Grade 9 Science Lab and Work Book “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” (Louis Pasteur) Name: _______________________Room/period:____________ Teacher: _____________________________________________ © A. Raper July 2004 1 Lab # 1 Laboratory Equipment Skills: In this activity you will become familiar with some of the everyday equipment used in the science lab. You will also find out where these items are located in your lab. Instructions: Use the pictures below and the sheet obtained from your teacher to name the laboratory equipment, then find out where it is located in the lab. Equipment © A. Raper July 2004 Name Location 2 Check out: The Science Room: © A. Raper July 2004 3 Activity #1 If…then… Hypothesis statements A hypothesis is a prediction about what you believe will happen when certain variables are changed. Goal: In this activity you will make a paper airplane from a single sheet of paper, make changes to your Airplane and hypothesize about what effect you think this change will have. Materials: Safety: Paper, Scissors Tape paperclips Do not throw objects at people Use sharp objects safely Procedure: Part 1 1. Make 4 paper airplanes using one sheet of 8½ X 11 paper for each. Label these planes #1 -5 2. Decide where you will fly the planes, measure a distance 3. Observe the planes flight and record your observations. Part 2 4. Use the materials listed above to modify your planes. Change only one thing for each plane. 5. Make a hypothesis about the effect you think the change will have. Use the sentence stems If…. Then….. Write these hypotheses down. 6. Fly the planes the same as before. Observe and record the planes flight. 7. Repeat this experiment for each of your five planes. Thought Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. How did you act upon your plane? What did you purposely change about your plane? How did you determine your planes response? What remained the same about your plane? An example of a hypothesis might be: If a paperclip is added to the nose of the plane, then it will fly straighter. How will you decide which plane is the best? © A. Raper July 2004 4 Hypotheses: Plane # 1 If….______________________________________________________________________ Then…____________________________________________________________________ Plane #2 Plane #3 Plane #4 Plane #5 Data table: Plane # Question 1 Action Question 2 Purposely changed Question 3 Response to change Question 4 Remained the same 1 2 3 4 5 The thought questions involve the concept of change. Synonyms (other names) for change are varied, modified, altered, fixed. Scientists select the name varied , and use the term variable. To describe each factor that changes in an experiment. The variable that is purposely changed or manipulated in the experiment is known as the Independent variable. The variable that changes in response is called the dependent variable. The statement predicting the effect of the changes made in the independent variable on the dependent variable is called the Hypothesis. The reason you made 5 planes is to have a number of trials so you can compare your data. Find out what is meant by a Control in an experiment. What was the control in this experiment? (Source: Cothron, J., Giese, R., Rezba, R.: Science experiments and projects for students. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000) © A. Raper July 2004 5 Activity 2 Practice: In the “Floor Wax” scenario below, identify the following components of an experiment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Independent Variable Dependent variable Constants Repeated Trials Control Also using the scenario below write a title and a hypothesis using the following formats: 6. Title: The Effect of (the changes in the independent variable) on the (dependent variable). 7. Hypothesis: If the (independent variable- describe how it will be changed), then the (dependent variable-describe the effect). A shopping Mall wanted to determine if the more expensive “TOUGH STUFF” floor wax was better than the cheaper “STEEL SEAL” floor wax at protecting its floor tiles against scratches. One Liter of each grade of floor wax was applied to each of 5 test sections of the main hall of the Mall. The test sections were the same size and were covered with the same type of tiles. Five (5) other test sections received no wax. After 3 weeks the number of scratches in each of the test sections was counted. (Source: Cothron, J., Giese, R., Rezba, R.: Science experiments and projects for students. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000) Assessing what you know: 1. Each of the following terms identifies a component in an experiment. Define each of the following terms: a) independent variable, b) dependent variable, c) constant, d) repeated trials, e) control, f) hypothesis 2. Identify the independent and dependent variables in an experiment with the following title: “The effect of placing used teabags under rose plants on the growth of the rose plants.” Independent Variable: __________________________________________________________ Dependent Variable: © A. Raper July 2004 __________________________________________________________ 6 Activity 3 3. Match each term in column I with its definition in Column II. Column I Column II _______1. A statement of possible relationship between the independent and dependent variables. A. Control _______2. Any factor that is not allowed to change B. Independent Variable _______3. A group or sample that is used as a standard for comparison. C. Repeated trials _______4. Used to reduce the effects of chance error D. Constant _______5. The factor in an experiment that responds to the purposefully changed factor. E. Dependent Variable _______6. The factor in an experiment that is changed on purpose F. Variable _______7. Any factor in an experiment that changes G. Hypothesis Self check: Complete the table below honestly. There are no right or wrong answers, you can always come back later and review this. I understand the following terms: Terms Hypothesis Variable Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Trials Constant (Source: Cothron, J., Giese, R., Rezba, R.: Science experiments and projects for students. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000) © A. Raper July 2004 7 Activity 4 Be a Design Detective: First read the description of the experiment and identify the major parts: Independent variable, number of trials, etc.. Then complete the following: 1. Draw an experimental design diagram for the scenario described. Include only the parts specifically described in the scenario. 2. Evaluate the experimental design diagram using the checklist provided. 3. Make a list of the ways you could improve the experiment described in the scenario. Modify the experimental design to include the improvements. Scenario: In Chemistry class, Chris discovered that different metals reacted with hydrochloric acid to release hydrogen gas. Some metals reacted more than others. Below is a chart that shows how metals react. Source: Fraser, A., Gilchrist, I. Starting Science book 2 , 1986, Oxford University Press ( page 19) Several weeks later, Chris read that a utilities company was planning to bury lead next to iron pipes to prevent rusting. Chris hypothesized that less rusting would occur with the more active metals. He carried out an experiment as follows: Into 4 separate containers of water he placed; (a) 1 iron nail, (b) 1 iron nail wrapped with aluminum strip, (c) 1 iron nail wrapped with a magnesium strip, (d) 1 iron nail wrapped with a lead strip. He used the same amount of water, equal masses of the metals and the same type of iron nails. At the end of 5 days he rated the amount of rusting as, small, moderate or large. He also recorded the colour of the water. © A. Raper July 2004 8 Checklist for Experimental design. Checklist question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Questions Does the title clearly identify both the independent & dependent variables? Does the hypothesis clearly state how you think changing the independent variable will affect the dependent variable? Is there just one independent variable? Is it well defined? Are the levels of independent variables clearly stated? Are there enough levels of the independent variable tested? Are there too many? Is there a control? Is it clearly stated? Are there repeated trials? Are there enough of them? Is the dependent variable clearly identified and stated? Is the dependent variable operationally defined? Operationally defined means that the investigator clearly stated how the response would be measured or described? Are the constants clearly identified and described? Are there any others? Did the Experimental design diagram include all the parts? Were the parts in the proper order? IV, Levels of IV including control, repeated trials, DV, constants. Was the experiment creative? Was it an appropriate level of complexity? (Source: Cothron, J., Giese, R., Rezba, R.: Science experiments and projects for students. