PACE UNIVERSITY LUBIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD Nomination Form Your name: _____________________________ Year of Graduation: _____________ Major: _________________________________ Degree Received: _______________ Name of the person sponsoring your nomination ________________________________ Please provide responses to the following: 1. What student organizations and/or Pace activities did you participate in while attending Pace? What has been your involvement with Pace since graduation? 2. Which Pace events have you attended in the past 2 years? Do you have any suggestions as to how they could be improved? Do you have any ideas for future events? 3. What ideas do you have for ways in which the Lubin Alumni Board can expand the visibility of Pace? How can they extend Pace's reach into the potential student and business community? 4. Why do you want to serve on the Alumni Board? 5. Which Alumni Activities would you be interested in getting involved? Conversion & Retention Community Services Communications Events Your signature:_________________________________________ Date:_______________ Please complete this page and return to: Harry D. Mayo III (201) 861-3954 phone (201) 430-9723 fax Student Relations