Objectives 1. Define the vision of executive and administrative off-shift rounding. 2. Identify logistics of off-shift leader rounding. 3. List examples of how leaders may react to difficult situations they may encounter while rounding. 4. Describe how to educate hospital executives and leadership on the rounding process and how to onboard new leaders when hired or promoted. 5. Discuss ways to track outcomes, recognition, and opportunities attained while rounding. Nuts and Bolts of Executive and Administrative Off-Shift Leadership Rounding Julie Lichtenberg, MA, RN Presence Saint Joseph Hospital, Elgin, IL Presence Saint Joseph Hospital | Elgin, IL Founded in 1902 184 Licensed Beds 375 Physicians Goal: Increase visibility and engagement with quality interactions through leadership rounding Direct Outcomes Increased Employee Satisfaction Enhanced Quality of Care Indirect Outcomes Increased Patient Satisfaction Increased Physician Satisfaction How will we achieve this? • Develop a schedule for all leaders (clinical and non-clinical) to sign up for off-shift rounding • Rounding will include coverage for weekday evenings (B) and weekend (A, B & C) shifts • Conduct rounding training for current leaders and ongoing with new leaders hired • The information gathered from the rounds will be tracked in Midas (an electronic data base) What is the process? • The intent is not to have leaders work additional hours, but to manage their time appropriately during the week they are rounding • For night shift rounding (3 hours) • Leaders should be rounding the entire shift • For rounding shifts that are at least 6 hours • Leaders need to round for a few hours, then may do some work in their office, round again • There is a list of departments (zones) that leaders must visit each rounding shift What is the process? • A Rounding Log has been developed to serve as a guide to record the off-shift rounding • Leaders must also contact the Administrative Coordinator (x5421) and on-duty to let them know you are in the building to round in the event they need your assistance; they may also round with you; you should ask them what current issues are occurring on that shift as well • After the Rounding shift, the leader will send the rounding action items to the appropriate leaders based upon the feedback received Rounding Log Expectations: • • • Rounding action items must be sent to the appropriate leader within 48 hours of the Rounding Shift Expectations are that the department leaders respond to the rounding log action items identified in their department within 48 hours of notification Rounding log must be entered into Midas within 48 hours of the rounding shift Rounding Specifics • Leaders must be dressed in Business/Casual attire (no jeans) • All leaders must sign up for TWO rounding shifts in a 6 month timeframe. • Shifts will be Monday/Wednesday one week and Tuesday/Thursday the following week. Every weekend will require rounding during the day and night shift • Leaders with night shift staff must sign up for at least 1 night shift rounding • Holidays and Holiday weekends will not be included in the rounding schedule • If a leader is unable to round on their shift, they must find another leader to take their rounding shift and must notify the CEO’s Executive Assistant to adjust the master schedule How leaders sign up? • Each leader is provided a specific 24-hour timeframe in which they can sign up for shifts • Leaders go to Administration to sign up for the shifts; a master copy of the rounding schedule is made available on the shared Y drive. Process for signing up to round • Each leader was given a date to sign up for shifts. The first 6 leaders picked in the raffle will sign up for shifts, then the next 6 leaders, etc. Executives will sign up for their shifts first. Example: Leaders 1 – 6 Can sign up on Dec. 10 Leaders 7 – 11 Can sign up on Dec. 11 Leaders 12 – 16 Can sign up on Dec. 12 Rounding Schedule Example Zone A Zone A Zone B Zone B Mon Wed Sat Sat 10/3 10/5 10/8 10/8 5p-11p 5p-11p Leader #1 Zone A Sun 10/9 10/9 1am-4am 11am-5p 1am-4am 11am-5p x Leader #2 x x x Zone B Zone B Tues Th 10/11 10/13 5p-11p 5p-11p x x Leader #3 Leader #4 Zone A x Rounding Zones Zone A • • • • • • • • Comprehensive Rehab Behavioral Health Inpatient Units Perioperative Services Sterile Processing ICU/CVICU Telemetry Center Cath Lab Rounding Zones Zone B • • • • Respiratory Gift Shop Switchboard Security • Central/Sterile Processing • Food and Nutrition • • • • • • • • Laboratory Admitting Medical Imaging Emergency Department Maintenance Engineering Housekeeping Pharmacy New Leaders • New Leaders will be provided with the rounding training during leadership orientation within their first 30 days. They will be expected to sign up for shifts within their first 30 days. • New leaders will not begin rounding until after they have been here for 90 days. • HR will send the CEO’s Executive Assistant the new leader’s name and the Exec Asst AND Immediate Supervisor of the new leader will ensure they sign up for rounding. Rounding Training It’s all about Building Relationships • Schedule your time to round – then add the dates/time into your outlook calendar • Educate yourself as to what is going on in the departments you will be rounding in • Make personal connections while you are rounding (use sample questions provided) • Be accessible/approachable to staff – feedback from staff says leaders are sometimes not approachable • If someone asks you a difficult question ask them, “Have you brought this up with your Manager?” It’s all about Building Relationships • Recognize employees right away via employee recognition program or with a meaningful Thank You Note • Ask staff for feedback they want to provide • Record opportunities and wins on the Rounding Log as you round! • Log your rounding outcomes into Midas right away • Discuss leader rounding directly with your leader “This Isn’t Going Too Well… HELP” Situation Instead of… •Stopping the conversation Employee isn’t focused on conversation; seems distracted •Attempting to proceed through the distraction •Immediately moving to the next topic Other issues enter the conversation Try Saying/Doing… •“I notice that you seem distracted. Is there a better time for us to have this conversation.” •Completely dismissing new issue •“I notice that you seem preoccupied, is there something I can help you with? We can finish this conversation when it’s more convenient.” •“You bring up an interesting point. Would you be okay with us finishing this discussion and coming back to the concern you just raised?” “This Isn’t Going Too Well… HELP” Situation Instead of… •Getting angry Employee demonstrates behavior contrary to our standards (i.e. eye rolling, inappropriate comments, managing down of others) •Returning the kind gesture Try Saying/Doing… •“I’m a little concerned with how you just < XYZ>. If I’ve done something to offend you please let me know. The manner you just addressed me is inappropriate. Can we try this conversation again?” Note: If employee continues with behavior, notify their supervisor •Letting conversation linger Conversation doesn’t end •Stop conversation abruptly •“I really want to be respectful of your time. We have spent our time well. If it is okay with you I will note your concerns and share them with the appropriate person. If I may, I would like to take 2 minutes to summarize what we discussed to ensure what I have is accurate. Is that okay with you?” Presence Saint Joseph Hospital: Leader Rounding Issue/Recognition Documentation and Follow-up Log Shift Rounded On: Date: Dept Name Employee Name (if available) Issue/Concern Suggestion Rounding Leader Name: Person/Dept Responsible to Follow up Date Completed Recognition & Successes People to Recognize & Why Date Completed “Closing the Loop” Date Employee and/or Dept Contacted Suggested Rounding Questions Clinical Leader rounding • What is going well? • Is there anything to prevent you from providing safe care? • What are your unit’s key drivers and what are you focusing on to address them? • Do you have the tools to do your job? All Leader rounding • What could my department do more or less of? • What is the best service we provide and why? • Has someone in my department been especially helpful and why? • When you have a problem do you know who to call? • What employee/patient/physician satisfaction issue can my department assist with? Midas Rounding Report QUESTIONS?