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000) Title: Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: © Constants A. Raper July 2004 9 Checklist for Evaluating an Experimental Design Diagram Criteria Self Teacher Title Hypothesis Independent variable Levels of independent variables Control Repeated trials Dependent Variable Operational definition of dependent variable Constants Creativity/complexity (Source: Cothron, J., Giese, R., Rezba, R.: Science experiments and projects for students. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2000) © A. Raper July 2004 10 Vee-Map Diagramming for preparing a Lab outline This concept map is a tool to help you organize ideas for an investigation/experiment. ` Active Interplay Conceptual (Knowledge) Methodological (Doing) Focus question Concepts/theories (What do I know?) 1. What do I need to know? 2. What do I want to find out? 1. what do I know about the topic? 2. What concepts relating to the question do I know? 3. How are the concepts related to each other? Claims (How can I interpret my findings, observations, data? 1. What do my data, observations and results mean to me? 2. What conclusions can I make from my data? 3. Can my data suggest further hypotheses, further questions? does it refute any existing theories? 4. Can I apply this knowledge in the real world practical situations? 5. Self-reflection - What knowledge and skills did I learn? Graphic Organizers (How are the ideas connected?) concept map 1. How do the concepts related to one another? 2. Is the general concept arranged at the top of the concept map? 3. Can I build a heirarchy of concpets? 4. What are the possible crosslinks? 5. Are the crosslinks meaningful? 6. Have I included examples of concepts? © A. Raper July 2004 Events (How can I find answers to my questions?) 1. What apparatus do I need? 2. What objects and events must I observe? 3. What procedures can I use? 4. What did I use? Data Collection (W hat did I measure and Observe?) 1. Did I collect data in the form of tables? 2. Did I graph my data? 3. What does my graph look like? 4. What are possible errors? 5. does my data show trends or patterns? 6. Are there other ways to report my data? 11 Activity 5 Compare and Contrast In this activity you will be given pairs of words. Although in some cases each word pair may look very similar, there are subtle differences. You will compare – how they are the same, and contrast – how they are different each set of words using a table. An example has been done for you. Compare Luminosity Luminous These words both refer to the quality of light. Contrast Refers to the amount of light that an object emits. It can be measured quantitatively. Refers to a characteristic that an object has to give off(emit) light compared to non-luminous. 1. Qualitative, Quantitative 2. Soluble, Solubility 3. Melt, Molten 4. Condense, Condensation 5. Solvent, Solution 6. Solid, Solidify 7. Dissolve, Dissolvable 8. Centimeter, Cubic Centimeter © A. Raper July 2004 12 Activity 6 Look at the pictures below and decide whether each example is a physical or chemical change. Give reasons/evidence for your answer. Source: Dave Durant: What are the five (5) clues to recognize a chemical change? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the main differences between a chemical change and a physical change? Physical Change © A. Raper July 2004 Chemical Change 13 Lab # 2 Safety Symbols Skills: To become familiar with the WHMIS symbols and the MSDS sheets Instructions: Complete the table below. 1. What do the letters WHMIS stand for? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What do the letters MSDS stand for? ____________________________________________________________________ WHMIS symbol Meaning Example Check out: The Science Room, Laboratory/safety. Read the information on this site © A. Raper July 2004 14 Homework Activity: The most dangerous thing in the laboratory is You. Use the first letter of the words Lab Safety to create a poster on safety. You can add pictures, symbols, colour to enhance your poster. This must fit onto 1, 8 ½ X 11 sheet of unlined paper. This poster can be hand drawn or computer generated. Example: Listen to instructions 1. What are the two commonest excuses students make when an accident happens? 2. Why should contact lenses NOT be worn in the lab? 3. In your lab locate the following items: Safety glasses, Eyewash station, Fire Extinguisher, Fire blanket, First Aid kit, Phone, Fume Hood, Emergency shut off button for gas. 4 Draw a floor plan of the lab showing where these items are located. 4. Identify the hazards in the picture below. Place an X on the safety issue . © A. Raper July 2004 15 Lab # 3 Using the Bunsen burner Pre-Lab Discussion: Sometimes a scientist needs to heat materials. In the laboratory, one of the most efficient ways to do this is to use a Bunsen burner. Bunsen burners are made in a variety of designs. In everyone, however, a mixture of air and gas is burned. In most Bunsen burners, the amounts of air and gas can be controlled. In some laboratories, electric hot plates or portable liquidpetroleum burners are used instead of Bunsen burners. In this investigation, you will learn the parts of the Bunsen burner and their functions. You will also learn how to use the Bunsen burner safely in the laboratory. Problem How can the Bunsen burner be used safely to heat materials in the laboratory? Materials (per group) Bunsen burner Ring stand 2 250-mL beakers Wire gauze Metric ruler Beaker tongs Iron ring clamp 100 – mL graduated cylinder Flint striker or matches Clock with second hand Safety: Put on safety goggles. Handle all glassware carefully. Tie back loose hair and clothing when using the Bunsen burner. Use extreme care when working with heated equipment or materials to avoid burns. Procedure: 5. Examine your burner when it is not connected to the gas outlet. If your burner is the type that can easily be taken apart, unscrew the barrel from the base and locate the parts shown in Figure 1. As you examine the parts, think about their functions. . The barrel is the area where the air and gas mix. The collar can be turned to adjust the intake of air. If you turn the collar so that the holes are larger, more air will be drawn into the barrel. . The air intake openings are the holes in the collar through which air is drawn in. . The base supports the burner so that it does not tip over. . The gas intake tube brings the supply of gas from the outlet to the burner. . The spud is the small opening through which the gas flows. The small opening causes the gas to enter with great speed. © A. Raper July 2004 16 Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall Use the diagram above and your Bunsen burner to label the following diagram. This diagram shows a cut away section of a Bunsen burner. This is the way scientists draw diagrams Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall 6. Reassemble the Bunsen burner if necessary and connect the gas intake tube to the gas outlet. CAUTION: Put on safety goggles. Make sure that the burner is placed away from flammable materials. 7. Adjust the collar so that the air intake openings are half open; If you use a match to light the burner, light the match and hold it about 2 cm above and just to the right of the barrel. Hold the match in this position while you open the gas outlet valve slowly until it is fully open. CAUTION: To avoid burns on your hands, always use extreme care when handling lighted matches. The burner can also be turned off by using the valve. Do not lean over the burner when lighting it. 8. If you use a flint striker to light the burner, hold the striker in the same position you would hold a lighted match. To light the burner with a striker, you must produce spark at the same time you open the gas valve. 9. Practice lighting the burner several times. Every member of your group should be given the opportunity to light the burner. 10. The most efficient and hottest flame is blue in color and has distinct regions as shown in © A. Raper July 2004 17 Figure 2. Adjust the collar so that the flame is blue and a pale blue inner cone is visible. Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall 11. Adjust the flow of gas until the flame is about 6 cm high. Some burners have a valve in the base to regulate the flow of gas, but the flow of gas can always be adjusted at the gas outlet valve. After adjusting the flow of gas, shut off the burner. Leave your safety goggles on for the remainder of the investigation. 12. Arrange the apparatus as pictured in Figure 3. Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall Figure 3 13. Adjust the iron ring so that the bottom of the beaker is about’2 cm above the mouth of the burner barrel. Measure 100 mL of water in the graduated cylinder and pour it into one of the beakers. 14. Light the burner and heat the beaker of water. The bottom of the beaker should just be touching the top of the inner cone of the flame. In the Data Table, record the time it takes for the water to start boiling rapidly. Using the beaker tongs, carefully remove the beaker and pour out the water. 