Name: AP Environmental Science Earth`s Biomes 22 October 2013

Name: _________________________
AP Environmental Science
Earth’s Biomes
22 October 2013
Chapter 04 – pp 96-104
1. A _________________ is a major regional complex of similar communities recognized primarily by its
dominant plant type and vegetation structure.
2. List four abiotic factors that determine the type of biome found in a particular portion of the planet. Circle
the two factors that exert the greatest influence.
a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
3. Check all of the following statements about biomes that are TRUE.
_____ a.) Scientists use climatographs to depict the average monthly temperature and precipitation in a
_____ b.) Patches representing the same biome tend to occur at similar latitudes.
_____ c.) The distribution of biomes is due to an east-west gradient in temperature and poor atmospheric
_____ d.) Soil composition has the greatest effect on the distribution of biomes types.
4. Why does the biomes concept “fall apart” somewhat when applied to aquatic systems? List five factors that
shape aquatic systems that are different than the factors that delineate terrestrial biomes.
5. Altitude can influence the local climate pattern of a biome in all of the following ways except:
a.) Temperature drops progressively at higher altitudes.
b.) Mountains can cause ascending moisture-laden air to release precipitation, causing a rainshadow
on the leeward side of the mountain.
c.) Atmospheric pressure decreases.
d.) Oxygen level increases.
e.) Exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases.
6. Think about the ways in which altitude affects the climate of a particular region. What is the relationship
between increasing altitude and increasing latitude?
Read the biome descriptions on pages 98-102. Use this information to complete the following table.
deciduous forest
Tropical rainforest
Tropical dry forest
Boreal Forest
Dominant Vegetation
List the dominant vegetation types
(trees (type), grasses, lichens,
shrubs, etc.)
Describe the predominant
conditions of temperature
and precipitation
Describe the soil,
fertile/infertile, basic/acid,
easily eroded, etc