ADVANCED PLACEMENT U.S. HISTORY - PURPOSE The Advanced Placement program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials of United States history. The course prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college survey courses. In this pursuit, the acquisition of factual knowledge is the beginning point of the process, not the end. Students will learn to interpret and evaluate the relative significance of primary and secondary source material, and to present their evidence and conclusions clearly and persuasively in an essay format. BASIC AND SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS Basic text - The American Pageant. Bailey Many former students have found an outline of American history useful. Students can order a copy of Amsco’s United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination, passing the saving of any volume discount on to students. Remember, this is optional. It is suggested that each student purchase or borrow a copy of the review books. OUTSIDE READING One or more major outside reading assignments will be required each quarter. Additionally, scholarly essays and primary source readings will be distributed throughout the year. Throughout the year students will be reading a collateral text dealing with some aspect of multiculturalism. A decision on that book will be made by September 1st. Students will have the option of purchasing this book through the Career Center or gaining access to them on their own. The Career Center will pass volume discounts on the students. TESTS AND ESSAYS Tests will generally consist of a multiple-choice section and an essay section of equal weight. Each test is likely to cover a significantly greater volume of material than many students have previously experienced. These tests will emphasize factual information, multiple causation/multiple outcome, and the concept of change over time and will require students to interpret and evaluate the events of history and support their conclusions with relevant specific factual information. There are likely to be no more than seven to eight major grades per quarter. The limited number of grades per quarter means that each major grade has a significant impact on the quarter grade. Students need to be aware of this and responsibly prepare for each major assignment. In addition to test essays, two to three additional in-class or out-of-class essays will be required per quarter. Each will count as a major grade. Pop quizzes will be used only if it is apparent that students need additional incentive to responsibly keep up with reading assignments. Mandatory take home tests are required with the first unit. Following that, optional chapter take home tests may be completed by students for a grade. HOMEWORK Homework will consist almost exclusively of reading assignments, with an occasional outside essay. Students who are having difficulty with the course may need to initiate additional reinforcing activities. As students, you are responsible for completing and mastering assignments on time. MAKE-UP WORK Attendance in class is absolutely essential to the successful completion of the course and to the attainment of a passing grade on the National Advanced Placement Examination. Students returning from excused absences are responsible for completing missed in class assignments promptly. ADDITIONAL The AP experience may place greater demands on students than those to which they are accustomed. It is likely that you will need to meet with the instructor from time to time to overcome problems you are having. I welcome those opportunities to help you one-to-one, and I encourage you to make arrangements to see me if you're experiencing difficulty. Mandatory conferences will be scheduled with those students experiencing significant difficulty. NATIONAL ADVANCED PLACEMENT EXAMINATION The Advanced Placement Program of the College Board affords students the opportunity to receive college credit for AP classes by successfully passing a national examination offered on May 9, 2007. The AP United States History Examination consists of eighty multiple-choice questions, one document-based question, and two free response questions. The multiple-choice section and the essay section (DBQ and free response) each make up fifty percent of the grade. AP students at the Career Center are strongly encouraged to take the national examination. **NOTE THAT THE 2008 TESTING DATE IS MAY 9th, AN INSERVICE DAY FOR TEACHERS** HONOR CODE Students will abide by the honor code statement “I have neither given nor received help on this assignment” for all assignments unless specifically exempted by the instructor. Violations of the honor code pledge will result in a zero for the assignment, a disciplinary referral to the office for action consistent with the school system policy on cheating, and potential loss of status in honor societies. Examples of violations of this policy include (but are not limited to) giving or receiving help on any in-class or take-home test, essay, or quiz, plagiarism of material on takehome essays, and discussion of any quiz, test, or essay questions with students who have not yet completed that assignment. - AP U.S. HISTORY The following are the due dates for required text and outside readings, in class and out of-class essays, and scheduled tests during the first quarter. There will be additional required reading and possible pop quizzes at the instructor's discretion. These dates may be altered as the instructor feels necessary. You would be well advised to keep up with your reading assignments. If you wait until the last minute you may find yourself overwhelmed by the volume of information. IMPERIALISM/PROGRESSIVES Date Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Lecture- Assignment Introductory Junk/ Pre-Test Election of 1896- Imperialism Spanish American War/ Open Door T.R.