15. Repeat the procedure with the other beaker at a height of about 8 cm above the mouth of the barrel. CAUTION: Be very careful when raising the iron ring. It will be too warm to touch, use heat resistant gloves and beaker tongs. In the Data Table, Record the time it takes for the water to start boiling rapidly at this height. Note: Be sure that the starting temperature of the water is the same in each trial. © A. Raper July 2004 18 Complete the Experimental design Diagram for the above lab. Title: Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: Constants Observations: Height above burner (cm) Starting Temperature (0C) Time to boil (minutes) 4cm 8cm Analysis and Conclusions: 1. What would happen if the air intake openings were made very small? 2. If the burner does not light after the gas outlet valve is opened, what might be wrong? 3. Where is the hottest part of the flame of a Bunsen burner? 4. At what height, 2 cm or 8 cm, did the water come to a rapid boil faster? © A. Raper July 2004 19 13. Why is it important to make sure that the volume of water and the starting temperature are the same in each trial? Critical Thinking and Application: 1. Why is it important to wear safety goggles when using a Bunsen burner? 2. Why is it important to tie back loose hair and clothing when using a Bunsen burner? 14. In addition to the items mentioned in questions 1 and 2, what other safety precautions should be followed before lighting a Bunsen burner? Lab # 4 The Bunsen burner 2 Pre Lab Discussion: To safely use a Bunsen burner it is important to know how it works. In this investigation you will be finding our more about the types of burner flames and their properties. Problem: How does a Bunsen flame differ from the flame of a candle? Prediction: Based on your own experience of fire, candles, gas stove, at home, predict what you think will be the main differences between a candle flame and a Bunsen flame. Materials: Safety: Bunsen burner, Matches Paper clip Crucible tongs Steel wool Candle Safety glasses 1 unlit match magnesium ribbon copper wire/penny Tie up all long hair and loose clothing. Make sure safety glasses are on. © A. Raper July 2004 20 Procedure: 1. Using the procedure from the previous lab, write down the steps for lighting the Bunsen burner. Have this checked by your teacher before you continue. i.___________________________________________________________ ii. ___________________________________________________________ iii.___________________________________________________________ iv.____________________________________________________________ v.____________________________________________________________ 2. Light your Bunsen burner, following the proper steps making sure that it is safe and stable. 3. Adjust the so that the flame is about 6cm high and the air-hole is half open. 15. Using the crucible tongs heat each of the substances in the flame and record your observations in the data table below. 4. Repeat the experiment using a candle instead of the Bunsen burner. Observations: Material to be tested Observations when heated in the Bunsen flame Observations when heated in a candle flame Magnesium ribbon Steel wool Copper wire/penny Analysis & Conclusions: Which flame was the best for this experiment? Give a reason for your answer. What substance can you infer might make the difference between the Bunsen flame and the candle flame? Suggest a way you could test this inference. © A. Raper July 2004 21 Part 2 Procedure: 1. Obtain a paper clip and an unlit match. 2. Open the paperclip to make a straight wire. Use the paperclip to wrap around the match about 0.5 cm from the head of the match. 3. Place the unlit match into the barrel of an unlit Bunsen burner as shown below. Paper clip Source: Arkless,S. et al, combined Science Worksheets Year one, 1976, Wheaton & co 4. Light the Bunsen burner with the air-hole WIDE OPEN. 5. Record your observations below. Observations: Conclusion & Analysis: What does this experiment demonstrate about the inner cone of a Bunsen flame? On the diagram below label the following. Burning Gas, Un-burnt Gas Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall © A. Raper July 2004 22 Check it Out: A student tried the following experiment. S/he quickly placed a piece of paper over the flame of a Bunsen burner. Below is what happened to the paper. Explain what you think this shows. Charred area What does the word Charred mean? Use a dictionary to find out and write its meaning below. © A. Raper July 2004 23 Homework: © A. Raper July 2004 24 MSDS Chemical Safety Data: Copper (II) Sulfate Common synonyms Copper sulfate, copper sulfate, cupric sulfate, cupric sulfate, blue vitriol, copper sulfate pentahydrate, hydrated copper sulfate Formula CuSO4 5H2O Physical properties Form: blue crystalline solid, turning to a white or grey powder if the water of hydration is driven off by heating Stability: Stable. Dehydration temperature: 110 C Water solubility: moderate Specific gravity: 2.28 (hydrated), 3.6 (anhydrous) Principal hazards Harmful if swallowed Safe handling Wear safety glasses. Do not breathe powder. Emergency Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with plenty of water. Skin contact: Wash off with water. If swallowed: Wash out the mouth with plenty of water and call for medical aid Disposal Small amounts of dilute copper sulfate solution can be flushed down a sink with a large quantity of water, unless local rules prohibit this. Protective equipment Safety glasses. Your teacher will give you copies of other MSDS sheets for various substances so you can become familiar with the layout of these sheets. Not all MSDS sheets follow the layout as shown above. Use this site to access MSDS sheets: The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory Oxford University Chemical and Other Safety Information: Bonus: Find out why Copper II sulfate should not be put down the sink. © A. Raper July 2004 25 Lab # 5 Investigating Copper Sulfate Skills: Using the Bunsen burner, heating substances safely, qualitative observations. Problem: To find out about the chemical compound Copper II Sulfate by observations, and heating. Materials: Copper II Sulfate, Procedure: Part 1. Physical Observations. 1. Place a very small amount of the Copper II Sulfate chemical onto a white surface. 2. Use the Magnifying glass to observe the chemical. Record your observations about the Copper II Sulfate in the Chart. 3. Place about 0.5cm of Copper II Sulfate into a clean dry test tube. 4. Add about 2 cm3 of water from a water bottle. 5. Put the rubber stopper into the top of the test tube. 6. Shake the tube carefully and record what happens in your chart. Part 2. Heating the Copper II Sulfate. 1. Light your Bunsen burner observing all safety rules. PUT ON SAFETY GLASSES. 2. Add about 0.5 cm of Copper II sulfate to a dry clean test tube. Using the Test tube tongs heat the test tube of Copper II Sulfate in the BLUE flame. DO NOT POINT THE TEST TUBE AT ANYONE. Keep heating until no more changes occur. 3. Place your HOT tube into the test tube rack to cool. 4. When the tube has cooled so you can easily touch the bottom of the tube add a small amount of water. 5. Record what happens. 6. Dispose of all solutions in the container provided. © A. Raper July 2004 26 Incorrect Correct Observations: Part 1 Copper II Sulfate What do you Observe? Observations with the magnifying glass After Adding water to the Copper II Sulfate Info bit. Crystals that contain water are called hydrated. Copper II sulfate is also known as Copper II sulfate pentahydrate. From this name how many waters are found in a crystal of Copper II sulfate? Use a dictionary if necessary. _____________________________________________________________________________________ © A. Raper July 2004 27 Part 2 Copper II Sulfate Observation What happens when it is heated? What happens when water is added to the cooled tube? Conclusions: Use the following words to complete the sentences. Not all words need to be used. Blue, White, Hot, Dissolves, Solution, Evaporation, condensation, melts, soluble, crystalline, solid, powder, Copper II Sulfate ___________________in water because it is soluble. It forms a blue homogeneous _________________. Physical properties of Copper Sulfate are: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ When the copper II Sulfate solution is heated, the liquid disappears. This is called ___________________. The copper II Sulfate turns _______________________. When water is added to the cooled tube of heated Copper II Sulfate it turns________ and the Tube becomes _____________________. When the Blue Copper II Sulfate is heated it turns from blue to white and a small amount of clear colourless liquid is produced. From your experiment can you suggest what this liquid might be? I think this liquid is ______________________________ How could you test this liquid to be completely