and opinions Diction/Words - (understandable? overdone? final consonants?) -