Malin Wik 1. Om du var en del av styrelsen, vad skulle du kunna

Malin Wik
1. Om du var en del av styrelsen, vad skulle du kunna bidra med? (Egenskaper,
kunskaper, tid etc.)
If I was to be a member of the Ängsbacka association board I would bring my
extended experience of living and working at Ängsbacka in sevral different capacities
over the past 6 years. My main contribution; presence, willingness to support
cooperation, clarity and honesty. I have a couple of years of Sociocracy
training/practice and harbour a great curiosity for finding out more about how we
together can create the most supportive environment for manifesting our vision in
everyday life as well as long term. I would commit to attending the board meetings
and other gatherings with the group and if it was the wish of the group I would like to
offer and further develop my facilitation and leadership skills, so I would also take
responsibility for dedicating enough time for that to happen.
2. Vad är din roll på Ängsbacka idag och hur tror du att den kommer att utvecklas i
I am currently working as a part of the daily running of Ängsbacka, all year round. I
coordinate the practical work around the courses and as the summer comes along I
will be more involved in the creation of the volunteer program and related
coordination. I believe that me being a part of the board would further support that
the vision of Ängsbacka is an alive aspect of the daily working and living together. I
see that working on the board will offer me a broader perspective, it requires that I
somehow "raise above" the day-to-day business and from there look at Ängsbacka
and our possibility for positive development. I enjoy shifting focus like that and see
how we together can maintain our core values in all that we do.
3. Hur förhåller du dig till det åtagande och ansvar som styrelsearbete medför (se
bifogad fil om styrelsearbetet), samt hur ser du på långsiktighet i ditt engagemang i
I see that I am motivated to take on the duties of a board member. I have been a part
of the board before (2 years ago), so there is previous first hand experience and
insight around what it takes regarding time and dedication. The challenge, and at the
same time the greatest gift to give and receive, is to stay in heart's connection and
know that it takes quite some awareness and willingness to truly work for the greater
good and to know when to leave the personal preferences behind. Working as a part
of the board offers a platform for practicing staying true to all of our guidelines!
4. Vilka anser du vara de viktigaste frågorna för Ängsbacka nu?
I would say that top priority for the association right now is to go on contributing to the
positive development of the core business within Ängsbacka AB. The Owner's
Directive is a good start and the more Ängsbacka association can be a part of
supporting autonomy within the vital parts of the organisation, the better!
Key words:
- Program development
- Financial creativity, awareness and stability
- Sustainable solutions for environment (physical and non-physical)
Other than this I believe that the embodiment of our core values and Living It! in our
daily lives, letting them show in all our relationships and other commitments is the
greatest challenge and gift that Ängsbacka and it's peole can offer to the world.
Also, the Forest Dream Project appeals to me and I absolutely think that Ängsbacka's
engagement in the local community is of great value, for Ängsbacka and the
community also!
5. Tillåt dig själv att drömma fritt, var ser du att Ängsbacka befinner sig om 5 år? Säg
något om hur vi tar oss dit.
In 5 year's I believe that Ängsbacka has grown up to be an even more responsible
and authentic organism on multiple levels! I think that the organisational structure is
thriving and supports informed decisions followed by well performed manifestations
of a program and other offerings that truly reflect our vision. There is an overall
balance and sustainability that stems from a raised awareness around our assets and
gained knowledge of how we can find and develop elegant solutions for
resourcefulness (money, land, people etc.)
People in the organisation take full responsibility for their own experience of life.
Ängsbacka's program and structure support people in resting at the core of their
being and all engaged in the organisation have knowledge, confidence and a sense
of purpose in relation our shared vision. Through offering a program and structure
that focus on aspects of life such as explorations of the Self and how to relate and
co-create in togetherness with other human beings, the organisation has refined the
ways in which the flavours and colours of all of us all as individuals are honored!