sure? CLUE: Look up the Boiling and Melting Points of the liquid you think this is. © A. Raper July 2004 28 Chemical Safety Data: Sodium Hydroxide Common synonyms Caustic soda, soda lye Formula NaOH Physical properties Form: White semi-transparent solid, often supplied as pellets weighing about 0.1g Stability: Stable, but hygroscopic. Absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Melting point: 318 C Water solubility: high (dissolution is very exothermic) Specific gravity: 2.12 Principal hazards Contact with the eyes can cause serious long-term damage The solid and its solutions are corrosive Significant heat is released when sodium hydroxide dissolves in water Safe handling Always wear safety glasses. Do not allow solid or solution to come into contact with your skin. When preparing solutions swirl the liquid constantly to prevent "hot spots" developing. Emergency Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with plenty of water. Continue for at least ten minutes and call for immediate medical help. Skin contact: Wash off with plenty of water. Remove any contaminated clothing. If the skin reddens or appears damaged, call for medical aid. If swallowed: Drink plenty of water and call for immediate medical help Disposal Small amounts of dilute sodium hydroxide can be flushed down a sink with a large quantity of water, unless local rules prohibit this. Larger amounts should be neutralised before disposal. Protective equipment ALWAYS wear safety glasses when handling sodium hydroxide or its solutions. If you need gloves, neoprene, nitrile or natural rubber are suitable for handling solutions at concentrations of up to 70% Link to the Oxford HSci web site Oxford, December 18, 2003 © A. Raper July 2004 29 Chemical Safety Data: Hydrochloric acid Common synonyms None. Formula HCl Physical properties Form: Colourless to light yellow fuming liquid when concentrated; colourless liquid when diluted Stability: Stable, but reacts vigorously or violently with most metals, bases and many other chemicals. Melting point: -25 C (concentrated) Boiling point: 109 C (concentrated) Water solubility: Miscible in all proportions Specific gravity: 1.19 (concentrated), close to 1 (dilute) Principal hazards Contact with the eyes or skin can cause serious permanent damage Concentrated solutions of this acid are extremely corrosive; very dilute solutions are mildly corrosive. Toxic by inhalation - the concentrated solution releases dangerous quantities of hydrogen chloride vapour Safe handling Always wear safety glasses. Do not allow the acid or a solution of it to come into contact with your skin. Wear gloves if handling the concentrated acid. The concentrated acid must always be used in an area equipped with good ventilation, never in the open laboratory. Emergency Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with plenty of water. Continue for at least ten minutes and call for immediate medical help. Skin contact: Wash off with plenty of water. Remove any contaminated clothing. If the skin reddens or appears damaged, call for medical aid. If swallowed: Drink plenty of water and call for immediate medical help. Disposal Small amounts of dilute hydrochloric acid can be flushed down a sink with a large quantity of water, unless local rules prohibit this. Larger amounts should be neutralised before disposal. Concentrated acid should not be flushed down a sink. Protective equipment Always wear safety glasses when handling hydrochloric acid or its solutions. If you need gloves, use neoprene, butyl rubber, natural rubber, or nitrile. When handling the concentrated acid good ventilation is vital. Link to the Oxford HSci web site Oxford, December 31, 2003 © A. Raper July 2004 30 Lab # 6 Chemical & Physical Changes. Pre Lab Discussion: When two chemicals are mixed together, it is possible that a chemical reaction will occur. Observing the mixing of the chemicals should help you decide which combinations are chemical reactions and which are not. Skills: Observing chemical and physical changes and recording the data in a data table. Materials: Safety glasses Bunsen Test tubes Test tube rack Beakers Matches/flint lighter Water bottle Graduated cylinder Scoopula Copper II sulfate Magnesium ribbon Marble chips Sodium hydroxide (caustic) Hydrochloric acid (corrosive) Steel wool Sodium hydrogen carbonate Wooden splints Beaker for waste Safety: In this activity you will be using chemicals that are corrosive and caustic. This means that they will burn if they come in contact with skin. Any spills must be reported immediately and washed off with water. All chemicals must be disposed of in the container provided and NOT down the sink. Procedure: A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B C D © Collect all the equipment that you need. Add 1 scoopula of Copper II sulfate to a clean dry test tube. Add 1mL of water to the tube and shake gently Record you observations in your data table. Repeat steps 2-4 using the marble chips and the Sodium hydrogen carbonate. 6. Make a solution of Copper II sulfate solution by adding about 5 scoopulas of Copper II sulfate to a beaker and adding 10mL of water. Stir to help dissolving. 7. Add a small ball of steel wool (about the size of a dime) to the solution. 8. Record your observations in the data table. 9. 10. Pour about 5mL of dilute Hydrochloric acid into a clean dry test tube Add a piece of magnesium ribbon ( about 2cm long) into the test tube with the acid. Place a stopper loosely into the top of the tube. 11. Test the gas with a lighted splint. Record your data. 12. Repeat steps 9-11 using some Marble chips and Sodium hydrogen carbonate 13 Into a clean test-tube add 5mL of Sodium hydroxide solution 14 Into another test tube prepare a solution of Copper II sulfate. 15. Add the Copper II sulfate slowly to the tube containing the Sodium hydroxide. Record your observations. A. Raper July 2004 31 Observations: Create a data table for this experiment using the following headings: Chemicals added, Observations Chemical/Physical change Analysis and Conclusions: Based on your observations, which combinations of chemicals were chemical reactions and which were physical reactions? Make a table with two columns and list the reactions in the correct column. How could you prove definitely whether a chemical reaction has occurred? Bonus: What is the definition of Precipitate? © A. Raper July 2004 32 Lab # 7 Rust: Exploring Cause and Effect Introduction: The major goal in science is to explain the world around us. Through inventions and technology, people have improved the world. An example of this might be scientists have studied how mosquitoes find people to bite, while inventors have developed ways to protect us from being bitten. Although the scientist and the inventor both have different goals they are both investigating cause and effect relationships. In order to carry out their studies they will both ask questions about the effects on a variable if they change another variable. A variable is something that can change (vary). The variable that causes a change is known as the independent variable while the variable that is affected is the dependent variable. A suggested reason why one variable affects another in a certain way is known as a hypothesis. Scientists and inventors form hypotheses so they can test the relationship between variables. In this lab you are going to design your own experiment about the cause and effect of rusting. You will then conduct the experiment at home and prepare a scientific report on your findings. 1. Background research: You have experienced rusting at some time in your life. It might have been the bike you left outside. Your first job is to research the following questions. Research can include; books, the internet, a person who has some expertise, or your own experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is rust? What conditions are needed for rusting to occur? What materials rust? How can rusting be prevented? How can I test this information to find out my own answers? What resources do I need for my experiment? What variable will I test? How will I test these variables? Complete a concept map like the one below with the information you have researched How will I test these variables? what variables will I test? © A. Raper July 2004 What materials rust? Rust How can I test this information to find my own answers What is Rust? what resources do I need? How can rusting be prevented? What conditions are needed for rusting to occur? 33 2. Hypothesis: From your research suggest a prediction and a hypothesis that you are going to investigate through cause and effect. Prediction:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Hypothesis:____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Procedure: You now have to develop a plan/procedure for your experiment. Include all the materials that you will use and the WHMIS & MSDS safety steps you need to take. Make a chart for your observations. Draw a proper scientific diagram to show how you will set up your experiment. 