BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Han, Xiang-Yang Professor of pathology and microbiology EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA DEGREE (if applicable) M.D. M.P.H. Ph.D. YEAR(s) 1984 1987 1994 1995 95-99 FIELD OF STUDY Medicine Epidemiology Microbiology Post-doctoral fellow Residency in pathology NOTE: The Biographical Sketch may not exceed four pages. Items A and B (together) may not exceed two of the four-page limit. Follow the formats and instructions on the attached sample. A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee. 1987-89, instructor of epidemiology, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China 1989-95, post-doc fellow and graduate associate of microbiology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1995-1999, resident physician, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1999-8/2005, assistant professor, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 2005 Sept. to Dec. 2009, associate professor and vice chairman, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 2007 Sept. to Aug. 2011, associate professor and medical director, Regional Care Centers Laboratories, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 2011 Sept. to present time, Professor and medical director, Regional Care Centers Laboratories, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in preparation. Recent Publications selected from 76 peer-reviewed publications. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Han XY, Silva FJ. On the age of leprosy. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Feb 13;8(2):2544. Tran QT, Han XY. Subspecies identification and significance of 257 clinical strains of Mycobacterium avium. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]. Ricci KS, Marrtinez F, Lichtiger B, Han XY. Septic transfusion reactions during blood transfusion via indwelling central venous catheters. Transfusion. 2014, in press. Han XY, Jessurun J. Severe leprosy reactions due to Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Am J Med Sci. 2013; 345:65-69. Han XY, Sizer KC, Tan HH. Identification of the leprosy agent Mycobacterium lepromatosis in Singapore. J Drugs Dermatol. 2012 Feb;11(2):168-72. Han XY, Sizer KC, Velarde-Felix JS, Frias-Castro LO, Vargas-Ocampo F. The leprosy agents Mycobacterium lepromatosis and Mycobacterium leprae in Mexico. Int. J. Dermatol. 2012;51:952-957. Han XY, Tarrand JJ, Dickey BF, Esteva FJ. Helicobacter pylori bacteremia with sepsis syndrome. J Clin Microbiol. 2010;48(12): 4661-4663. 1 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Han XY, Hellerstedt B A, Koller CA. Postsplenectomy cytomegalovirus mononucleosis is a distinct clinicopathologic syndrome. Am J Med Sci. 2010;339 (4): 395-399. Han XY, Sizer KC, Thompson EJ, Kabanja J, Li J, Hu P, Gómez-Valero L, Silva FJ. Comparative sequence analysis of Mycobacterium leprae and the new leprosy-causing Mycobacterium lepromatosis. J Bacteriol. 2009;191 (19): 6067-74. Han XY, Seo YH, Sizer KC, Taylor S, May GS, Li W, Spencer JS, Nair RG. A new Mycobacterium species causing diffuse lepromatous leprosy. Am J Clin Pathol, 130: 856-864, 2008. Han XY, Han FS, Segal J. Chromobacterium haemolyticum sp. nov., a strong hemolytic species. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol, in press, 2008. Han XY. Epidemiologic analysis of reactivated cytomegalovirus antigenemia in patients with cancer. J Clin Microbiol. 45:1126-32, 2007. Han XY. Seasonality of clinical isolation of rapidly growing mycobacteria, Epidemiology and Infection, 2007, Nov 16, on-line edition. LaSala PR, Segal J, Han FS, Tarrand JJ, and Han XY. First Reported Infections Caused by Three Newly Described Genera in the Family Xanthomonadaceae. J Clin Microbiol. 45(2):641-644, 2007. Kapadia M, Rolston K VI, Han XY. Invasive Streptomyces infections: six cases and literature review. Am J Clin Pathol. 127:619-24, 2007 Carlier JP, K’ouas G, Han XY. Moryella indoligenes gen. nov., sp. nov., a new anaerobic bacterium isolated from clinical specimens. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol. 57:725-9, 2007. Han XY, De I, Jacobson KL. Rapidly growing mycobacteria: clinical and microbiologic studies of 115 cases. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 128:612-621, 2007. Han XY, Hong T, Falsen E. Neisseria bacilliformis sp. nov., isolated from human infections. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44:474-9. Han XY, Kamana M, Rolston KV. Viridans streptococci isolated by cultures from blood of cancer patients: clinical and microbiologic analysis of 50 cases. J Clin Microbiol, 44:160-165, 2006. Han XY, Tarrand JJ, Infante R, Jacobson KL, Truong M. Clinical Significance and epidemiologic analysis of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare among non-AIDS Patients. J Clin Microbiol. 43:4407-12, 2005. Han XY, Lin P, Amin HM, Ferrajoli A. Post-splenectomy cytomegaloviral mononucleosis: marked lymphocytosis, TCR-gamma gene rearrangements, and impaired IgM response. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 2005;123:612-7. Han XY and Falsen E. Characterization of oral strains of Cardiobacterium valvarum and emended description of the organism. J Clin Microbiol. 