CARES – Purposeful hourly rounding COMFORT Inquire about comfort and or pain Offer PRN medication as appropriate Evaluate the effectiveness of the current plan of care in regards to pain and comfort ANTICIPATE NEEDS Assure all needed materials are within reach of the patient bedside table water as appropriate call light bed controls television controls tissue trash receptacle REPOSITION Assess the patient's positioning Assist patient to turn or be repositioned in bed or chair Float heels Assure any devises are appropriately positioned (e.g. Oxygen tubing, CPM machine, SCUDs, etc.) ELIMINATION Inquire about elimination needs and assist as appropriate SENSITIVTY AND SAFETY Perform all actions in a way that promotes independence and dignity Observe the environment for any hazards Practice infection prevention measures such as hand washing Update white-board with care provider's names, daily goals, anticipated procedures or tests Inquire if the patient's needs are being met Ask "is there anything else I can do before I leave?" Assure the patient that they will be checked on again in about an hour (or two at night) All alarms are in place and operational/activated Document rounding on the Sunburst Rounding Tool Remind patient to use the call light if they need assistance getting out of bed This is the Providence Sunburst Rounding Recording tool. There will be one in every patient room. Simply initial the time when you round on your patient. If there is no patient in the room (due to discharge or being off the unit) just mark an ‘X’ through the time.