FRAGMENTS ETHICS The project follows Research Counsel`s

The project follows Research Counsel’s ethical principles which demand informed consent and the protection of the
participant's integrity and personal information (confidentiality) and guarantees anonymity. Participants will be given
an opportunity to take part in the results of the studies they have contributed to. The collected materials will be used
exclusively for the purposes of research.
systematic research
the internationalization of Swedish higher education
The project will be undertaken by scholars in History,
Sociology and the Sociology of Education. It will draw on a wide range of materials, including national statistics,
archive material, and interviews.
The network brings proven capability, expertise and synergies to a program of research on the development of
educational practice. In doing so, it contributes (a) to an emerging literature of research in practice theory, and (b)
focuses the practice theory research program squarely on the development of educational/pedagogical practice.
“Nyare analyser visar också att utbildning inte bara formar studenters identitet att bli effektiva medborgare
på arbetsmarknaden, utan i allt högre utsträckning behöver förhålla sig till en pågående diskussion om
kosmopolitanism och utbildning (se t.ex. Roth 2010b, 2010c).”
New studies show that education not only prepares students for the labor market, but also increasingly expects to
train them in cosmopolitanism and global citizenship. (Roth 2010)
Roth, K. (2010) Good Will: Cosmopolitan education as a site for deliberation, Educational Philosophy and Theory,
Special issue (published online March 22, 2010)
The project will present a significant contribution to the ongoing discussion about the role of higher education in the
educating of students for successful work in cosmopolitan environment and world citizenship necessary for
professionals with career within global Software Engineering.
Andersson, T. (2008) “Globaliseringen och den högre utbildningen”. Underlagsrapport nr 10 till Globaliseringsrådet.
Held, D. (1995) “Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance”, California:
Stanford University Press.
Johansson, J. (2007) “Learning To Be(come) A Good European”, Linköping Studies in Arts and Science No 417.
Linköpings universitet.
Gargano addresses student mobility as well as networking and exchange of ideas
Gargano, T. (2009), “(Re)conceptualizing International Student Mobility: the Potential of Transnational Social Fields”,
Journal of Studies in International Education, 13 (3): 331–346.
Rizvi studies international students strategic choices made in order to meet the global job market
Rizvi, F. (2005) “International Education and the Production of Cosmpopolitan Identities”, RIHE International
Publication Series 9.
Marginson and Sawir (2005), create a modell of ”global flows” in relation to higher education with starting point in i
Appadurais cultural analysis (1996) and Castell’s global networks (2000).
Marginson, S. & Sawir E. (2005) Interrogating global flows in higher education. Globalisation, Societies and
Education 3 (3): 281-309
Appadurai, A. (1991) “Global ethnoscapes: notes and queries for a transnational anthropology”. I R Fox (ed)
Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Castells, Manuel (2000) The rise of network society. Oxford: Blackwell.