Delli Paoli APES Chapter 5: Biomes Name_____________________________________ Date_______________ Score:_________100 pts Over the holiday break, you will need your book and access to the internet. In this assignment, you will be traveling to different biomes of the world. Your assignment is to complete: A. The vocabulary below. (10 points) B. The chart on the reverse side of this assignment with the important information regarding the different biomes. This will be on my website so that you can create your own template to include the essential information regarding the biomes. (78 points) C. The Data Analysis Section questions on Page 115. (12 points) Part A: Basic Vocabulary & Questons in addition to the biomes. (+10 pts) 1. Biome 2. Vertical zonation 3. Cloud Forests 4. Climagraph 5. Latitude 6. Longitude 7. Focus on Figure 5.3 – Question: How are the biomes arranged on the map? 8. Phytoplankton 9. Benthic 10. Pelagic 11. Refer to Figure 5.14 – define: a. Hadal zone b. Abyssal zone c. Bathypelagic zone d. Mesopelagic zone e. Epipelagic zone f. Littoral or intertidal zone 12. Tide pools Biome Information Sheet Chapter 5 Biomes Student’s Name: Biome Name 1. Boreal 2. Chaparral 3. Desert Tropical Temperate Cold 4. Fresh Water a. Wetlands b. Swamps c. Marshes d. Bogs e. Fens 13. Ice 6.Marine Ecosystems a. Coral Reefs b. Mangroves c. Esturaries d. Barrier Islands e. Salt marshes 7. Mountains 8. Semi-Desert 9. Temperate Deciduous Forest Due date: Annual Temperature Precipitation Range (units) (units) Possible Points: Location Common Species Points Earned: Endangered Species Description of biome & its traits 10. Temperate Grasslands 11. Temperate Rainforest 12. Tropical Deciduous Forest 13. Tropical Rain Forest 14. Tropical Savanna 15. Tropical Scrub Forest 16. Tundra Artic Alpine