4. Conduct your Experiment and analyze your data: (This experiment will take about 1 week) Include graphs, charts and photos in your observations. Draw conclusions based on your observations. Your conclusions should refer back to your hypothesis. Were you correct? If not, what would you need to change? 5. Error Analysis: In what ways could you improve on this experiment? Don’t say ‘nothing’, there is always room for improvement. What were the errors of equipment? What were the errors of design? (human error) Write up your final report using all the proper headings and format for a lab. You will be asked to complete the various parts of this investigation at set times and show your work. © A. Raper July 2004 34 Title: Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: Constants Concept Map Due: __________________________________________________ Vee map Due: ______________________________________________________ © Experimental Design diagram Due: _____________________________________ Final Write Up Due: _________________________________________________ A. Raper July 2004 35 Use this diagram to help you plan your work. Ritter B. et al, 1996, Nelson Science 9 (page 26); Nelson Canada © A. Raper July 2004 36 Active Interplay Conceptual (Knowledge) Methodological (Doing) Focus question 1. W hat do I need to know? 2. W hat do I want to find out? Concepts/theories (W hat do I know?) 1. what do I know about the topic? 2. W hat concepts relating to the question do I know? 3. How are the concepts related to each other? Claims (How can I interpret my findings, observations, data? 1. W hat do my data, observations and results mean to me? 2. W hat conclusions can I make from my data? 3. Can my data suggest further hypotheses, further questions? does it refute any existing theories? 4. Can I apply this knowledge in the real world practical situations? 5. Self-reflection - W hat knowledge and skills did I learn? Graphic Organizers (How are the ideas connected?) concept map 1. How do the concepts related to one another? 2. Is the general concept arranged at the top of the concept map? 3. Can I build a heirarchy of concpets? 4. W hat are the possible crosslinks? 5. Are the crosslinks meaningful? 6. Have I included examples of concepts? Events (How can I find answers to my questions?) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Data Collection (W hat did I measure and Observe?) Did I collect data in the form of tables? Did I graph my data? W hat does my graph look like? W hat are possible errors? does my data show trends or patterns? Are there other ways to report my data? 1. W hat apparatus do I need? 2. W hat objects and events must I observe? 3. W hat procedures can I use? 4. W hat did I use? Lab # 8 Density: a relationship between Mass and Volume Introduction: Density is a comparison of two quantitative physical properties mass and Volume. Density allows scientist to compare substances to each other. Other qualities that can also be compared using density are whether something will float or sink when placed in something else. Comparing the density of a substance with water the most common liquid on our planet is known as Specific Gravity. Problem: How are the mass and volume of a substance related? Materials: 100mL Graduated cylinder 250mL beaker Balance Graph paper Safety: If you are using glassware be aware that glass can break and can cut you. Procedure: Make a data table with 3 columns and 12 rows. In the first row label the columns; :Volume of water”, “Mass of cylinder + water”, “Mass of water” In the remaining spaces of the first column write 0,10,20,30,40,etc up to 100. All of your data will be entered on this table. © A. Raper July 2004 37 Volume of water (mL) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Mass of cylinder + water (g) Mass of water (g) Measure the mass of the empty graduated cylinder and record it in your data table. Pour 10mL of water into the graduated cylinder, then use the balance to find the mass. Repeat this step for the different amounts of water. On the graph paper, make a graph and label the horizontal (x-axis) “Mass of water” (g). Label the vertical (y-axis) in 10 equal increments from 10 -100. Label this axis “Volume of water”. Plot a graph of your data. Analysis: Use your graph to predict the mass of 55mL and 95mL of water. Use your graph to predict the volume of 25g and 75g of water. Use your data table to calculate the density of water. Use the formula: Use your graph to find the density of water; slope = rise run Compare the densities obtained using these two methods. How close are they? © A. Raper July 2004 38 Evaluate: In science it is necessary to repeat experiments several times to make sure the data you have is correct and accurate. Another way is to compare your data with the data of someone else who did the same experiment. To save time you will use this second method. In the table below write the density of water from your investigation. Then find 3 other people who did not work together and enter their data. Group Density by calculation Density by graph My data Error analysis: Explain how or why you think the results obtained above are not identical or if they are identical explain why you think this is so? Check out: International System of Units: Print out these pages for future reference (12 pages) © A. Raper July 2004 39 Lab # 9 Density 2: Finding the density of an irregular object. Pre-lab information: When an irregular object is placed in water it will displace its own volume. This volume can then be measured. Skills: Reading a graduated cylinder, using an electronic/triple beam balance, Math: Using equations to solve for an unknown Materials: Balance, Graduated Cylinders of various sizes Overflow cans Objects to measure Safety: Take care when using glass graduated cylinders. Do not drop object into them Procedure: Prepare a data table with 6 columns and at least 5 row. Complete the table as shown below. You will not need columns 3 & 4 if you are using an overflow can. Object Mass (g) Volume in graduated Cylinder (mL) before Volume in Graduated cylinder after (mL) Volume of Liquid (mL) Density of object g/mL Find the mass of one object. Record this in your data table. Use either the displacement method in the graduated cylinder or the overflow can to find the volume of your object. Record in your data table. Repeat using different objects. Check your data with at least 3 other people from different groups. Create a data table to show this. Observations/Analysis: What have you discovered in this activity about the relationship of mass and volume? © A. Raper July 2004 40 Error analysis: What do you consider to be error of equipment? Suggest improvements. What do you consider to be experimental (your) error? Suggest improvements. Extension: Calculate the answers to the following problems. Use the GRASP method in all work. 1. A cube of metal has sides of 4cm, it has a mass of 64g. What is its density? 2. Tom has a 50cm3 bottle completely filled with 163g of a slimy green liquid. What is the density if the liquid. 3. What is the mass of an object that has a density of 8g/cm 3 and a volume of 64cm3 ? 4. What is the volume of 325g of metal with a density of 9.0g/cm 3 ? 5. Sam has bought his girlfriend an engagement ring. The jeweler tells him it is pure gold. Look at the following diagrams and then calculate the density of the ring. Pure gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3 . Has Sam bought the real deal or not? 20mL © A. Raper July 2004 22.64mL 41 Approximate Densities of Some Common Materials Density Kg?m3 Gold 19 300 Lead 11 300 Silver 10 500 Nickel 8 900 Copper 8 900 Iron 7 900 Aluminum 2 700 Magnesium 1 700 Ice 920 Wood (birch) 660 Wood (western cedar) 370 Wood (balsa) 120 Liquids Kg/kL Mercury 13 500 Chloroform 1 500 Glycerol 1 260 Sea water 1 030 Distilled water 1 000 Vegetable oil 920 Isopropanol alcohol 790 Gasoline 690 Gases Kg/m3 Carbon dioxide 1.98 Oxygen 1.43 Air 1.29 Nitrogen 1.25 Helium 0.179 Hydrogen 0.089 Substance Solids g/cm3 19.3 11.3 10.5 8.90 8.90 7.90 2.70 1.70 0.92 0.66 0.37 0.12 g/mL 13.5 1.5 1.26 1.03 1.00 0.92 0.79 0.69 g/cm3 0.001 98 0.001 43 0.001 29 0.001 25 0.000 179 0.000 089 Fluid densities. © A. Raper July 2004 42 Figure it Out: Draw and label a diagram of a liquid density tower here. Use the following liquids: water, cooking oil, Alcohol, Corn syrup, Mercury © A. Raper July 2004 43 Lab # 10 Mass & Chemical Change (Science Power9™ page 179) Introduction: Read the introduction to this investigation. In the space below define what is meant by the “Law of conservation of mass” . Follow the instructions given in the text to carry out this investigation. Create your own data table in your lab note-book to record your observations. Analysis and Conclusions: In what way has your investigation proved or disproved the Law of conservation of Mass? Use your data to analyze the experimental error in this experiment Expected results (g) a Actual results (g) b Degree