- Roosevelt Corollary and Panama Canal Progressive Movement- “Square Deal” Progressive Movement- Taft Progressives- Election of 1912- New Freedom Wilson- “Missionary Diplomacy”- World War I World War I World War I The Treaty Debate Catch up day UNIT ONE- MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST UNIT ONE- ESSAY TEST Reading Bailey 617-628/ AI 324-330 Bailey 629-643/ AI 331-336 Bailey 646-662/ AI 336-339 Bailey 664-673/ AI 309-316 Bailey 673-686/ AI 316-323 Bailey 687-694 Bailey 694-703 Bailey 705-714 Bailey 714-718 Bailey 718-727 Other Map- Imperialism Essay Writing Review Essay Analysis Muckrakers- excerpts Document Analysis DBQ Analysis Take Home DBQ TERMS DUE Bailey 728-743 1:10 maximum 50 min maximum ROARING TWENTIES – NEW DEAL- WORLD WAR II Date Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Lecture- Assignment Roaring 20’s- Immigration/ Prohibition Roaring 20’s- Politics and scandal Roaring 20’s- Foreign Policy The Crash of 29 and Hoover Great Depression- Election of 1832 Great Depression- New Deal New Deal Goals- Agencies FDR Foreign policy-World War II World War II- Isolation World War II- Pearl to Midway World War II- War in Europe World War II- War in Japan Catch up day UNIT ONE- MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST UNIT ONE- ESSAY TEST Reading Bailey 744-754/ AI 341- 352 Bailey 754-764/ AI 352-357 Bailey 764-776 Bailey 777-788 Bailey 788-797/ AI 358-360 Bailey 797-805/ AI 361-366 Bailey 806-826/ AI 366-374 Bailey 827-832/ AI CH 23 Bailey 832-840 Bailey 840-849 Bailey 849-855/ AI CH 24 Other Essay organization Document Analysis Literary excerpts In class DBQ ABC’s of New Deal Essay Analysis “The War”-Video In class essay TERMS DUE Bailey 858-867 1 hour maximum 40 min. maximum FAIR DEAL- NEW FRONTEIR Date Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 29 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Lecture- Assignment Cold War- Causes Truman Foreign Policy- Cold War Asian policy Truman Domestic Policy- “Fair Deal” Red Scare 50’s Culture Dwight D. Eisenhower- Civil Rights Eisenhower Foreign Policy Eisenhower Legacy Election of 1960- JFK “New Frontier” JFK and Civil Rights Foreign Policy- Brinkmanship Dallas November ‘63 PRACTICE AP EXAM Catch up day- Review Unit 3 MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST UNIT 3 ESSAY TEST Reading Bailey 867-876/ AI 413-417 Bailey 877-885/ AI 417-420 AI 420-428 AI Chapter 26 Bailey 886-897 Bailey 897-902 Bailey 902-905 Bailey 905-908 Bailey 908-915 Bailey 916-920 Bailey 920-927 Bailey Bailey TERMS DUE Bailey 927-931 Other DBQ Analysis Thesis practice Essay practice In class DBQ Brown v Board of Ed. “Fire and Ice” Essay Analysis 50 min. maximum 35 minute maximum Great Society – PRESENT Date Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Date Apr.14-18 Apr. 21 Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 May 1 May 2 Lecture- Assignment Lyndon B. Johnson- “The Great Society” Johnson Foreign Policy VietnamElection of 1968- 60’s Culture Richard Nixon- Foreign policy Nixon Domestic policy Watergate Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter-70’s Culture Election of 1980 Ronald Reagan- Domestic Policy PRACTICE AP EXAM Reagan Foreign Policy 80’s Culture- End of Cold War MINI TEST (END OF 6 WEEKS) Bush (40)- Desert Storm William Clinton George W. Bush Catch up day UNIT 4 MULTIPLE CHOICE UNIT 4 ESSAY TEST Lecture- Assignment SPRING BREAK MULTIPLE CHOICE REVIEW PRES. Review Questions from released exam 1-40 Review Pres. Administrations Review Pres. Administrations PRACTICE MC EXAM ESSAY REVIEW PRESENTATION Analyzing Essay Questions Analyzing Essay Responses Thesis writing activity PRACTICE ESSAY EXAM Reading Bailey 931-934 Bailey 934-938/ AI 446-458 Bailey 938-945 Bailey 946-952 Bailey 952-955 Bailey 955-960 Bailey 960-967/ AI 458-462 Bailey 967-975 Bailey 976-983 Bailey 983-990 AI CH 27-28 AI CH 29-30 Bailey 990-998 Other Multiple Choice Practice DBQ In class Essay Analysis 70’s cultural video Generalization Activity In class Essay 80’s Cultural video Bailey 999-1008 Bailey 1009-1020 Bailey 1021-1034 TERMS DUE Reading Complete Review Packet Other Presidential Quiz Part 1 Presidential Quiz Part 2 Presidential Quiz Part 3 Decade Quiz Supreme Court Quiz 1 Supreme Court Quiz 2 Amendment Quiz Date May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 MAY 9 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 27 May 28 May 29 Lecture- Assignment DBQ PRESENTATION/ Practice REVIEW DISCUSSION REVIEW DISCUSSION REVIEW DISCUSSION AP EXAM (SCHOOL IS OUT) TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Reading Other