Quiz - ecology - Key.. - Deepwater Communications

Pre-IB Biology
Name _____________________________Pd. ______
Ecology, Communities, and Population Biology Quiz (KEY)
Please choose or provide the best answer to the following questions:
1. A relationship between two organisms in which both benefit is called:
a. commensalism
b. mutualism *
c. autotrophism
d. parasitism
2. A relationship between two organisms in which one benefits and the other neither benefits nor
is harmed is called:
a. mutualism
b. parasitism
c. decomposer
d. commensalism *
3. Interconnected food chains make up a :
a. decomposer
b. food web *
c. biosphere
d. food chain
4. Organisms that feed on dead organisms are:
a. scavengers *
b. parasite
c. herbivore
d. plant
5. The layer of Earth that supports life is:
a. the ecology
b. the habitat
d. the trophic level
c. the biosphere *
6. Organisms that manufacture food using energy from the sun or from chemical compounds are:
a. heterotrophs
b. decomposers
c. autotrophs *
d. parasites
7. Define ecology.
8. Ecologists in three U.S. cities recommended different actions to manage deer populations in
their city parks as follows:
In Baltimore, city planners voted to pay for birth control for female deer;
In Nashville, the mayor ordered a managed hunt to remove 50% of female deer only; and
In Philadelphia, marksmen removed 50% of male deer only.
Based on the information above, which city probably experienced the least reduction in
populationover the next year?
Pre-IB Biology
Name _____________________________Pd. ______
9. Based on the information in Question 8., which city probably experienced the greatest
reduction in population over the next year?
10. Based on the following human population demographics, which country probably has the
highest population increase (assume no immigration or emmigration):
a. Italy
Birth Rate
b. Germany
Death Rate
c. USA
d. Sweden
11. The role an organism has in the environment is called:
a. ecology
b. the biosphere
c. a habitat
d. a niche *
12. An organism that obtains energy from breaking down dead organisms is called a:
a. parasite
b. autotroph
c. carnivore
d. decomposer *
13. The greatest proportion of biomass in the largest biome is:
a. plankton *
b. conifers
c. marine mammals
d. grasses
14. The greenhouse effect is due to a buildup of:
a. nitrates
b. water vapor
d. carbon dioxide *
c. carbon monoxide
!5. Name the layer of the ocean penetrated by light. ____________________
16. A prey population usually decreases as the predator population:
a. decreases
b. increases *
c. immigrates
d. stays the same
17. All the possible food chains in a habitat are called:
a. a niche
b. a food web *
c. a trophic level
d. a community
Pre-IB Biology
Name _____________________________Pd.
18. List three abiotic limiting factors that keep populations from getting too large.
19. Which of the following shows the correct order of a food chain?
a. primary consumer-> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer *
b. secondary consumer-> producer-> primary consumer
c. primary consumer-> secondary consumer->producer
d. producer-> secondary consumer-> primary consumer
20. Which type of organism is not shown in the following representation of a food chain?
grasshopper--> frog--> snake--> hawk ->bacteria
a. herbivore
b. decomposer
c. producer *
d. carnivore
21. Phytoplankton --> Zooplankton --> Mussels --> Starfish
What effect would harvesting the mussels have on this food chain?