of error (g) a-b Calculate the degree of error as a percentage; Degree of error X 100 = ________% Expected results A result of +/- 10% is within an acceptable range. If your result is more than 10% suggest reasons why you think this is so. Compare your results with at least 2 other groups. What have you found out? © A. Raper July 2004 44 Lab # 11 Reactivity of Metals Information: Most metals are not found as elements in the earth but combined with other elements to form compounds. One of the most common elements that combines with metals is Oxygen, to form a metal oxide. You have already discovered that Iron combines with Oxygen to form Iron Oxide or Rust. The degree to which a metal will combine with Oxygen is known as its REACTIVITY. Another substance that metals will react with is water or acids to release Hydrogen gas. Again some metals such as the Alkali Metals; Lithium, Sodium, Potassium (Group 1 Elements) will react vigorously with water. The reason for their reaction is that they each only have 1 electron in their last orbit. It is these valence electrons that are responsible for elements reacting with other elements and forming either IONIC or COVALENT compounds. When metals react with non-metals they form IONIC compounds. When non-metals react with other non-metals they form COVALENT compounds. Na + H2O Na+ OH Sodium + Water - + H2 Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen In this reaction the Sodium Hydroxide is an ionic compound, however the combination of Oxygen and Hydrogen (OH -) is a covalent bond between the Oxygen and the Hydrogen. Because new substances are formed, this is a CHEMICAL reaction. In this activity you are going to investigate how some metals combine with oxygen to form Oxides and how they react with water or acid. You will be testing the gas that is produced to prove that it is Hydrogen gas. A property of Hydrogen is that it burns or explodes when a flame is brought near it. This gives a very distinctive ‘POP’ when a flame is put into a test tube with Hydrogen. Another gas that may be produced during a chemical reaction is Carbon Dioxide. Unlike Hydrogen, CO2 does not burn. In fact CO2 will extinguish a flame. So the test for Carbon Dioxide is to put a flame into a test tube and see if the flame is extinguished. During this activity you will be combining all the information you have acquired during this Chemistry Unit and seeing how it all fits together. You will be: Materials: SafetyGlasses, Bunsen burner, Test tubes, rubber stoppers, test tube rack, © A. Raper July 2004 observing and recording Physical and chemical properties using scientific language to describe what you observe using skills of using the Bunsen burner safety skills in the lab using appropriate equipment which you should know by their correct names recording data in a table drawing inferences about what you observe tongs, Graduated Cylinder, Matches, wooden sticks, Magnesium Metal strips, Iron Wool, Copper wire, dilute Acid, Baking Soda – Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (Na H CO3). 45 Procedure: (Part 1) 1. Collect all the equipment you need. 2. Light the Bunsen burner following ALL safety rules. 3. Take a piece of magnesium metal strip, record observations about the magnesium in the data table. 4. Use the TONGS to hold the Magnesium in a medium Bunsen Flame until it catches fire. BE CAREFUL NOT TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE MADNESIUM AS IT BURNS. 5. Record all observations in the data table. 6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 using the Iron Wool, and Copper wire. 7. Clean up your Equipment (Part 2) 1. Collect all the equipment that you need. 2. Measure 5mL of dilute acid into a small graduated Cylinder. 3. Pour the acid carefully into a test tube. BE CAREFUL NOT TO SPILL ACID ON THE LAB COUNTER OR TO GET ACID ON YOUR SKIN. WIPE UP ALL SPILLS WITH WATER, WASH SKIN UNDER WATER. REPORT ALL SPILLS TO TEACHER. 4. Carefully add a piece of Magnesium metal strip to the acid and observe what happens. Record your observations in the data table. 5. Place a rubber stopper loosely in the top of the test tube for about 30 seconds. 6. Light a match and use it to light a long wooden stick. 7. Place the lit wooden stick into the test tube (You will need to remove the stopper quickly so as to not let the gas escape.) 8. Repeat steps 2 – 7 using the Steel Wool and the Copper. 9. Clean up your Equipment. (Part 3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. © Place enough Na H CO3 into a test tube to cover the bottom. Add about 0.5cm of dilute acid to the tube Using a lit wooden stick test the gas that is produced Record your observations in the data table. Clean up your Equipment and return all to its proper place. A. Raper July 2004 46 Observation Data Tables. (Part 1) Metal Appearance before heating Appearance after heating Is this a chemical or physical change? Give reasons Magnesium Steel Wool Copper Wire From this activity what can you say about the chemical property of these three metals to combine with Oxygen? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sometimes Copper is used to make decorative roofs or statues – The Parliament buildings in Ottawa and the Statue of Liberty in New York - These obviously do not look like a copper penny or a copper pipe. They have turned green, this is called PATINA. What substance do you think this might be? Research your answer. © A. Raper July 2004 47 (Part 2) Metal Reaction with Acid Test for Hydrogen Comments Magnesium Steel Wool Copper Wire Which of the three metals is the most reactive with acid? Give reasons for your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What do you think would happen if stronger acid were used? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Which of the three metals from your experience and observations is the least reactive? Give reasons for your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Part 3) Appearance of Na H CO3 © A. Raper July 2004 Appearance of Acid Observations on Mixing 48 What happened when you tested for Carbon dioxide Gas? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ If NaHCO3 is added to Hydrochloric acid (HCl) what do you think the reaction will produce? HINT: Carbon Dioxide will be produced (CO2), Water will be produced (H2O), what does this leave? Na H CO3 + H Cl H2O + CO2 + __________ What types of compounds Ionic or Covalent are formed in this reaction? Give reasons for your answers. Complete the Bohr Rutherford Atomic diagrams showing the valence electrons, protons and neutrons for Magnesium and Oxygen. Explain what type of compound IONIC or COVALENT is formed. Give reasons for your answer. Mg O Write the equation for the chemical reaction between Oxygen and Magnesium. © A. Raper July 2004 49 Lab # 12 Mixture Separation Pre-Lab Discussion: The ability to separate and recover pure substances from mixtures is extremely important in scientific research and industry. Chemists need to work with pure substances, but naturally occurring materials are seldom pure. Often, differences in the physical properties of the components in a mixture provide a clue and the means to separate them. In this experiment you will have the opportunity to design, develop, and implement your own procedure for separating a mixture. Your task will be to plan, and carry out the separation of the mixture, before you do this you will need to first investigate the properties of each component in the mixture. The properties will be used to design your mixture separation. Problem: To separate a mixture provided into the different parts, and evaluate the success of the methods used. Procedure: 1. Obtain separate samples of the separate components of the mixture 2. Use the equipment you have available to make observations of the components and determine their properties. 3. You will need to perform several tests with each substance so don’t use all the sample with the first test. 4. Look at properties like: solubility, does it float or not, is it magnetic. 5. Record your observations in a data table in your lab book. 6. Use the observations of the properties to create a concept map that summarizes your observations and inferences. 7. Create a plan of how you will separate the mixture that includes all the components of the mixture. 8. Review your plan with your teacher. 9. Obtain a sample of the mixture and using the equipment you have available carry out the procedure you have developed. 