CC DUAL ENROLLMENT COHORT Table Data Elements and Definitions Name COHORT YEAR Type Length Definition Char 8 A concatenation of years to indicate the Academic Year cohort assignment for the specific dual enrollment cohort. Academic Year is considered to be the sequential semesters Fall, Spring, and Summer. (For example: 20072008 = Fall 2007, and Spring 2008.) Common Usage You would use this field to select a specific dual enrollment cohort. State reporting requirements changed in 2011 with the 2007-2008 high school senior cohort who enrolled in a dual enrollment class anytime during high school. Cohorts found in the CC Dual Enrollment Cohort Table Original are based on the original definition of taking dual enrollment course only during the senior year. The earliest data available is for AY 2007-2008. You should NOT use this field to join with other tables. DUAL ARIZONA UNITID Char 6 A code that reflects the NCES Unit ID for each community college. This field may be joined to CODE ARIZONA UNITID to get a description. You will use this field to limit queries to a specific community college only. It does NOT apply to universities. Do NOT use it to join with a UV table. You should use this field with another CC table if you want additional data on your student at your own community college. Do NOT join on this field if you want to track your student to another community college or university (OR make an inequality join). ASSIST STUDENT ID Char 8 The 8-character anonymous ID that is assigned to each student during the ID matching process. You will ALWAYS use this field to join with another UV or CC table so you can get data on the same individual. DUAL INSTITUTION COUNTY CODE Char 2 A code that reflects the county in which a community college is located. You would use this field to identify the county in which a particular community college campus is located. Code Values: AP = Apache CN = Coconino CS = Cochise GI = Gila GL = Greenlee GM = Graham LP = La Paz MH = Mohave MR = Maricopa NA = Navajo PL = Pinal PM = Pima SA = Santa Cruz YA = Yavapai YU = Yuma This code may be used to select all MCCCD colleges by limiting the value to MR. Some community college districts provide dual enrollment courses in another county and need to report these cohorts separately. This field may be joined to CODE CC ARIZONA COUNTY to get a description. LAST HIGH SCHOOL YEAR ATTENDED Char 4 A code that indicates the last year a student attended a particular high school. This field may not be populated if an institution submitted a separate dual enrollment cohort file. Code Values: 0 = Unknown YYYY If populated, ASSIST draws the cohort based on this data after the institution verifies that the data submitted for this element in the CC STUDENT table represents high school seniors. HIGH SCHOOL CODE Char 9 A code that indicates the last high school a student attended. You would use this field to obtain a breakdown of high schools for students in a cohort or to identify the number of graduates from a particular high school. The Arizona Department of Education CTDS (county/type/district/school) code is used for all Arizona public high schools and charter schools. Additional codes used include: 000000000 = Unknown 000000001 = GED 000000002 = Home school 000000003 = Foreign high school 000000004 = Non-Arizona high school Private high schools are coded sequentially by county (e.g., Yavapai County schools will be coded as 13000001, 130000002, etc.). If the institution has submitted ADE codes, this field may be joined to CODE CC HIGH SCHOOL to identify the high school or the county for Arizona public schools. CODE CC HIGH SCHOOL is a distinct view of CODE UV HIGH SCHOOL. DUAL COURSE SEMESTER Char 5 A Year/Semester code that indicates the year and term that the dual course offered during the student’s high school years began. This field was added in 2011 when state reporting requirements changed starting with the 2007-2008 high school senior cohort who enrolled in a dual enrollment class anytime during high school. Code Values: YYYY1 = Spring YYYY5 = Fall This filed may be joined to CODE CC Course Semester to get a description. DUAL COURSE PREFIX Char 4 A code that reflects the discipline of a specific course in which a student is enrolled in a given semester and is institution-specific. You would use this field to limit coursework to a particular discipline, such as Math or English. DUAL COURSE NUMBER Char 5 A code that reflects the level of a specific course in which a student is enrolled. Basic Code Values: 100 – 199 series = Freshmen-level courses 200 – 299 series = Sophomore-level courses You would use this field to limit coursework to a particular value(s), or a level, such as freshmen-level courses (numbered 100-199) or combined with a limit to a particular discipline in Dual Course Prefix to isolate certain courses, such as Freshmen English. You should review the data or check the institution’s catalog to see if alpha characters are included in some of the course numbers. This field is institution-specific. Some institutions also combine alpha characters for particular types of courses. DUAL COURSE GRADE Char 2 A code that reflects the grade assigned to a specific course in which a student was enrolled in a given semester. Basic Common Code Values: A = Excellent B = Good C = Average D = Below Average F = Failing I = Incomplete P = Passing W = Withdrawal WF = Withdrawal, Failing WR = Withdrawal, Administrative Y = Withdrawal, Failing Z = No Credit This field should NOT be joined to CODE UV COURSE GRADE as the values differ. This field may be joined to CODE CC COURSE GRADE to get a description. CC DUAL ENROLLMENT COHORT Table LAST UPDATE: June 2011 You would use this field if you wanted to determine the grade distribution for your students in a particular course or for all dual enrolled courses in a particular cohort year. You can calculate an average GPA for students completing a particular course by converting grades associated with net hours to grade points: A = 4 grade points B = 3 grade points C = 2 grade points D = 1 grade point F = 0 grade points Y = 0 grade points if from MCCCD Note that the inclusion of withdrawal grades in a student’s GPA varies by institution. Beginning in 2000, the Maricopa Community Colleges began assigning Y (Withdrawal, Failing) grades included in the calculation of a student’s GPA. Grade changes that occur in subsequent semesters will NOT be captured anywhere in this table.