
Dual Enrollment Book Depository Information
The Book Depository will be held at the following remote locations from
3pm to 6pm on the following dates:
Thomas E Weightman Middle School
Media Center
August: 24, 26 & 31
September: 2
Marchman Technical College
August: 25 & 27
September: 1 & 3
Q: I can’t come during the open hours, can I come early?
A: No, Media Staff will NOT be able to assist students before this time. Students are able to pick up
books at the District Office in Land O’Lakes. See below for Days and Times.
Q: My son/daughter works, can I pick up their books?
A: Yes. Parents may pick students books.
Q: What paperwork do I need?
A: You will need your college schedule or PHSC Fee Statement.
Q: Can I drop off my books from this semester?
A: Yes, dual enrollment books from this semester must be returned before checking out new books.
Q: My class is at my high school, can I check out the textbook?
A: No, your high school will be providing your book.
Q: I, or my child, has books checked out through the media center of their school. Can they still check
out DE books?
A: Students can have library books checked out, however, they may not be overdue. Students can
return overdue items to us, and we can return them to their school.
Q: Are there other book depository locations?
A: Yes Dual Enrollment books may be picked up at:
District Office Building 3 North Land O’ Lakes
Monday: 1 p.m. UNTIL 4 p.m
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m until 1 p.m. and 2 p.m until 4 p.m
Friday: 8:30 a.m UNTIL 12:30 p.m
(Except: Holidays and identified days off according to the District School Board of Pasco County school
*During the schedule dates for the remote location service will be grant at the
District Office location from 9 a.m until 3:30 p.m Monday thru Friday
*This service is only available during the time of the schedule remote dates and the dates are subject to change.