10. Keep records in your lab book of how successful you were at separating the mixture DO NOT THROW ANY MATERIALS DOWN THE DRAIN, DISPOSE OF THEM IN THE CONTAINERS PROVIDED FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES Conclusions: Evaluating methods: how did you decide the order of your procedural steps? Would any order have worked? Designing Experiments: If you could do this lab over again, what would you do differently? Be specific. Designing Experiments: what equipment that was not available to you would have made your task easier. Applying Ideas: For each of the components in the mixture describe a specific physical property that enabled you to separate the component from the mixture. © A. Raper July 2004 50 Lab # 13 Making Predictions Using Indirect Evidence Pre-Lab Discussion: How do scientists know what the inside of an atom looks like? After all, it is impossible to see inside an atom. Scientists have used observations of how atoms behave to develop a model of atomic structure. These observations are one type of indirect, evidence for the structure of an atom. Another type of indirect evidence comes from making predictions. Based on the model they have developed, scientists predict how atoms will behave in certain circumstances. They design experiments to test these predictions. If the predictions are shown to be accurate, they are taken as additional indirect evidence that the model Is correct. In this investigation, you will use indirect evidence to determine the properties of objects you cannot see. Problem: How can you determine the characteristics of something you cannot observe directly? Materials: (per pair of students) Shoe box, wrapped or with cover, that contains small objects Triple-beam balance Bar magnet Procedure: 1. Obtain a sealed shoe box from your teacher. 2. Without opening the box, perform several tests on the box to determine the characteristics of the contents. Tests might include tipping it, shaking it, sliding it, checking for magnetic attraction, and finding its mass. In each case, record your observations in the Data Table. Observations might include sound or the way the contents behave (roll, slide, etc.). You might also wish to find the mass of an identical box and lid that is empty. The difference in mass would be the mass of the object or objects inside. 3. On the basis of your observations, sketch and label the box and its contents in Figure 1 in Analysis and Conclusions. Observations Describe some of the ways in which you tested the unknown objects to determine their characteristics. Record your descriptions in the Data Table. © A. Raper July 2004 51 Analysis and Conclusions Source: Miller-Levine, Laboratory Manual, 2000, Prentice Hall 1. What senses did you use to determine a model of the object or objects inside the box? 2. How does this investigation compare with the way in which scientists have learned about the atom? 3. Do you think that all the boxes used in this investigation contain the same number and types of objects? What evidence would you use to support your answer? Critical Thinking and Application 1. In what ways could you test the accuracy of your model of the contents of the box without opening the box? 2. What kinds of special instruments could also be used to make indirect observations of the contents of the box? 3. If you used some of these special instruments and found that the results did not agree with what you originally thought to be contained within the box, what would you need to do? 4. If your teacher allows you to do so, open the box and directly observe the object(s) inside or look at a list of the objects contained within the box. How accurate is your indirect determination? © A. Raper July 2004 52 Lab # 14 Polymer Goo Superball Challenge Introduction: It is ‘Take your Kid to Work” day, and you have joined your parent at the toy factory. You are going to work with the Plastics team, who have been trying to develop a new “superball”. You have been assigned the task of finding the correct recipe for this ball. You can make your own Polymer using Borax, water and white glue. Adding food colouring to the mixture improves the appearance. You will start by adding 5g of Borax to 5mL of water and then adding this mixture to 5mL of white glue. Safety: Borax is an irritant when inhaled Information: When borax dissolves in water it forms borate ions, these ions form bonds with the white glue giving the mixture some of the properties of a liquid and some of a solid. As the reaction n continues you will be able to pick up the polymer in your hands. Goal: To find the correct proportions of borax, water and glue to make the best bouncy “superball”. Use no more than 6g of borax in any trial. Remember to change only one variable at a time. Drop the ball from the same height each time and compare the height of the bounce. Identify: The dependent and independent variables, control, trials Experimental design Plans: © A. Raper July 2004 53 Title: Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: Constants Title Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: © Constants A. Raper July 2004 54 Title: Hypothesis: IV Independent Variable Levels of IV including the control Repeated trials DV Dependent variable C: Constants Create a data Table for your ball tests. Conclusions Teacher Demonstrations: 1. Electrolysis of water Problem: How can you show that water is H2O? This demonstration can be done using graphite electrodes and a beaker of acidified water or using the Hoffman Apparatus as shown below. © A. Raper July 2004 55 What do you notice about the volumes of gas collected at the Cathode and at the Anode ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What tests could be carried out to find out which gas is Hydrogen and which gas is Oxygen? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Predict which gas is collected at the Cathode? Give a reason for your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ © A. Raper July 2004 56 2. Action of Potassium/Sodium or Lithium on water. This photograph shows Potassium reacting with water. What is the chemical equation for this reaction? Use these words to write the equation. Water, Potassium Hydroxide, Hydrogen, Potassium Which chemicals are the reactants and which chemicals are the products? Elements such as the Alkali metals are reactive because they will easily give up an electron that is held in their outer orbit. The further away this electron is from the positive attractive force of the protons in the nucleus the easier it is for this electron to be lost in a reaction. Predict the reaction of other elements in this chemical family. Why is Hydrogen also placed in this family even though it is not a metal? 3. Separation of mixtures Distillation © A. Raper July 2004 57 Filtration Evaporation Chromatography: © A. Raper July 2004 58 Science Lab Report Evaluation Rubric assignment # __________ Student Names: Self-evaluation Score: This analytic rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when producing a lab report. If the task has been completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not complete. Category Scoring Criteria Points Lab The hypothesis clearly shows it is based on research. Introduction (Not just a wild guess.) 15 points Research references used to prepare the lab are listed. (There are always research references.) 5 5 Procedures are written during pre-lab preparation and clearly state what is planned. (Procedures are not written in past tense form.) 5 There are no "understood" procedures. (Such as: get out equipment or turn on gas.) 5 Specific formulas or equations for reactions during the lab are shown. (Write these as procedures on the lab report.) 5 "Results" of a procedure are clearly recorded. (Some procedures might not have observations) 5 Observations Measurements, when required, show proper units. 15 points (Write these as observations on the lab report.) Conclusion 20 points 5 Calculations, when required, are clearly shown. (Write these as observations on the lab report.) 5 Summarize the essential lab data. 5 Show how the essential data answers the lab question. 5 Identify the one area of the lab most likely responsible for measurable experimental error. (Think carefully about this one.) 10 Report is neatly printed in ink, with no visible corrections. 10 A diagram of the essential apparatus used in the experiment is drawn in the largest available white space on the front of the lab Presentation report. 25 points (There is always something to draw.) Lab Safety 10 points Selfevaluation Deadline 10 Report is written in such a way that others could accurately duplicate the experiment. 5 No group members were sited for safety violations. (Assigned PPE must be worn at all times.) 