2005;43:2370-4. Han XY, Tarrand JJ, Rice DC. Oral Camylobacter species involved in extraoral abscess: a report of three cases. J Clin Microbiol. 2005;43:2513-5. Han XY and Andrade RA. Brevundimonas diminuta infections and its resistance of fluoroquinolones. J. Antimicrob Chemother. 2005;55:853-9. Lee SA, Raad II, Adachi JA, Han XY. Catheter-related bloodstream infection caused by Mycobacterium brumae. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2004;42: 5429-31. Han XY, Ho LX, Safdar A. Francisella tularensis peritonitis in stomach cancer patient. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 2004;10:2238-40. Han XY, Meltzer MC, Woods JT, Fainstein V. Endocarditis with ruptured cerebral aneurysm caused by Cardiobacterium valvarum sp. nov. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2004;42 1590-5. Han XY, Tarrand JJ. Moraxella osloensis blood and catheter infections: clinical and microbiological studies of 10 cases. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 2004;121:581-8. Cohen MF, Han XY, Mazzola M. Molecular and physiological comparison of Azospirillum spp. isolated from Rhizoctonia solani mycelia, wheat rhizosphere and human skin wounds. Can. J. Microbiol. 2004;50:291-7. Han XY, Tarrand JJ, Escudero E. Infections by the Yeast Kodamaea (Pichia) ohmeri: Two Cases and Literature Review. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004;23(2):127-30. De I, Rolston KV, Han XY. Clinical Significance of Roseomonas species Isolated from Blood and Catheter Samples: Analysis of 36 Cases in Patients with Cancer. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2004;38:1579-1584. Han XY, Pham AS, Tarrand JJ, Rolston KV, Helsel LO, Levett PN. Bacteriologic characterization of 36 strains of Roseomonas species and proposal of Roseomonas mucosa sp. nov. and Roseomonas gilardii subsp. rosea subsp. nov. Am J Clin Pathol 2003; 120:256-64. 2 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Han XY, Weinberg J, Prahbu S, Hassenbusch S, Fuller NG, Tarrand JJ, Kontoyiannis DP. Fusobacterial brain abscess: a review of 5 cases and an analysis of possible pathogenesis. J. Neurosurg. 2003;99:693-700. Pham, AS, De I, Rolston KV, Tarrand JJ, Han XY. Catheter-related bacteremia caused by Gordonia terrae, a nocardioform actinomycetes. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;36:524-7. Pham, A.S., Tarrand JJ, May GS, Lee MS, Kontiyiannis DP, Han XY. Diagnosis of Invasive Mold Infection by Real-time Quantitative PCR. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 2003;119:38-44. Han XY, Pham AS, Tarrand J, Sood PK, Luthra R. Rapid and accurate identification of mycobacteria by sequencing the hypervariable regions of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 2002;118:796-801. Han, X.Y., Anderlini P., Tarrand J. Diagnosis and monitoring of primary cytomegalovirus infection by antigenemia test in stem cell donor. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2002;30:411. Han X.Y., Pham A.S., Nguyen K.U., Smythe W.R., Ordonez N.G., Jacobson K.L.,Tarrand J.J. Pulmonary Granuloma Caused by Pseudomonas andersonii sp. nov. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 2001;116:347-53. Han X.Y., Wu S.H., Conway D.H., Pawel B.R., Punnett H.H., Martin R.A., de Chadaravian J.P. Truncus arteriosus and other internal anomalies in Goltz syndrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 2000;90:4548. Han X.Y., Truant A.L. The detection of positive blood cultures by the Accumed ESP-384 system: the clinical significance of three day testing. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 1999;33:1-6. Han XY, Galloway DR. Active site mutations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A: analysis of the histidine 440 residue. J Biol Chem 270:679-84, 1995. Woziak DJ, Han XY, Galloway DR. Construction and use of a nontoxigenic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the production of recombinant exotoxin A. Appl Env Microbiol 61:1739-44, 1995. Han XY, Wu ZM, Yuan GJ, Xu ZY. Vaccination against Japanese encephalitis and long-term change of the disease prevalence in Shanghai. Acta Academiae Medicinae Shanghai 15:280-4, 1988. Han XY, Ren QW, Xu ZY,Tsai TF. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulins M, A, and G in Japanese encephalitis. J Clin Microbiol 26:976-8, 1988. C. Research Support. List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and your role (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator, Consultant) in the research project. Do not list award amounts or percent effort in projects. Start-up fund (1999-2004) from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, to establish a molecular microbiology laboratory for basic and translational research, role - P.I., completed with 8 published papers University Cancer Foundation grant from M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (April 2003 to March 2008), rapid identification of unknown bacteria and acid-fast bacilli by 16S rDNA sequencing, role – P.I., completed with 10 publications Diagnostic Products Corporation sponsored grant, (2008 to 2012), detection of IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma, role-PI, completed with one publication. 3