Session Report Cover Sheet SESSION CODE: OTHE - 04 Name of Convener(s): Hideyuki Takahashi (JOICFP) Choijil Semjidmaa (Mongolian family Welfare Association) Akihiko Katayama (Redox Technology Company) DATE: 16 - March, 2003 Session Title: Safe Motherhood and Water Sub-title: A New Partnership with NGO and High-technology Business Sector for the World Water Issues Accommodation: Hoken Kaikan Shinkan, Ichigaya Tamachi 1-10, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan Contact information in Japan Contact No.: Telephone: 81-3-3268-5875 Fax: 81-3-3235-9774 Contact E-mail: htakahashi@ Session Report SESSION CODE: OTHE - 04 Reporter/Rapporteur: 1. Hideyuki Takahashi, Director of Resource Development and Campaign, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) 2. Mrs. Choijil Semjidmaa, Executive Director, Mongolian Family Welfare Association 3. Mr. Akihiko Kakayama, President, Redox Technology Company 4. Mrs. Alison Furuko, JOICFP Contact E-mail : htakahashi@ 1.Key Issues 1) Correlations between population increase and shortage of clean & safe water in the world is under-estimated. 2) Only 2.53% of all water on the planet is fresh water while the remainder is salt water. The two thirds of freshwater is locked up in glaciers and permanent snow cover. Only 0.5% is accessible groundwater or surface water for human purpose. This indicates that development of groundwater is not valid solution for future but it may cause the serious ground subsidence in the world if the water development management was not done well. 3) Global population has tripled over the past 70 years and water use has grown six-holds as a result of industrial development and increased use of irrigation. By 2025, people in the world could be using 70% of total available freshwater on the earth because of the population growth alone. If per capita consumption everywhere reached the level of more developed countries, people could be using 90% of available water by 2050. 4) There is no substitute of water for human development and survival in the world unlike food, shelter and clothing. 5) Efficacy of water use and technology development for freshwater are essential for survival of human being in the world. 6) Freshwater resources are reduced by pollution and 2 million tons of waste per day are disposed of within receiving waters, including industrial wastes and chemicals, human waste and agricultural waste. 7) Safe motherhood initiative in Millennium Development Goals (MGD) to reduce the maternal mortality is closely related to access to the safe and clean water. However, “Safe Motherhood and Water” has not obtaining the relevant interest and concern because of little integrated approach and development on this issue. 8) Water-born infectious diseases are not decreasing but still prevailing in the world. 1 2.Actions 1) Integrated approach and development between safe motherhood and water will be incorporated into the assistance project in the field of population and development. 2) Collaboration with business sector having high technology to contribute to the world water issues will be developed and demonstrated. 3) Inter-sectoral project design and implementations will be developed to contribute to the water issues at communities in the developing countries. 4) Information of the Japanese vanguard high technology of JOICFP’s collaborating business sector to produce 100% chemical-free electrolyzed freshwater from any surface water, harvested rainwater and ground water for a) disinfecting and sterilizing medical & nursing facilities of hospitals, clinics and dispensaries to reduce infectious diseases b) controlling food sanitation and hygiene in food factories and restaurants c) controlling hygiene and cleaning for washing agricultural products d) reducing the industrial polluted water to conserve natural environment e) demonstrating academically proved and clinically tested evidences having collaborated with the academic circles and relevant medical societies. 3.Commitments 1) JOICFP in collaboration with the high technology business sector in Japan will make an effort in the NGO capacity of providing the relevant information contributing to water, population, safe motherhood, child survival and environmental issues in the world. 2) JOICFP will incorporate some small-scale water components into the project design and implementation in developing the community development project in developing countries in collaboration with funding agencies. 4.Recommendations 1) User-friendly lists of the relevant high-technology information for the world water issues and/or water related issues should be developed and be accessible for exchange of information and seeking partnership among the donors, international agencies, NGOs and business sectors. 2) Donors list for water issues should be developed and distributed to the participated countries and organizations. 2