10 Score Total Points Teacher Evaluation 5 The question to be answered during the lab is stated. Procedures 15 points Student Evaluation 100 Students are expected to honestly evaluate their own work. If the difference between the student evaluation and the teacher evaluation is more than 10 points, 5 points will be deducted from the teacher's score when the grade is recorded. Lab reports are due at the beginning of class the day after lab. Reports will be accepted at the beginning of class the second day after lab for 3/4 credit. No credit will be given after this time. J. Askew, The Science Room: © A. Raper July 2004 59 Laboratory Performance Checklist CRITERIA PERFORMANCE Pre-Lab Write-Up -Comes to class with pre-lab write-up completed. (Pre-lab consists of the following: title, introduction, materials, apparatus, procedure, and observation chart(s)) Demonstrates a clear understanding of the problem to be investigated, the background theory, and the procedure -Assembles equipment quickly and correctly with little or no assistance or reference to notes -Makes efficient use of time -Displays confidence in own abilities - Follows directions given in class - Handles equipment correctly - Lights a Bunsen burner correctly - Adjusts the Bunsen burner flame properly. - Handles chemicals safely - Reads chemical labels carefully before obtaining samples - Does not contaminate reagent stock bottles - Tests for odours using proper safety procedures - Takes readings accurately and precisely - Cleans glassware before and after use Uses equipment for the purpose it was designed Handles all equipment with care - Records all observations in a neat and organized manner - Attempts to correlate observations to the problem - Has data initialed by the teacher prior to leaving the laboratory - Helpful in group situations - Performs his/her share of the tasks -Disposes unused reagents or products of chemical reactions in proper containers as instructed by the teacher - Washes and returns all glassware to proper storage area - Asks for correct cleaning procedure for glassware that is difficult to clean - Wipes down work bench - Disposes of any paper and other solids as instructed by the teacher - Cleans and dries sinks - Workbench is not cluttered. - Goggles are worn at all times. - Stands while performing experiment. - Performs only authorized experiments. - Informs teacher and disposes of broken glassware and equipment appropriately. - Cleans up spills. - Ties long hair back and tucks in loose clothing. - Handles chemicals with utmost respect and care. - Recognizes and reports unsafe conditions. - Remains beside a lighted Bunsen burner. - Knows the location of safety equipment. - Washes hands after every experiment. Knowledge Setup Technique Equipment Data Co-operation Waste Disposal Clean-Up Safety YES NO Source: S. Szkurhan HamiltonCDSB © A. Raper July 2004 60 The following may be used as a student rating scale for the above checklist of lab performance: Laboratory Performance Rating Scale CRITERIA Pre-lab write up is complete. Demonstrates a clear knowledge of the problem being studied. Follows setup procedures for the investigation efficiently and correctly. Follows specific lab techniques properly. Handles equipment correctly. Records data precisely and completely. Works co-operatively with the group. Disposes of waste correctly. Follows proper clean-up procedures. Observes all safety precautions. RATING SCALE 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 01234 Source: S. Szkurhan HamiltonCDSB © A. Raper July 2004 61 Lab Report Rubric CRITERIA LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Applies few of the required skills and strategies; Applies some of the required skills and strategies; Applies most of the required skills and strategies; Applies all (or almost all) of the required skills and strategies; Introducing concepts/ theory Incomplete summary of background information. Adequate summary of background information. Complete summary of background information. Thorough concise, summary of background information. Understanding the question or problem Poor understanding of the theory or concept of the experiment; Adequate understanding of the theory or concept of the experiment; Good understanding of the theory or concept of the experiment; Thorough understanding of the theory or concept of the experiment; States question in a testable form that identifies a few components needed for a fair test; Restates question in a testable form that identifies some components needed for a fair test; Restates question in a testable form that identifies most components needed for a fair test; Restates question in a testable form that identifies all components needed for a fair test; Formulating the hypothesis Prediction does not relate to problem; Prediction partially relates to problem; Prediction relates to problem and is partially supported by data; Prediction relates to problem and is fully supported by data Designing a plan Develops a set of procedures that are very limited in their appropriateness, efficiency, clarity and/or completeness; Develops a set of procedures that are limited in their appropriateness, efficiency, clarity and/or completeness; Develops a set of procedures that are appropriate but are limited in their efficiency, clarity or completeness; Develops a set of procedures that test the hypothesis and are appropriate, efficient, clear and complete; Identifies and controls few variables Identifies and controls some variables; Identifies and controls most major variables; Identifies and controls all major variables; Follows a few identified procedures to conduct a fair test; Follows some identified procedures to conduct a fair test; Follows all identified procedures to conduct a fair test, and makes some modifications; Follows all identified procedures to conduct a fair test, repeats procedures to test for consistencies, and justifies modifications; Carrying out the plan © A. Raper July 2004 62 CRITERIA Making Observations LEVEL 1 Data is of limited relevance, is limited in scope, and detail and/or contains major inaccuracies; Data is somewhat relevant and insufficient in scope and detail, Display of information lacks accuracy and precision, and is generally disorganized; Display of information is somewhat accurate and precise, and somewhat complete and organized; Concluding LEVEL 3 Data is relevant and sufficient in scope and detail; Display of information is accurate and precise, complete and organized; LEVEL 4 Data is relevant and very extensive in scope and detail; Display of information is accurate and precise; complete and thoroughly organized; Uses scientific terminology with some degree of accuracy, clarity and effectiveness; Uses scientific terminology with accuracy, clarity and effectiveness; Uses scientific terminology with high degree of accuracy, clarity and effectiveness; Some data is recorded using appropriate SI units and format Some data is recorded using appropriate SI units and format Most data is recorded using appropriate SI units and format; All data is recorded using appropriate SI units and format; Relevant data are minimally identified and explained without analysis; Relevant data are partly identified and explained without analysis; Relevant data are identified and explained with partial analysis; Relevant data are fully identified, and explained with thorough analysis; Conclusion is incoherent, illogical or irrelevant, and not supported by the data; Conclusion is not well supported by the data and is not clearly stated; Conclusion is valid, understandable and is mostly supported by the data; Conclusion is valid, clearly and concisely stated and fully supported by the data; Conclusion in a very limited way addresses the original task. Conclusion partly addresses the original task. Conclusion addresses the original task. Conclusion thoroughly addresses the original task. Uses scientific terminology with a limited degree of accuracy, clarity and effectiveness; Analyzing, Interpreting LEVEL 2 Source: S. Szkurhan HamiltonCDSB © A. Raper July 2004 63 Observation Checklist Student: ______________________ Class:_____________ Date:_________ Types of assignments: ___________________________________________________ Teacher Peer Self Date: ______________ Signed:__________________ Date: ______________ Signed: __________________ Date: ______________ Signed: __________________ WORK HABITS Not yet Sometimes Frequently Gets work done on time _______ ______ _______ Asks for help when needed _______ ______ _______ Takes initiative _______ ______ _______ Organizes work _______ ______ _______ Takes good notes _______ ______ _______ Uses time well _______ ______ _______ STUDY HABITS PERSISTENCE Shows patience _______ _______ _______ Checks own work _______ _______ _______ Revises work _______ _______ _______ Does quality work _______ ________ _______ Works well with others _______ ________ _______ Listens to others _______ ________ _______ Helps others _______ ________ _______ SOCIAL SKILLS USE OF EQUIPMENT & SAFETY Works safely _______ ________ _______ Respects equipment _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ Uses equipment properly _______ COMMENTS: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE GOALS: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Source: S. Szkurhan HamiltonCDSB © A. Raper July 2004 64 Internet Resources: The Science Room: EdQuest: Atomic Structure: Chemical The Visual Elements; World Aluminum: The Blast Furnace: The Elements Song by Tom Lehrer: Web Elements: National Research Council: How Stuff Works: Government of Ontario: Powers of ten: The Universe within: Powers of ten: The Particle Adventure: Chemical reactions: Chemistry.Org – American chemical society:\index.html ml © A. Raper July 2004 65 © A. Raper July 2004 66