Mrs. Bartley (269) 488-5040 ext 2142 Syllabus for Accelerated 7/8 English Language Arts Gull Lake Middle School Course Description Accelerated 7/8 English is a fast paced year that combines the skills, strategies, and essential components of both 7th and 8th grade language arts. Students will be expected to master basic material at a faster speed, in order to develop a higher level of application and evaluation of key concepts. This course is designed for ambitious, self-motivated, and high-achieving English students who seek to be challenged in this condensed format of thought, interpretation, and creation of the equivalent 7th and 8th grade curricula. This class moves at a much quicker speed than 7th grade ELA with a heavier work load. This is to help prepare students for the rigor of ELA 9 (the course they will take next year) and to also help them grow as learners. Moving on to English 9 next year Students must earn an average of at least an 80% (B-) for all 3 trimesters. (Grades from each trimester will be averaged together and your average grade must be at least 80% or higher) Warning letters will be sent home near the end of each trimester to students earning below an 80% (B-). If a student has not earned an 80% (B-) average or higher for all 3 trimesters, they will not be able to move on to English 9 the following year and will continue on to the regular ELA 8 class. Course Expectations During Language Arts this year, I will expect you to: Always be reading a book of your choice outside of class. You must bring this independent reading book to class every day. Come to class prepared with your independent reading book, language arts folder/binder, and pencil/pens. Participate and use the time you are given in class effectively. Always try your absolute best. Develop a strategy to manage time and organize work effectively. o I strongly recommend using an agenda to help organize dates and deadlines, but it is not required. Save all work, handouts, and notes in your language arts folder/binder. Complete all assignments on time and in a quality manner. Sign up for Remind text or email alerts.(See the link on my website or follow the directions below) Get outside your comfort zone. This class will hopefully push you and challenge you and at times it may even frustrate you but this is to help you grow as a student and as a person. Without challenges, life gets boring Checking out books from the class library I have an extensive classroom library full of books that I encourage students to utilize. My books range in reading level as well as content to accommodate a wide variety of students. If a parent has any issues with the subject matter of any books checked out from the classroom library, they may prohibit their child from reading the book. Any books checked out from my classroom library that are lost or damaged, must be replaced or paid for just as if it were a required classroom textbook or novel or a school library book. Remind Text/Email Alerts Want to receive text message or email alerts about due dates, tests, and other important information regarding ELA? Follow the steps below to sign up for this service. This service is optional and not a requirement for this class but it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Visit this website and follow the on screen instructions: OR you can visit my teacher website and click on the red link provided on the 7/8 ELA Resources page. Note: I am not able to see your phone number or email address. Also, you are able to sign up for both email and texts if you would like. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to sign up. Online Assignments Throughout the course of the year many assignments will be given, completed, and turned in online. Students will be regularly using: Google Classroom Blogger (for an individual online blog) Google Docs Other things to note about online assignments: At times there may be assignments due electronically on the weekends. The late work policy still applies to online due dates and electronic submissions (unless otherwise noted in class for individual assignments-but it is rare that I will stray from the late work policy). Electronic assignments are due even if a student is absent from class on the due date (unless there are extenuating circumstances that prohibit the student from turning work in). Most students have access to a computer and the internet at home, but if a student does not, they can use the library at school (before school, after school, during lunch). For most digital assignments, class work time is given to at least start an assignment (if not finish it in its entirety). Grading Class work and homework assignments 55% Papers, projects, and tests 40% Participation 5% (Includes preparedness, teamwork, cooperation, participation, effort, etc) Late Work Policy I expect work to be completed on time and in a quality manner; therefore late work will receive less credit. If work is… You can earn up to… If work is… You can earn up to… On Time 100% 2 days late 70% 1 day late 80% 3 or more days late ZERO The late work policy is something I am very strict with so please turn your work in on time. If you are absent on the due date of an assignment, it is due upon your return. No extra time will be given Finally, according to the GLMS student handbook: If you are here when a project/assignment is given and then miss days of school before the due date, your assignment is still due on the due date. No extra time will be given. The tentative year at a glance: 1st Trimester Short story unit Compare contrast essay Parts of Speech Review Unit The Pearl by John Steinbeck Additional Texts used: Elements of Literature: First Course. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2009. Elements of Literature: Second Course. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2009. 2nd Trimester Theme essay or project based on The Pearl The Giver by Lois Lowry Independent society project Research Unit 3rd Trimester Media literacy unit Holocaust unit with field trip to The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Farmington Hills I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up In The Holocaust by Livia Bitton-Jackson Holocaust theme essay based on the novel Film study of Boy in the Striped Pajamas Other: Throughout the year, independent book projects may be assigned (usually 1 per trimester) Genius Hour: Students will be working on an individual research project on a topic of their choosing. Each trimester will be about a different topic/idea. More details to come about this later Class Website I frequently update my Gull Lake Teacher website with new assignments, handouts, calendar updates, etc. Please check it often to stay involved with your child’s learning. Or visit the Gull Lake Middle School home page and click on the Teachers link. Then on Bartley, Jaclyn. Please place this syllabus in your binder under the “Resources/Notes” section. Please complete and return this sheet by _____________ to receive a grade. Accelerated 7/8 ELA-Bartley Please sign below to indicate that you (parent and student) have read and understood the Accelerated 7/8 English Language Arts Grade English Language Arts syllabus. Student Name: ___________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s): ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature(s): __________________________________________________________________ Best PHONE NUMBER(S) to reach the parent/guardian at between the hours of 7:15 and 4:00. If more room is needed please write additional info below the boxes. Name (of who the # belongs to) Relationship to student Phone Number (include area code) Best EMAIL ADDRESS(S) to reach the parent/guardian. Please write clearly If more room is needed please write additional info below the boxes. Name (of who the email belongs Relationship to student Email address to) Does your child have regular computer access at home? Does your child have regular internet access at home? Yes Yes No No Other: ______________________ Other: ______________________ *Directions for Remind alerts are on the back of the syllabus Check here: The student has signed up on Mrs. Bartley’s Remind account, either texting or emails The parent(s) has signed up on Mrs. Bartley’s Remind account, either texting or emails We do not have access or do not want to sign up for Remind texts or emails at this time Please include any other notes or information below that you feel I should know to best help your child be successful: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________