Biome Distribution: Temperature & Precipitation Factors

Near the poles, temperature is generally the overriding climate factor, whereas in temperate and tropical
regions, precipitation becomes more significant than temperature (Figure 6-2). Light is relatively plentiful in
biomes, except in certain environments such as the rainforest floor. Other abiotic factors to which certain
biomes are sensitive include temperature extremes as well as rapid temperature changes, fires, floods,
droughts, and strong winds.
Figure 6-2 Temperature and precipitation.
The biomes are distributed primarily in accordance with two climate factors, temperature and precipitation. In the higher latitudes,
temperature is the more important of the two. In temperate and tropical zones, precipitation is a significant determinant of
community composition. (Adapted from L. Holdridge Life Zone Ecology. Tropical Science Center, San Jose, Costa Rica (1967).)
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