Teachers Observing Teachers – DSD WL Dept. Observer: Date of Observation: School: Language/Level: Teacher Being Observed: ORGANIZATION: 1. How does the teacher introduce the lesson? 2. Do the students realize what is expected of them today? 3. Who presents the lesson’s material (teacher and/or student(s))? 4. How do the students process the new learning? Process the old learning? 5. How does the teacher check for student understanding? 6. It is clear who does and does not really know the material? 7. What happens if evidence shows students do not have true understanding? 8. What was the proficiency goal for today’s lesson? 9. Is this proficiency goal posted in the room? 10. What were the apparent routines/procedures that organized this class time? LANGUAGE USE: 1. How much target language did the teacher use? 2. How much target language did the students use? 3. Which Communication Mode was the Target Mode? 4. What was the ratio of the activities observed: student – or teacher-centered? AFTER OBSERVATION: 1. How did the teacher differentiate based on learner needs? 2. What strategies were used to encourage student participation? 3. Describe the teacher’s questioning technique. Was wait time appropriate? 4. Could those not called on that time “tune out” since they are “off the hook?” 5. Was there “dead time” ? If so, why did it happen? 6. How would you describe the classroom culture/community? 7. What attitude or tone did you feel? 8. Was there a behavior problem? How did the teacher handle it? 9. What was in place to encourage on-task appropriate behavior? 10. Was the class active or passive? 11. How well & in what ways did the classroom task fit the learning target? 12. How was the pace…what did the teacher do to influence the pace? 13. Was the teacher “in charge” of the class? How did you know? SELF ANALYSIS 1. Based on what I observed today, what can I as a teacher do to improve as facilitator of language learning? 2. Based on my analysis of this (or today’s) observation, what 1-3 things am I targeting to implement in my class? Prepared by Fran Maples, Foreign Languages Coordinator, Garland Independent School District, adapted by Greta Lundgaard, LOTE Coordinator, Plano Independent School District, then adapted by Bonnie Flint, World Language Supervisor, Davis School District.